
Silent Moment

Thick snow covered Seoul as it continues to fall. 

The sound of footsteps echoed in a neighborhood in the middle of night as a man runs, trying to be quite as a mouse. His footsteps become faster and faster although he is out of breath. The man can't keep himself from looking back as he runs to see if the cops are stitll after him.

"Looks like.. I got away.. again," the man breath heavily as he stop running in a dark alley. He continues, "that was close." Running fingers through his hair, the man smirks until...

"Put your hands up! You don't have anywhere to run now." A police man pointed his gun to the man, leaving him dumbfounded. The police man looks sweaty and was catching his breath, tired like him.

"Maybe it's time." The man brought his hand up in the air and the police handcufed the man as he says, "Byun Baekhyun, at this time, I'm placing you under arrest for attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, however, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you by the state. Do you understand the rights that I have just read to you?"

Baekhyun chuckles. "Yes, I understand~ Could you just take me to the police station faster?" He smiled.


"So, Byun Baekhyun. 2 years ago you were trying to kill Kim Junmyeon. But luck was not on your side, he survived in the hospital. The wound you left by stabbing him is not too serious. Still remember?" The detective in his early 40s raised his left eyebrows, waiting Baekhyun to answer. 


He sighs, "straight to the point, why you tried to kill him?" his eyebrows furrowed to the center.

"It's not me." Baekhyun muttered. He looked to the empty table in front of him. The empty and gloomy room made both of them tensed up. 

The detective scoffed. "Do you think I would believe it? The victim himself said that he was sure it was you!" He finally burst in anger. "2 years, how did you even manage to live as a runaway?"

Baekhyun bited his lower lips, his eyes were glaring straight into the man's eyes. "Well, if you don't believe me. Just arrest me then. So the real suspect can go around freely and kill more people." 

"Stop talking sh*t and just tell me why did you try to kill him in the first place." 

"I was framed." Baekhyun finally reveals.

"What?" The detective was speechless. Who thought the person they had been chasing around for 2 years was not the real criminal they are searching for? Unfortunately, he is not falling for it.

"Evidence. Do you have it?" He tilted his head slightly and stares to Baekhyun's brown eyes.

Baekhyun smirks, his empty gaze were still on the table, avoiding eye contact with the man in front of him. "If I had the evidence to prove that I am innocent, do you think I would be a runaway?" 

The detective lock his hand together and restes his chin on them, thinking what trick he should do to get Baekhyun confess his crime.

This won't do, he's different. Thought the detective.



The door open as a tall man with grey fuzzy turtleneck sweater entered the other side of the room which allows him to see Baekhyun being questioned. There, two men with were watching Baekhyun with their arm crossed. Two of them were in their early 30s.

"Oh, Chanyeol! You missed the show," says the police officer in his early 30s. "that kid has some guts to lie unlike his looks." 

Chanyeol's eyes widened playfully, "Really?" He chuckles as his eyes moved to Baekhyun in front of him, only a thick tinted glass seperates them. Chanyeol brought the turtleneck sweater up to his mouth, covering it. Have we met before?



"Why,.. don't you have any evidence?" asked the detective. He seems interested.

Baekhyun brought himself closer to the detective as he rested both of his elbows on the table, "Me? No evidence?" He smiled widely like a kid who just got candies. He pointed his forefinger to himself and whispers, "I'm like a shih tzu," then pointed his forefinger upward, "there's a bulldog over me, and maybe there's a german shepherd over the bulldog." Baekhyun looks at him with his piercing stare.

Looking confused, the detective cleared his throat and blinked his eyes. "What's your point?" 

Baekhyun's expression turned dull. "So where do you think all the evidence went?" 

The detective could not say anything.


"Do you think he's telling the truth?" says Leeteuk as he sips his coffee. 

"Of course not, he's just playing with us to get away. How can you be so dumb?" replies Yunho, nudging Leeteuk.

"I'm older than you jerk, use formalities with me." His mouth set in a hard line, pretending to hit Yunho with the plastic cup. "Chanyeol, what do you think?" beamed Leeteuk.

"You're always nice to that new kid" muttered Yunho under his breath, pouting his lips slightly.

"I am not deaf yet." replies Leeteuk. "Plus he is not that new. He had been here for almost two years. When are you gonna stop calling him the new kid?" 

"That's new for me. Well, till he is fifty." says Yunho.

Chanyeol only laugh, the two of his senior can't never stop bickering although just for a day and that cheers him up. "I'm not very sure. What if he told the truth?" Chanyeol's eyes lit up.

Leeteuk heaved a sigh, pinching his nose bridge. "In this world full of celebrities, all people tried to be like them. So what did they do? They try to copy them." 

Yunho glanced to the older man, "So?" He doesn't understand, as well as Chanyeol, looking confused as ever with the sudden mention of celebrities out of nowhere.

Leeteuk pressed his lips into a thin line, "I didn't know you guys were this dumb.. That Baekhyun guy, he is acting! He is so good at acting that he should become an actor instead." 

Chanyeol laughs as he finally understand although it is not a joke, breaking the awkward silence in the room. 

"Whatever, you try so hard to look cool, trying to be like detective Lee." teases Yunho. The corner of his lips tucked upward.






Chapter one is up~ This is just the beginning and it's 2:!3 am here;; my brain couldn't squeeze any idea anymore.

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