Chapter Three

Catch Me When I Fall



The sunlight hit the young man through the window of his room. He groaned, waking up. He sat up on his bed and stretched his limbs. He looked at the window, which it's blinds were opened, probably by his uncle. Luhan got up and took a few steps to the window. He inhaled deeply and exhaled, smiling. The season had changed to spring and there were no more snow. Just the thought of the colorful season made him happy. 

After washing up Luhan went down to the kitchen and saw his aunt preparing breakfast. She probably felt his presence, because she looked up from cooking and smiled at the young man.  

"Good morning, Luhan," the elder woman greeted, smiling. Luhan hesitated but still gave a small smile, greeting back his aunt. 

"I made your favorite, my dear son. Make sure your eat," She said, while taking out a plate from the cupboard. 

Luhan thanked her, "Okay, I'll eat." 

Once Luhan was full, he put his cutlery on the unfinished plate, he pushed the plate a little. His aunt looked up. Since they were the only ones in the house, they had their breakfast together. 

"Luhan dear, will you be home early tonight? Is it possible?" The said woman asked his nephew. 

"I don't know. Maybe," he answered. "Why?" Luhan asked, wanting to know the reason behind his aunts question. 

"We're having some guests over tonight's dinner. I was wondering, will you be here by the time?" She said, sipping the last drops of her tea. 

"I might be, dunno." Luhan answered, getting up. He didn't understand why she was asking him such question. If there's a guest coming over, why would she bother to ask Luhan. He doesn't even care. He'll be behind the door of his room anyway. 

His mother would always explain her love over spring to him. She'd say that the fresh air, little bit of breeze and the beautiful smell of the flowers would make her happy in the insides. 

He even remembers one time when his mother had made him a crown out of flowers she had picked. He found it silly at that time -and he still does- but he'd wear it anyway. Because it was his mother who made it. He'd still wear it as a kid. But not when he was going through his teen years or right now. He'd surely would never wear it, because it would make him look silly and lame. 

Luhan suddenly thought about his aunt. Maybe she'd want to do it to her daughter. Or maybe his cousin would want to do it herself. He thought of picking up some flowers while passing through the park which was glowing with the colors of different flowers. 

He stepped in the park and smiled amusingly. Since it was weekend, the park was pretty crowded with kids shouting and laughing happily. He went over where different kinds of flowers were grown at and squatted down to pick some. Once he picked enough to make a crown out of it, he got up and went over to one of the unoccupied benches. 

While he was busy doing the crown he felt someone sit on the bench next to him. He looked up when the person cleared his -or . Luhan smiled when he saw the familiar face. It's pretty rare to see Luhan smiling. But the person sitting beside him would always make him smile. 

"Wassup, Lu?" The girl asked. She was the girl who had accidentally opened the door of the dance studio while Luhan was dancing. He later found out that she was joining the same dance classes he was in. So, after a while -a long while after- they had became quite close to each other. 

"Don't disturb me, big mouth," Luhan teased, chuckling. 

"Ha-Ha-Ha very funny," the girl said with an expressionless face, folding her arms. 

"Seriously, what are you doing with those flowers?" She asked, curiously. 

Luhan sighed jokingly, "I'm making a crown out of flowers, silly." 

She grew more curios, "Ooh.. to whom mr?" She asked again, raising her eyebrows. But before Luhan could answer she talked again. "I know! To your secret girlfriend," she guessed. 

Luhan scoffed, rolling his eyes. He shook his head. "No?" The girl asked for the nth time. 

"No," Luhan answered. 

"Hmm..." she placed her forefinger on her chin, thinking. "Your... oh! Is it for me?" She then asked (again) excitedly. 

"Urgh, no," he said, tired from her questions. 

"Okay, is it for your mother?" 

That made him stop what he's doing. He looked up and stared blankly at who knows where. The girl really shouldn't be digging too much. Who cares who he'sdoing it to. She had made him mad without knowing. 

"It's non of your business," he told, turning his face to glare at her. 

"Why, are you shy because of it?" She spat with that big mouth of hers. She was trying to but it actually got him more heated with anger. 

"I don't have a mother you idiot!" Luhan shouted, shooting up from the bench. 
The girl jerked a little, surprised by her friend's shouting. 

"Wha- what? Luhan, I'm really sorry. I really didn't know and I didn't mean it, I promise," his friend apologized.

"I really am sorry, Luhan," she stood up and held his wrist. Luhan was looking down to the ground beneath their feet. 

"Whatever," he said and took the crown he had just made and walked away. 

The girl really didn't know that, and she really felt ashamed because of her words she had used to her friend. 

Luhan turned the corner of their neighborhood and it suddenly started raining. He stopped and looked up, what a life I have, he thought in his mind. He was enjoying the spring breeze until his big mouthed friend came, which got him mad and angry. Pass that. It started raining. Which he thought it ruined the nice sunny day. 

After taking off his shoes he made his way to his room. But his aunt stopped him just as he was on the first step of the stairs. 
He turned his head to where she was standing at.  

"Oh my," she gasped, covering , eyes bulging out. 

"Luhan, you're dripping wet! Go and quickly change your clothes! I don't want you to get sick, my dear son!" She hurried him. But Luhan just stood there. Looking at his aunt. 

Maybe his mother would've been standing where his aunt was and getting worried over him. Maybe if they hadn't divorced, or if her mother's current husband would've accept him -his mother could've been the one, rather than his aunt. 

Without knowing, his sight became blurry with the tears that didn't fall. He quickly turned back and ran up the stairs to his room. 

Why did he even think of doing a crown out flowers? He hated them. He hated anything that reminds him of his parents. He hates spring. It's colorful, and refreshing colors does not represent him or his life. He hates it because his mother loves it -or used to love it. He doesn't even know if her likes had changed or not. He doesn't even know anything about his mother. Just a few things were left in his memory about her. And he hates them. 

He's too tired of everything. 

He's so sick of everything and everyone. 





Author's Note;

Hello my dear readers! How are you all doing? And I hope you're enjoying the story! To be honest, when I first wrote this chapter, I was not satisfied with it. But when the people around me read it, they said that it was great. After their positive feedback, I didn't want to rewrite because I was lazy -and I still am XD. 

I would like to apologize if you spot any grammar or vocabulary or any other mistakes. Comments are always welcomed! I really like to read your comments!



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Chapter 5: Wa I really like this story . I'm glad I subscribed and upvote it. I'm happy that luhan is happy with his baba and mama which is his uncle and aunt. I hate his real Parents leaving luhan alone
chasing_daydreams #2
Chapter 4: Ohhh, I love this story!! You are really good at writing
Chapter 1: Love it so far!! Hwaiting author-nim!!!~♡