Rooftop Romance (VHope)

Rooftop Romance

Word Count: 1.1k

Rating: PG/PG - 13

Theme(s): fluff/angst

Summary: Teacher!AU, with Tae as the student, and Hoseok as the teacher. Mostly fluff, with some kissing/neck biting.

Rooftop Romance


The air was cool and crisp, fall leaves of scorched reds and yellows fluttering around the teacher. The sky was ablaze with color as the door to the rooftop banged open, a gangly, deep voiced boy swaggering in, his eyes widening as they fell on his beloved teacher.


Hoseok,” he breathed, a smile stealing his lips as he walked up to him, Hoseok turning to meet him, a small grin curling his mouth.


“Tae,” he said, reaching to tousle the young boy’s hair.


“You get taller everyday! You’re my height now,” Hoseok admitted ruefully, rolling his eyes as he turned back to the view over the school.


“Missed you too, Hobi,” Taehyung said, placing a chaste kiss on Hoseok’s neck before pulling back quickly, relishing Hoseok’s embarrassment.


Hoseok clapped a hand over his neck and turned to Taehyung, color high in his cheeks as he glared at his student.


“Taehyung -,” he warned.


“I know, I know,” Taehyung said, throwing his hands up in defeat as he sighed.


“No dating, no touching, nothing couple like, until graduation,” he finished, running a hand through his dark hair as he dropped the other.


“You’re just so cute, it makes me want to tease you,” Taehyung said, smirking at his teacher as he walked backwards to the bench behind them, arms stretching high above him as he sat down, Hoseok grudgingly joining him.


“Calling a grown man cute, you students get more and more cheeky -,”


“And more handsome, don’t forget that,” Taehyung said, cutting him off as he leaned in close to Hoseok, lingering long enough to watch another blush rise in his cheeks before pulling back.


“Don’t flatter yourself,” Hoseok said, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, trying to appear calm and cool, but Taehyung saw right through him.


Let’s see how far I can take this, Taehyung thought, getting closer on the bench so that their thighs were pressed together, shoulders grazing for a moment, before Hoseok jumped away in surprise, nearly dropping his newly lit cigarette.


“Should teachers really be smoking at school, in front of a student no less?” Taehyung asked, brow raised, his nose nearly touching Hoseok’s, his voice so deep Hoseok could feel it rattle in his bones as he shuddered and pulled away.


“Should a young, vibrant student with an entire lifetime ahead of him be chasing after a thirty year old teacher?” Hoseok countered, just about to take a drag from his cigarette, when Taehyung stole it from his long, tapered fingers.


“You’re twenty seven, stop rounding up,” Taehyung said, taking a long drag, head tilted back as he exhaled, blowing smoke rings into the air.


Yah, don’t smoke!” Hoseok yelled, reaching over Taehyung’s long frame to reclaim his cigarette, while Taehyung played keep - a - way, laughing in delight as Hoseok lost his balance and fell on top of him, hands gripping Taehyung’s shoulders, the cigarette falling and sputtering out.


“Ah, s-sorry,” Hoseok, stuttered, pushing off Taehyung and pulling away, their thighs no longer touching, his heart racing in his chest, unaware of Taehyung’s adoring gaze.


“H-how do you even know my real age? I never told you that!” Hoseok started, refusing to look Taehyung’s way until his heart stopped racing.


“I broke into the office at the end of last semester and read your file,” Taehyung said nonchalantly, even shrugging as Hoseok broke his vow and turned to Taehyung with wide, horrified eyes.


“You WHAT?!” Hoseok screeched, bolting up in shock.


“Hobi -,”




“If you would just listen!” Taehyung said, grabbing Hoseok’s hands and squeezing them tightly as he looked up at the distraught teacher.


“I was kidding! Namjoon saem told me!” Taehyung said, eyes wide and honest, and Hoseok calmed down at his earnestness. If anything else, Taehyung wasn’t a liar. Not to him.


“That traitorous bastard,” Hoseok grumbled as he sat down, leaving his hand in Taehyung’s as he pulled out another cigarette and lit it.


“Don’t be mad at Namjoon saem, we were eating lunch together the other day and -,”


“You’ve been eating lunch with him?” Hoseok asked darkly, something hot and bitter flaring in his chest as he pulled his hand from Taehyung’s.


“Well, you’ve been busy giving tutoring during lunch lately, and Namjoon noticed, so he invited me - wait. Are you jealous?” Taehyung asked, eyes wide in shock, Hoseok refusing to meet his eyes as his face flushed.


“You are!” Taehyung exclaimed, reaching for Hoseok’s hand as he tugged him closer and forced his eyes to meet his.


“I am not,” Hoseok mumbled, dropping his eyes as he tried to pull his hands away so he could hide his eyes, but Taehyung wouldn’t let him.


“God, you’re adorable when you’re jealous,” Taehyung whispered, leaning in and placing another kiss on his neck, on a mole that no one else but he knew about because it was usually hidden by his hair.


But unlike last time, his lips lingered, his tongue peeking out to tease the skin, teeth nipping at the soft flesh.


Tae,” Hoseok whined weakly, his back arching at the feel of Taehyung’s hand at the small of his back, Hoseok’s hands gripping Taehyung’s biceps as his eyes fluttered closed, losing himself in the feel of Taehyung.


Ah, Taehyung, my… my student!


“Taehyung, we can’t,” Hoseok said, abruptly pushing Taehyung away, his hands sliding down to Taehyung’s wrists and resting there as he regained himself, his neck now cold and empty.



“You know we can’t,” Hoseok said, sighing as he rubbed at the wet spot on his neck with his sleeve, a bruise forming that he would later have to cover.


“I know, saem, I know,” Taehyung said, pulling away quickly as he stood and turned away, Hoseok’s blood running cold at that word.




He never calls me that when we’re alone, Hoseok thought, panicking as he ran to Taehyung and threw his arms around him from behind.


“Wait, please,” Hoseok murmured, resting his head on Taehyung’s shoulder, fingers lacing across Taehyung’s firm abdomen.


“I’m sorry, we - we just have to wait a little longer. If we were to be caught -,”


“I know, Hoseok, I know,” Taehyung whispered, turning in Hoseok’s embrace, as he stole Hoseok’s hand and raised it to his cheek, closing his eyes and sighing, lips grazing the knuckles, as Hoseok fought a shudder.


“I love you,” Taehyung whispered, opening his eyes as he gazed at his beloved teacher, Hoseok nodding, lips trembling with the effort it took not to answer him.


I love you, too.


A cool autumn breeze ruffled their hair as they stood on that rooftop, burnt leaves of auburn and gold swirling around them, the almost lovers gazing into each other's eyes, as they wondered if they could stand the test of time.

My first vhope oneshot! This was very relaxing to write, sorry it is so short! I'll try to write longer ones in the future, til next time!

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EvilHee #1
Chapter 2: You are the best. I LOVE IT.
Ilovestuff #2
Chapter 2: This was just pure happiness to read.
EvilHee #3
Chapter 1: Autor-niiim! PLEASE, CONTINUE THIS STORY. I fell for it and I'd like to read a sequel~ you're amazing!! ❤️
Chapter 1: cute and lowkey angsty NICELY DONE <3
heonnni #5
Chapter 1: Omg this was really interesting! I've never read a teacher x student au AND IM PROUD TO SAY THIS WAS MY FIRST <3 GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH SO CUTE~
abbieyen16 #6