Before the Sunset


Hi. :) 
I happen to have this massive crush on G-Dragon and I decided to write a fanfic with him. Since I like 2NE1 and his biggest ship on Earth is with Dara, and I adore her, I wanted to give it a try. 
I don't imagine how it will go or how my story will be, I am as clueless as you, haha. So give me support by upvoting, subscribing and commenting. Thank you! 
Have fun reading.


"She is in this room, sir." 
Daesung nodded towards the man who was accompanying him before entering where he was indicated to.
The place was small and cold. It would be completely dark if it wasn't for a piece of light that came through the curtains, revealing an undone bed and a chair in front of the window. He could see a figure sitting in there.
"Excuse me" he cleared his throat, taking a step closer to whom he thought to the be the person he came to look for "You are Park Sandara, aren't you?" he asked, already sure of the answer.
The woman remained silent. She was staring at something that not even her knew what it was. 
"I don't have a visitor for a while now" she spoke ruskily, not daring to divert her busy gaze "Do I know you?" 
"No, you don't; but I know you" Daesung replied.
Sandara chuckled.
"Of course you do. You wouldn't be here and they wouldn't let you in if you didn't have a good reason to see me. The real question is: what do you want from me?" 
He grinned, finally understanding why he was sent there.
"They told me you are a smart one. The smartest from the Parks, if I am not mistaken" he took a place in her bed, resting his elbows on his knees.
"That was my father, Park Joong" she corrected him "But I have his genes, so you can say part of my brain is like his." 
"And by being that wise, I suppose you ma'am don't want me to waste your time with nonsense talk and just jump to what really matters, am I right?" 
Sandara sighed, turning her chin towards him. Her face was the same of an angel. Her brown hair was messy, as if it hadn't been combed for months, but he still couldn't find another word but beautiful to define her.
"What is your name?" she asked.
"Kang Daesung, ma'am." 
"Mr. Kang Daesung, do I look like a busy woman whose time can't be wasted?" she inquired, raising one of her eyebrows "It's been three weeks since I was allowed to leave this room. I stare at these boring white walls twenty-four hours a day."
Daesung sighed.
"I am sorry to hear that, Mrs. Park. But this is exactly what I am here for" he glanced at the door, checking if someone could be spying on them. Negative. 
Sandara furrowed her eyebrows, not understanding a thing. 
Leaning in closer to her, Daesung whispered. 
"I am going to free you." 


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Evol-erf #1
Update please