Rooftop Romance Pt. 2

Rooftop Romance

Word Count: 7.8 k

Rating: PG/PG13

Theme(s): Fluff/angst

Summary: Second and final installment of Rooftop Romance! Please read, comment, and enjoy ~

Rooftop Romance Pt. 2

Graduation Day


“Yah, Tae, stop spacing out!” Jimin whined to his friend as they walked to the gym with the rest of their class, the mid December wind whipping their hair as they entered the gym, nearly everyone layered in sweats and jackets.


“It’s so cold,” Taehyung groaned, rubbing his hands together as their coach began regulating tasks to some of the other students.



“What are we doing again?”


“We’re playing indoor soccer with the second years. If that brat beats me again, I don’t know what I’ll do,” Jimin seethed, Taehyung looking down at his hyung and laughing.


“Oh, I have a few ideas as to what you can do with that brat,” Taehyung teased as he spied the brat in question.


His name was Jungkook, and he was tall, a point of envy for Jimin, as well as lean and muscular, with black hair that fell into his eyes and a grin that usually brought a blush to Jimin’s face.


“Yah, shut up!” Jimin hissed, smacking Taehyung as he ducked behind his lanky body, doing his best to avoid detection as Jungkook’s gaze turned to Taehyung, head cocked in confusion. Taehyung wiggled his brows at him before taking a huge step sideways, revealing his blushing and pissed off hyung. Jungkook’s face lit up with a grin as he jogged over, Jimin promising death to Taehyung under his breath.


“Hyungs! Ready to play?” He asked, barely looking at Taehyung, who didn’t mind at all, Jimin crossing his arms and refusing to angle his head to look up at Jungkook.


“If you mean ready to play and beat your , then yes,” Jimin countered, shoulders stiff as Jungkook leaned in and whispered something Taehyung couldn’t hear, but from the blush that rose in Jimin’s cheeks as Jungkook sauntered off, he could guess.


“Look’s like someone's getting confident,” Taehyung said, whistling low at Jimin’s face, his clenched fists shaking as coach lined up the two classes in separate lines and divided the students into teams.


“Hey, switch with me,” Jimin insisted, so he could be on the team opposite Jungkook. Taehyung gave in easily, rolling his eyes before checking his phone.


Ah, let’s just got to 4th already! I want to see Hoseok, Taehyung groaned to himself as he was assigned to Jungkook’s team, Jimin staring daggers at the two as they took to opposite sides of the field.


“Let Taehyung be goalie!” Jungkook said to the team, all of which quickly agreed with him, even the third years, because of his reputation as an athlete.


“Yah, why can’t you let Amber or Yugyeom be goalie,” Taehyung whined playfully to Jungkook as he made his way to the net, running a hand through his hair before falling into some quick stretches as the rest of the team organized themselves.


“But hyung, you’ve got the biggest hands!” Jungkook joked, the team laughing as Taehyung flipped him off, the coach choosing to ignore the gesture as he started the game.


Jungkook moved quickly across the field as he took the ball, but made a point to pass it to as many people as possible, so that nearly everyone on the team got a chance to play before the ball swept past the opposing team's goalie. Everyone cheered as they started over, the ball in the possession of the other team, when the gym door opened behind Taehyung, cold air tugging at his hair as he instinct, as if he could sense who it was.


“Hoseok,” he whispered, a small, secret smile stealing his lips as a surprised Hoseok returned his grin, a stack of papers in his hands that he readjusted as he headed for the coach.


“Saem, what are you -?”




            ---            ---            ---

Taehyung groaned, his eyes still closed, a lump of something on his head as he struggled to sit up, but met resistance. Finally, he opened his eyes, a blurry but obviously worried figure hovering above him, his hands on Taehyung’s shoulders as he tried to keep him from sitting up.


“H-hoseok?” Taehyung murmured, his throat dry, his head pounding as if he were hungover.


I can’t be hung over. The last thing I remember is -


“Tae, just lay down. You took a pretty bad hit to the head, but I’m happy to see you awake,” Hoseok said, Taehyung’s vision clearing as Hoseok moved to prop Taehyung up on his pillows, his calming scent of clean clothes and warm cinnamon putting him at ease. Hoseok leaned over him, his vulnerable throat all Taehyung could see as he struggled to swallow, but before he could make a move, Hoseok had pulled back to his seat at Taehyung’s side.


“Who got me?” Taehyung asked, Hoseok unwilling to meet his eyes as he looked down at his fidgety hands.


“It was Jimin. He started crying when you passed out, but Jungkook is busy comforting him,” Hoseok said, smiling a little.


“Hopefully they’ll make some progress,” Taehyung said, offering Hoseok a small smile as he finally lifted his eyes to Taehyung’s. His eyes were red and swollen, his cheeks still damp with tear tracks, as Taehyung’s eyes widened in surprise, Hoseok’s eyes filling with fresh tears.


“Hoseok-ah, what’s wrong, why are you crying?” Taehyung whispered, leaning forward to take Hoseok’s hand as he wiped his tears with the other, a wave of dizziness taking him as he moved, but he did his best to ignore it.


“I w-was so s-scared,” He choked out, trying to cover his mouth with his hand so Taehyung couldn’t hear him sob, but Taehyung pulled his hand away as he leaned forward and embraced Hoseok, wrapping his arms around him firmly as Hoseok cried into his shirt.


“It’s okay, Hoseok, I’m right here. I’m not going to go anywhere. I’ve worked too hard getting you to like me, and it’s almost graduation, how could I just go and kick the bucket now?” Taehyung said, Hoseok laughing at his bad joke as he slowly pulled away and wiped at his eyes.


“I’m just glad you’re okay. When I saw you hit the ground, and then the blood, I just, I couldn’t think. I just dropped everything and went to your side, and when you weren’t breathing -,”


“I stopped breathing?” Taehyung asked, shocked, Hoseok nodding as he ran a shaky hand through his unkempt hair, which was usually so neat.


“And then I had to, ah, give you mouth to mouth, and you woke up for a moment before passing out again, but you kept breathing after that so -,”


“You have got to be kidding me,” Taehyung groaned, falling back on his pillows as he cursed his passed out self.


“I can’t believe you kissed me on the lips for the first time and I wasn’t even conscious for it!” Taehyung exclaimed, looking over at Hoseok who was blushing and laughing at his student.


“Yah, it wasn’t a real kiss, I was trying to save your life, and besides, it was my fault - oh,” Hoseok said, cutting himself off as Taehyung took his teacher’s hands in his and scooted closer, his eyes level with Hoseok’s.


“It was not your fault. Thank you, Hoseok,” Taehyung whispered, eyes wavering from Hoseok’s eyes to his lips as he swallowed, leaning in without thinking, his dry lips brushing Hoseok’s. They were warm and trembling, as were the hands that Taehyung held between them, and Taehyung pressed his lips to Hoseok’s a little harder before pulling back.


“Just a little something to get you through to graduation,” Taehyung whispered huskily, winking at Hoseok before dropping his hands.


“Taehyung, after graduation, I don’t think we should -,” Hoseok started, but was cut off when the school nurse whisked the curtain back, Hoseok immediately bolting from his chair.


“Jin hyung, thank you for taking good care of my student, I’ll be going now,” Hoseok said as he hurried away, Jin looking at Taehyung with a raised brow as Taehyung shrugged in pretend confusion, trying to erase what Hoseok had left unsaid from his mind.


“You really shouldn’t ,” Jin said as he walked to Taehyung’s side, his stethoscope already in his ears as he checked Taehyung’s heart rate and breathing.


“But he’s so cute when I ,” Taehyung explained as Jin pulled his stethoscope back and placed it around his neck once more.


“I’m sure,” Jin said, rolling his eyes as he pulled the clipboard from the other side of the bed and clicked his pen.


“Don’t you have a health class to be teaching, saem?”


“Yes, but then someone had to go and get themselves knocked out,” Jin said, looking pointedly at Taehyung, who blushed as he laughed.


“Well, you seem to be doing fine. And everything looks normal, but I think you should stay here or go home -,” Jin started, but was cut off by the bell signaling fourth period.


“Sorry, saem, I’ve got a Lit class to get to,” Taehyung said, doing his best to hide his grimace of pain with a grin and a wink as he stood and grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair, his uniform still in his locker.


“Here, at least let me give you a clean shirt,” Jin said, rolling his eyes as he walked to the cabinets by his desk and pulled out a clean black t shirt, Taehyung tossing his white one in the trash, the blood on the collar long dry.


“Here, take this too, and try not to do anything stupid, yeah?” Jin asked, handing Taehyung a bag of pretzels and a bottle of juice.


“I make no promises, saem,” Taehyung said teasingly, Jin groaning behind him as Taehyung headed for his favorite class.


He must be doubting our relationship again, Taehyung thought to himself as he navigated the busy hallways.


Guess I’ll just have to prove it to him, Taehyung told himself as he walked, determination to make Hoseok his lengthening his step.


            ---            ---            ---

With finals and graduation coming in just a week, most students in Taehyung’s grade were somber and nervous, but Taehyung was doing his best not to let the stress get to him, and was even humming to himself as he sat in his desk with just a minute to spare, Hoseok so busy setting up at the podium that he hadn’t even noticed Taehyung walking by.


“Taehyung, I am so sorry -,” Jimin cried as he reentered the classroom and spotted his injured friend, his eyes wide as he took in the bandage on the side of his head while handing over his friend’s uniform.


“Thanks, and Jimin, don’t worry about it, accidents happen. Besides, I heard a certain little brat was busy comforting you, huh?” Taehyung asked, raising his eyebrows suggestively as Jimin sniffled and laughed, punching him lightly in the arm as he took his seat beside him, Hoseok busy calling for attention at the front.


Taehyung got comfortable, pulling his hood up to cover his cold ears as he broke into his pretzels and bottle of juice, relishing the look of surprise and the flush of blood in Hoseok’s cheeks when he spied Taehyung in his usual seat in the back, next to the window. Taehyung winked, and Hoseok lost his place in the Literature textbook, the students laughing and joking comfortably with him as he regained his composure.


But what should I do to let him know that this is okay? That he loves me and I love him? What else can I say to -


“Tae!” Jimin hissed, pinching his side, as Taehyung took his eyes from the window to find nearly everyone in class looking at him expectantly, including Hoseok, who had apparently pulled out the slip of paper with his name on it.


“Yes, saem?” Taehyung asked, standing.


“Will you please open your textbook and read the poem on page 476?” He asked, his eyes anywhere but on Taehyung, that doubt creeping into his heart again as Taehyung pulled his hood down, revealing the bandage.  


“Yes, saem,” Taehyung said, pulling his textbook up to eye level as he thumbed the pages, the poem on 476 one that was oddly familiar from his middle school days. He had memorized this poem for an art show case his last year in middle school, and found that the words were still there, in the back of his mind, as he raised his eyes to Hoseok’s and recited it perfectly.


“By Na Tae Joo,” he started, swallowing before he continued, his eyes never wavering from Hoseok’s.


“It’s okay even if you don’t understand how much I love you,

My feelings for you belong to me only,

Because my own longing overflows too much,

I can now love you on my own without seeing you.”


Taehyung closed his book and sat down, Hoseok’s eyes wide, his cheeks hot and his hands cold.


“Thank you, Taehyung. Students, please take the rest of this class for self study. Exams are next week, so study well. I will be right back,” Hoseok said, keeping his composure before rushing out quickly, but no one took any notice, nor did anyone but Jimin notice when Taehyung slipped out behind him, the class too busy chatting.


Swallowing the dizziness, Taehyung bounded up the stairs, the door to the roof swaying slightly in the breeze as he pushed it open.


He quickly found Hoseok on the other side of the roof, sitting against the wall with his head in his hands. Taehyung didn’t say anything, just sat down next to him and took his hand and squeezed it. Hoseok jumped, wiping his eyes dry as he looked up at Taehyung.


“Me getting hurt wasn’t your fault,” Taehyung said, with such conviction that Hoseok couldn’t hold his gaze.

“If you hadn’t been looking at me -,”


“Then I would’ve gotten the ball straight to my face. It’s not like I was paying attention to begin with, because -,” Taehyung stopped short, blushing a bit.


“Because what?”


“Because I was thinking about you,” Taehyung mumbled, his ears reddening against his black hair and tan skin, laughter that Hoseok could not hold back bubbling to his lips.


“Why were you even thinking about me?” Hoseok asked once the laughter subsided.


“Because I love you. Don’t you know that by now?” Taehyung asked, his deep voice sending shivers and tingles up and down Hoseok’s spine as Taehyung leaned in, Hoseok unable or rather unwilling to move as Taehyung pressed his lips to his for the second time that day.


It was a short but deep kiss, that sent tendrils of desire through Hoseok’s blood as Taehyung pulled away too quickly, his eyes dark with a lust that made Hoseok shudder.


“What if you regret loving me?” Hoseok suddenly whispered, his insecurities chasing the desire away, as Taehyung sighed, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against Hoseok’s, his hand in his hair.


“Why would I ever regret loving you?” He whispered, his breath mingling with Hoseok’s, the scent of clean laundry and cinnamon permeating the intimate atmosphere around them, the wind calm as the sun peeked out from the clouds.


“Because, Taehyung. I’m an old man. You’ll grow tired of me, of wanting someone who can’t keep up with you, of wanting someone your own age who you can relate to -,”


“Stop telling me what I want,” Taehyung growled, as he fisted his hand in Hoseok’s hair and kissed him again, Hoseok’s hands squeezing his biceps, Taehyung biting his lip, his mouth and tongue hot as they pushed against Hoseok’s own, a moan slipping between them as the wind picked up, Taehyung’s other hand reaching under Hoseok’s shirt to press against his back as he pushed him down.


Hoseok whined against Taehyung’s lips, aching for more, all thoughts of decorum gone with the wind as Taehyung pulled back and pushed his arousal against him, Hoseok’s eyes widening in surprise.

This is what you do to me. How could I ever grow tired of you?” Taehyung whispered, his voice cracking as Hoseok blushed deeply, his hands reaching up to cup Taehyung’s face before he kissed him, gently, tears still running down his face.


“I l-love you,” he choked out, pulling back and pushing the hair from Taehyung’s eyes.


“I love you too,” Taehyung whispered back, smiling happily as he rested his head against Hoseok’s shoulder, Hoseok’s arms wrapping around his broad back as they laid there, basking in the winter sunlight.


            ---            ---            ---

After Hoseok’s declaration of love, the week passed by quickly, the almost lovers happily anticipating graduation day on the following Friday. That Saturday, the students were let out early, and Taehyung rushed to the Literature department to see Hoseok.


“Hey, Namjoon saem! What are you doing here?” Taehyung asked as he stepped in, closing the door behind him as he headed for Hoseok’s desk to wait for him.


“Ah, I had some material to pick up from Hoseok, for my English students who want to study American poetry, but I guess he’s not here,” Namjoon said, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair, a pencil tucked behind his ear, his tie a little crooked from constant tugging.


“I’m going to wait for him, so I’ll let him now,” Taehyung offered kindly as he hopped up onto the surface of Hoseok’s neat desk.


“Thank you, Tae, but make sure to study your vocab this weekend,” Namjoon warned, glaring playfully at him from behind his glasses before walking out, leaving Taehyung laughing.


“Ah, where’d he go?” Taehyung wondered aloud as he stood and slid into Hoseok’s chair, resting his head on his arms as he yawned, and within a few minutes, he was asleep, breathing softly and deeply when Hoseok opened the door ten minutes later, a stack of copies in his hands for his students who needed extra help with traditional Korean literature.  


“Yah, this boy,” Hoseok said once he recovered from the shock, laughing quietly to himself as he carefully placed his copies on the other side of Taehyung, and without thinking, Hoseok reached out to run his fingers through Taehyung’s hair. It was soft and a rich black color that reflected the light prettily, the tan skin of his neck smooth and pliant beneath Hoseok’s fingers a he massaged it gently, Taehyung sighing in his sleep.


“I guess I’ll let you sleep. For now,” Hoseok warned the sleeping boy, the deep and dark circles under Taehyung’s eyes persuading him that it wouldn’t hurt to let him sleep for a while longer.


Hoseok hummed to himself as he organized the copies, doing his best to keep quiet as Taehyung slept, his sleeping face soft and relaxed, something Hoseok found undeniably cute, his lips parted as he breathed.


Hoseok noted how dark but plush his lips were, and shuddered at the memory of them, at the heat and the force of them, and found himself leaning down, his hand gripping the edge of the desk as his lips brushed against Taehyung’s nose, his cheeks, then his lips. He pressed his lips against the sleeping boy’s mouth for only a moment before pulling back, his eyes closed as he sighed.


“At least wait until I’m awake,” Taehyung murmured, chuckling softly as Hoseok opened his eyes and jolted in shock, held in place by the hand that suddenly gripped his own.


“I d-didn’t mean -,”


“You can kiss me whenever you want, Hoseok,” Taehyung whispered, his voice heavy and hoarse with sleep as the hand that gripped Hoseok’s wrist slid up his arm to cup his jaw.


Taehyung grinned at the way Hoseok’s body shivered with anticipation at his touch as he pulled at Hoseok’s bottom lip, his lips leaving a trail of gentle kisses down his jaw to his neck, unable to resist at the thin skin there, Hoseok holding in a moan as he gripped the desk.


“Taehyung, t-this is s-school -,”


“I know,” he said, pulling back slowly to look up at Hoseok as he took his hand in his, lips brushing against his cold knuckles before standing and walking out the door, leaving Hoseok a mess at his desk.


            ---            ---            ---

“I can’t believe you brought a blanket to the first day of finals,” Taehyung said, snickering at his hyung who walked beside him wrapped head to toe in a plush blue blanket.


“It’s cold, what did you expect! Besides, it was a gift!” He exclaimed, color high in his cheeks, eyes sparkling as they walked through the front gate of the school.


“Ooh, from your brat?” Taehyung cooed, earning him a right smack to the arm.



Yah, don’t make him sound like my kid!” Jimin whined, as they removed their shoes and made their way to the classroom for their first exam, Calculus.


“Speak of the devil,” Taehyung said, laughing as Jungkook bounded down the hall towards Jimin.


“Hyung, could I borrow Jimin-ah for a moment?”


Who are you calling Jimin-ah -,”


“Good luck,” Taehyung said, saluting the pair as Jungkook led a still fuming but also blushing Jimin away. Taehyung waved to his friend before making his way down the hall, his head a little heavy from lack of sleep, but he felt confident that he would pass his exams with flying colors.


“Ah, Taehyung, could you come here for a moment?” A voice called, and Taehyung turned, Hoseok standing at the end of the hall and waving awkwardly. Taehyung wasted no time in hurrying over, surprised when Hoseok grabbed his hand and led him through the hallways to the back of the school and into a supply closet.


“Saem, why are we -,”


“H-here,” Hoseok stuttered, ing something into his hands as his cheeks heated.


“G-good luck!” He exclaimed, leaning over to place a chaste kiss on Taehyung’s shocked lips before ducking out of the closet, leaving Taehyung with a small good luck charm in his hand, his name written on the flowery pattern in Hoseok’s most careful calligraphy.


“He is too cute,” Taehyung murmured to himself as he took the empty chain from his neck and slid the charm on, a spring in his step as he headed back to class.


            ---            ---            ---

“Ugh, my head is killing me,” Jimin groaned as the bell rang signaling lunch. He pulled out his lunchbox while Taehyung pulled out his English vocabulary sheet, trying to cram in some last minute studying before the exam next period.


“Tae, did you forget your lunch again? Here, have some of mine -,”


“Taehyung!” Hoseok called from the doorway, a bag in his hand as he hurried over to Taehyung’s desk, where he quickly dropped the bag.

“Y-you left this in the Literature office today,” Hoseok quickly explained before hurrying off, his arms stiff with embarrassment.


“What is it?” Jimin asked curiously as Taehyung reached inside the bag and pulled out a homemade lunch box, with chopsticks inside.


“When did you go to the Literature department?”


“I didn’t,” Taehyung said, smiling happily as he ate his homemade lunch.


            ---            ---            ---


“Alright, good work everyone, get some sleep tonight, you’ve earned it. Dismissed!” Namjoon happily exclaimed, waving goodbye as his students packed up and left.


“Yah, Taehyung, Jimin, you passed, right?” Namjoon demanded, walking up to ruffle their hair as they finished packing up their things.


“Yes, saem,” they said obediently, laughing at their teacher as they left.


“I totally failed,” Jimin whispered as soon as they were in the hallway, Taehyung laughing as Jungkook rounded the corner.


“Jimin-ah!” He called, waving as he jogged to the boys.


“Boy, I am your hyung, damn it -,”


“Wanna go out tonight?” Jungkook interrupted, reaching out to brushing some hair from Jimin’s eyes, and Taehyung took that as his cue to leave.


“Have fun, you two,” Taehyung said, waving cutely before heading to the Literature department office, hoping that he could catch Hoseok and thank him properly.


“Hey,” Taehyung said once he arrived, knocking on the open door, Hoseok the only teacher at his desk.


“Where is everyone?” Taehyung asked as he walked over.


“They’re going out to celebrate about their good test scores today,” Hoseok said, shaking his head and laughing to himself as he sifted through the files on his desk.


“Why didn’t you join them?”


“I just wanted to make sure that any student who needed me would be able to see me after class,” Hoseok said, but he wouldn’t meet Taehyung’s eyes.


“Is that really why you didn’t go, Hobi?” Taehyung teased, and Hoseok sighed.


“No… damn, it’s just that I really can’t drink. One beer and I’m dizzy,” Hoseok admitted defeatedly, Taehyung laughing as Hoseok set his files aside and looked up at his student, his tan skin flushed as he laughed.


“I think I’d like to see you drunk sometime,” Taehyung said, laughing as he set the bag with the lunchbox down on Hoseok’s desk.


“Thank you for the lunch, and the charm,” he said, quickly showing Hoseok the charm on his necklace beforeplacing a sweet thank you kiss on Hoseok’s cheek.


“Want to walk to the station together?” Taehyung offered, doing his best to not seem too hopeful as Hoseok mulled it over.


“I think that’s okay,” Hoseok said, his heart skipping a beat at the grin that stole Taehyung’s lips.


“I’ll meet you at the gate in ten,” he promised, kissing Hoseok on the lips quickly before bounding off, leaving Hoseok blushing and flustered at his desk once again.


            ---            ---            ---

Hoseok walked nervously to the gate, the wind blowing the least of the leaves and his hair this way and that, the air thick with the peppery scent of snow. The sun was beginning to set, and Hoseok shivered in his coat, wishing he had remembered his scarf that day as he spied Taehyung. He was leaning against the wall of the gate, his head tipped back so he could see the sky, his earbuds in, but once he spied Hoseok he took them out, grinning from ear to ear as Hoseok blushed.


“Hi,” Hoseok said, smiling up at his student.


“Hi,” Taehyung said back, still grinning as he started walking towards the station, his favorite person by his side.


“How do you think you did today?” Hoseok asked.


“Pretty good. Your charm helped me a lot,” Taehyung said, winking at Hoseok just so he could watch the color rush to his cheeks.


“Yah, don’t tease me,” Hoseok half whined as they rounded a corner, and Taehyung laughed.


“But you’re so cute when I tease you!”


“Uh huh,” Hoseok said, rolling his eyes as he shivered again. Taehyung noticed, and unwrapped his scarf from his neck.


“Here,” Taehyung said, as the pair stopped in the street. Taehyung wrapped the scarf tightly around Hoseok’s neck, his fingers lingering a moment too long at his neck as he looked up to Hoseok’s eyes.


“Better?” He asked as they resumed their walk, and Hoseok nodded, overwhelmed with the clean but heady scent of Taehyung’s scarf.


“Yes, thank you,” Hoseok murmured as they reached the station entrance and began to descend underground.


“I guess this is where we say goodbye,” Taehyung said, sighing as he turned to face Hoseok.


“I’ll see you tomorrow.”


“Study hard,” Hoseok said, smiling up at Taehyung shyly, his heart stuttering in a way that ached as he watched his favorite student disappear into the crowded station.


            ---            ---            ---

“I can’t believe coach made us run a mile for our final,” Jimin groaned, as he rested his head in the crook between Jungkook’s neck and shoulder, Jungkook’s fingers playing with his hair.


“I can’t believe you let this brat seduce you,” Taehyung said as he took a sip of juice, ignoring the kick Jimin sent his way without changing his couply position.


“Hyung! Don’t make him change his mind!” Jungkook hissed, Jimin and Taehyung laughing as Taehyung took a bite from the lunch a certain someone had left in his locker this morning.


I’ll have to make him dinner after graduation, maybe next Saturday, Taehyung promised himself, doing his best to tune out the couple next to him as he reviewed his vocabulary and literary devices for his Literature final after lunch.


Before Taehyung knew it, the bell rang, ending lunch. Jungkook gave a gross goodbye to Jimin, Taehyung fake gagging the whole time when Hoseok entered the room, looking exhausted but excited as he stood at the podium, his final test for his third year students in hand.


“Now,” Hoseok started once the students had returned to their seats and had settled down.


“You all have worked and studied hard this year, so I have no worries. Just breathe, and do your best.” After offering one last smile to his students, he began passing out his tests, as well as gum and candy to each student, because he was a teacher who truly cared about his students.


“Good luck,” Hoseok whispered as he set a test and a piece of chocolate on Taehyung’s desk.


“I will, saem,” Taehyung whispered back, looking up to wink at his cute teacher before examining his test.


“You have one hour,” Hoseok said once he was back at his podium.




            ---            ---            ---

“Oh man, my head is pounding,” Jimin groaned, Taehyung leaning over to rub his forehead soothingly as he popped the piece of chocolate Hoseok had give him into his mouth.


“At least it’s over,” Taehyung answered around a yawn, his eyes bleary and dry, the bell finally ringing, signaling the end of the day.


“Tell Jungkook I said hi,” Taehyung called after Jimin, who was already racing for the door, wrapped in his blue blanket.


“Yah, he gets a boyfriend and acts like I don’t even exist, how rude,” Taehyung scoffed, but with no real malice, as someone laughed. He looked up from his bag that he was about to pack up, and found that he and Hoseok were the last people in the room.

“He’ll come around,” Hoseok said, laughing again as he walked from the podium towards Taehyung’s desk in the back.


“How’d you do?” He asked, leaning against Taehyung’s desk.


“As good as could be expected. That essay killed me,” Taehyung sighed, pretending to glare at Hoseok as he laughed.


“I’m sure you did fine. What exams do you have left?”


“After this I have Chem II, European History, and my Piano class,” Taehyung said, as he finished packing his things before looking up at Hoseok, leaning a little closer, his fingers brushing Hoseok’s on the desk.


“I didn’t know you played piano. With Yoongi hyung, right?”


“Hmmm,” Taehyung said, eyes fluttering closed as he leaned in further, but Hoseok stepped back, his cheeks red.


“Walk me to the station again?” He asked, straightening his tie, his eyes on his shoes.


“I’d love to,” Taehyung said genuinely, not hurt at all that Hoseok had pulled away because it was the smart thing to do considering the setting.


He keeps me grounded, Taehyung thought as they walked to the lockers, where Taehyung and Hoseok exchanged their slippers for shoes before heading out.


“It’s snowing,” Hoseok said, his voice and eyes filled with wonder as he held his hands up to catch snowflakes.


“It’s so pretty - ah!” Hoseok shouted as he slipped on some ice and fell to the side, Taehyung’s strong hand catching him at the elbow.


“Saem, are you alright?” Taehyung asked as he laughed, Hoseok bolting up and huffing.


“What’s so funny, huh?” Hoseok demanded, fuming as Taehyung continued to laugh.


“Fine then!” Hoseok exclaimed before racing to the gate, leaving his laughing student behind.


“Saem, wait!” Taehyung called, his long legs catching up with Hoseok’s easily.


“I’m sorry saem, you just looked so cute,” Taehyung explained as they walked, Hoseok already calm again, not that he’d been very upset to begin with.


“Oh, hush,” Hoseok murmured, blushing as he looked down.


“Do you have any plans before next term?” Taehyung asked casually, doing his best to ignore his racing heart as Hoseok looked up at him.


“No, why?” He asked nervously.


“Well, I was wondering if I could t-take you on a date sometime, um,” Taehyung stuttered as he looked up to meet Hoseok’s wide and slightly alarmed eyes.


“Not that I’m expecting anything like that, I just want to repay you for being such a good saem and b- friend!” Taehyung rushed out, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment as he looked down, as if expecting Hoseok to scold him. But instead, it was Hoseok’s turn to laugh as he continued down the street, a confused Taehyung moving quickly to keep up.


“Saem? Saem, what?” Taehyung whined, unable to resist his cute teacher as he joined him in laughter.  


“Ah, you’re so innocent sometimes,” Hoseok choked out, his laughter subsiding as he and Taehyung began to descend into the subway station, Taehyung rolling his eyes and scoffing.


“Oh shut up, it was a compliment!” Hoseok said, Taehyung giving him a look that said he wasn’t buying it as they stood next to the platform.


“So, is that a yes?” Taehyung asked, nervous again as he looked up at Hoseok through his eyelashes in a way that made Hoseok want to kiss him. He shook off the feeling, but he nodded, the smile that broke across Taehyung’s face making his heart race.


“I’ll see you tomorrow, sleep well,” Hoseok said, smiling happily as he watched his favorite student dash for his train, taking his warmth with him.


---            ---            ---

The rest of the week passed in a haze of multiple choice bubbles and essay questions, but finally Friday rolled around, the day scores for each test would be announced, and the final goodbyes from homeroom teachers would be given until the next term. For the seniors, they would say their goodbyes to their teachers and younger friends, some bragging about where they had been accepted for next term, others planning out their journey into the workforce. But no matter their plans, everyone buzzed with excitement as they read their scores on the corkboard at the back of their classroom.


“Whoa, I did way better than I thought I would on the English exam!” Jimin exclaimed as he leaned on Taehyung to get a better look, Taehyung sighing with relief when he saw that he passed every final with a B average.


“And damn Tae, you got the best score on the Literature exam!” Jimin pointed out, Taehyung flushing as he grinned with pride.


“Yah, what did you expect? Lit is my best class,” Taehyung boasted proudly as he and Jimin left the classroom to find Jungkook a floor down.


“Kookie, how’d you do?” Jimin asked once they spotted him in his classroom eating some candy.


“Passed all of my finals,” he said, grinning cheekily as Jimin sat himself on his desk and stole a piece of candy.


“Ah, I guess I’ll miss you next year,” Jimin said grumpily, Jungkook laughing as he whispered something that drew a blush across his face.


“Alright love birds, I’m going to find Hoseok saem before you make me throw up,” Taehyung said, fake gagging, Jimin threatening violence as he headed towards Hoseok’s office.


“You again,” Taehyung said, laughing as he entered the office to find Namjoon thumbing through some papers near Hoseok’s desk, Hoseok busy packing up his briefcase.


“Is that anyway to address your saem?” Namjoon teased, reaching over to ruffle Taehyung’s hair.


“By the way, good job on my exam, I was very impressed! Though I hear you got the top score on a certain someone’s exam,” Namjoon whispered conspiratorially, patting Taehyung on the back proudly before heading out the door, leaving just Taehyung and Hoseok.



“Are the others already gone to celebrate?” Taehyung asked as he moved to stand beside Hoseok, the bell signaling the end of lunch and the school day ringing through the school.


“Yep. They sure do love to drink,” Hoseok said, laughing to himself as he packed up his laptop.


“And you didn’t want to go because you can’t handle your drink?”


“Actually, I stayed behind to see you,” Hoseok said softly, blushing fiercely as he looked up into Taehyung’s shocked but pleased eyes.


“Thank you, Hoseok,” Taehyung murmured, voice hoarse with emotion as Hoseok sighed, and reached up to brush away the hair from Taehyung’s eyes.


“I was so happy when I saw your score on my exam. Your essay was beautiful, thank you,” Hoseok whispered, standing up to place a soft, trembling kiss on Taehyung’s cheek before walking out the door. Smiling, Taehyung placed a hand to his cheek when he looked down at the desk and found a note addressed to him.


Dear Taehyung-ah,

Congratulations, you have officially completed high school! You are now a man of the world. And while you technically have graduated, it will not be official until the ceremony. Until then, I hope you will spend your last week as a high school student happily. And I would love to go out with you before the next term starts. Be good to your family, I’ll see you soon!


Forever yours,

Jung Ho Seok


Taehyung blushed as he laughed to himself, reading and rereading the small note until he had it memorized. Sighing, he folded it with care before slipping it into his pocket as he walked the halls of his high school for the last time, humming happily to himself all the while.


            ---            ---            ---

“Yah, Mama, I do not need a new suit!” Taehyung groaned as he and his mother walked the streets of the shopping district before the day of the graduation ceremony.


“I have to wear my uniform for graduation anyway!”


“You’ve told me that ten times, and for the tenth time, this suit is not for graduation, you idiot!” His mother half yelled right back, but lovingly, as she pinched her son in the behind, who blushed and laughed as they continued walked down the street.


“You’re going to be attending Seoul National University in just a few weeks, and you need a new suit for formal events! When we moved from Daegu to Seoul before you started high school, I bought you a new suit, did I not?”


“Yes, Mama.”


“And I am doing it again, so just shut up and let Mama have this,” she finished, Taehyung laughing as his mother pouted.


“Here, let’s go into this store, I’ve heard good things from Yoongi’s mother about it!”


“Yah, you still keep in touch with that geezer’s mother?” Taehyung joked as his mother dragged him into the store.


“Oh hush, and don’t talk bad about your school’s renowned piano teacher! He’s brilliant and you know it, you’re just jealous!” His mother exclaimed, her son grumbling quietly to himself as she browsed the shirts and ties.


“Ooh, this is pretty,” she mused to herself quietly as Taehyung wandered towards the back of the store, looking at nothing in particular when the door at the front opened, and Taehyung glanced up.


“Hoseok?” He said to himself, moving quickly towards the front when his mother called his name, and Hoseok’s eyes met his in surprise.


“Yah, Taehyungie, hurry up - oh, is this a friend?” His mother asked as they both moved towards Hoseok, his eyes still wide with surprise as he took in the short but tough stature of Taehyung’s mother.


“Ah, Mama, this is Hoseok saem, my Lit teacher -,”


“Oh, Saem, it is very nice to meet you, thank you for taking such good care of this rascal,” she said, bowing to Hoseok as he bowed, Taehyung rolling his eyes as they straightened.


“Oh, it’s been my pleasure. Are you here for a suit for, ah, Taehyungie?” Hoseok asked innocently, Taehyung glaring at him for the usage of his mother’s nickname, while she just laughed and nodded.


“Yes, I want to make sure he has a good suit before going off to university next year! But he’s so difficult,” she playfully whined, Hoseok and her laughing as Taehyung stomped away, scoffing at the two as he walked to the back wall of the store and stared at the headless mannequins, when he felt someone behind him.


“C’mon Taehyungie, be a good son and let your mother pick out a suit,” Hoseok cooed at his shoulder, Taehyung turning to pinch Hoseok in this side, earning him a smack to the arm, when his phone rang.


“Oh, Jiwoo? Are you out front? Okay, I’ll be out in a moment!” Hoseok said, quickly hanging up as Taehyung spotted a slim, pretty woman with long black hair outside the store window.


“Sorry, I’m meeting someone, but I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, smiling shyly before walking outside to meet the woman, who immediately took his arm and led him down the street.


Who is that woman?


            ---            ---            ---

“Oh, I can’t believe my oldest son is graduating and his father is stuck halfway across the world on a stupid business trip,” Taehyung’s mother sobbed as she fixed the button the jacket of his uniform. He tried his best to console her, but really, she didn’t need it, because despite the absence of her husband, she barreled through the day as always, even if she had to sob through it.


“Mama, Dad will be home on Sunday! That’s only two days away!” Eunjin, Taehyung’s ten year old sister, reminded her as she held onto her mother’s skirt, the girl’s twin brother, Jeonggyu, still at the table eating breakfast.


“Yeah, Mama, don’t be sad, Dad will be home soon! Until then, I’m the man of the house!” He exclaimed, climbing onto the top of the dining room table to pound his chest, Eunjin laughing as Taehyung rolled his eyes.  



“Shouldn’t I be the man of the house?” Taehyung asked no one in particular at the same time his mother started scolding her youngest son.


“Yah, get down from there, I will be taking no one ot the ER today!” She warned her son quickly getting down from the table, laughing all the way as he ran to the living room to play with Eunjin.


“Some people’s kids,” Taehyung said, laughing, earning himself a smack to the back of the head, but there was barely any force behind it.


“Oh hush,” she said, going back to fix his jacket even though there was nothing to fix.


“Mama, why are your crying? It’s not like I’m leaving for university or -,”


“I know that, alright! I just wanted your father to be here for this! When you have kids, you’ll understand,” she said, and Taehyung stayed quiet as she let her hands dropped. Taehyung caught them both and squeezed, and she smiled through her tears as she reached up to hug her oldest son.


“It’s going to be a good day, I promise, Mama.”


“I know, baby, I know,” she said, pulling back as she dried her tears.


“Alright, Eunjin, Jeonggyu, let’s go watch Taehyung graduate!”


            ---            ---            ---

“Class of 2016, congratulations, you have officially graduated!” All of the students around Taehyung cheered as the principal sent them off to their loved ones, Taehyung’s mother peppering his face with kisses and tears as Eunjin and Jeonggyu grabbed onto his legs like lead weights.


“I am so proud of you,” his mother sniffed, pulling back to wipe her wet cheeks as Taehyung planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.  


“Now, go see your friends, I’m going to go look for Yoongi,” she said, taking the hands of her youngest as she walked off to where the teachers had been seated.

“Taehyung?” Someone said behind him, and he turned to find Hoseok, a small bouquet of daisies in his hand, wrapped tight with a lavender ribbon.


“Hoseok -,”


“Here,” he said, blushing, as Taehyung took the flowers from his outstretched hand, and smiled.


“Oh, I meant to give you this,” Taehyung said, reaching into his pocket for the button he had ripped off his jacket earlier that morning. It was the second one from the top, closest to his heart.


“Here,” he said, gently placing it in Hoseok’s open palm.


“Oh,” Hoseok said quietly, in shock, his cheeks red.


“I feel like I’m in high school again,” Hoseok said, laughing quietly to himself as he slipped the silver button into his pocket, patting it happily when he looked up at Taehyung and took his hand.


“Taehyung -,”


“Hoseok-ah, is this one of your students?” A woman’s voice called, and Hoseok dropped Taehyung’s hand as he turned to greet the woman from yesterday, who had met him at the store. Jealousy surged through Taehyung’s veins when the woman, Jiwoo, took Hoseok’s arm once again, but he did his best to return her smile.


“Oh, Taehyung, this is my sister, Jiwoo. Jiwoo, this is Kim Taehyung, my best student,” Hoseok boasted proudly, as Jiwoo and Taehyung bowed to each other, relief washing through Taehyung as he offered her a true smile.


“It’s nice to meet you.”


“Likewise. Now, Hoseok, I’m going to go track down Namjoon-ah and see if he’s up for a drink,” she said, winking mischievously at her brother before disappearing into the crowd.


“She’s been after him since high school,” he said, laughing as he casually took Taehyung’s hand and led him from the school gym to the gardens around the back, which were deserted at that time.  


“Hoseok, what are we -,” Taehyung began, but was cut off by Hoseok’s lips meeting his as he pushed him up against a wall, behind a rose bush that hid them entirely.


“Hoseok-ah,” Taehyung groaned against his lips as he kissed him feverishly, hands touching anything they could reach as Taehyung struggled with the flowers in his hand, and his quickly crumbling self control.


“I’ve been waiting so long to do that,” Hoseok panted as he pulled back, placing sweet, chaste kisses on Taehyung’s neck and collarbone, earning him a shiver as Taehyung ran his hands through Hoseok’s hair.


“So have I,” Taehyung half growled, about to pull him in for another kiss.


“Taehyung? Mama is looking for you!” Eunjin called from the other side of the gym.


“Go back inside, I’ll be there in a minute!” Taehyung called back, Hoseok sighing as he leaned down to rest his head on Taehyung’s shoulder as they embraced.


“Want to meet my mom for real?” Taehyung asked softly, playing his Hoseok’s hair as he tensed for a moment.


“W-what if she doesn’t like me?” Hoseok whispered.


“How could she not? I love you, Jung Hoseok, and I know she’ll love you too.”


Hoseok smiled into Taehyung’s neck before pulling back and looking up into Taehyung’s warm eyes.


“Say it again,” he whispered, biting his lip.


“I love you, Jung Hoseok,” Taehyung whispered, as Hoseok leaned forward to steal one last kiss.


“And I love you, Kim Taehyung,” Hoseok whispered against the plush lips he could now claim as his own.


“C’mon,” Taehyung said softly, taking Hoseok’s hand and leading him back to his family.


“Don’t be nervous,” Taehyung said, lips brushing Hoseok’s ear.


“I’m not,” Hoseok said truthfully, squeezing Taehyung’s hand as they walked through the gardens and towards their future.

A little something for any exam takers ~

Hello! Rooftop Romance got so much love and request for a sequel that I decided to write it! I hope that this was fun to read, because it was fun to write! Comments are very appreciated ^^ and I hope everyone's finals are or did go well, good luck to you all! I'll try to write more soon, till next time!

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EvilHee #1
Chapter 2: You are the best. I LOVE IT.
Ilovestuff #2
Chapter 2: This was just pure happiness to read.
EvilHee #3
Chapter 1: Autor-niiim! PLEASE, CONTINUE THIS STORY. I fell for it and I'd like to read a sequel~ you're amazing!! ❤️
Chapter 1: cute and lowkey angsty NICELY DONE <3
heonnni #5
Chapter 1: Omg this was really interesting! I've never read a teacher x student au AND IM PROUD TO SAY THIS WAS MY FIRST <3 GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH SO CUTE~
abbieyen16 #6