Chapter 19

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 19

My head was dizzy. My eyes were closed. I didn’t want to open my eyes. My head was too heavy. I still wanted to sleep.
I heard the door was open, but my eyes were still closed. I felt someone’s presence.
Who was that? Eh, wait. Where was I?
I remember I was on my way to the academy with TOP and…
Oh my God, Aaron hit TOP.

I slowly opened my tired eyes and blinked a few times. I saw the familiar room and poster of 007 hanging on the wall. I was in my room.

I turned to the right and I saw the back of a person I knew was standing before my desk. I could recognize him even though I only saw his back.

“A-Aaron.” I said softly. I didn’t have much energy to speak. But what was he doing in my room?

“You’re awake?” He turned around. He kept his coolness.

“Why are you here?” I finally asked.

“Your mom asked me to watch for you tonight. She has left for work.” He explained as he looked down, avoiding eye contact with me.

“Oh…” That was all I could say and we broke into silence.

I looked at the clock, it was showing 10.15. Shoot! I was late for work. The last time I left the club with TOP, my manager was so mad. What a horrible manager I had!
I sat and my stupid head started spinning. It was a pain. Please stop!
I ignored the pain and was about to get out of the bed when Aaron approached me.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked in a calm tone.

“I.. uhm…” I couldn’t tell him that I was going to work in a club, could I? I believed he would tell my mom.

He stared at me, waiting for an answer. I bowed my head down.
Come on, Guigui! Think of something!!

“I- uh-- I’m going to Xiao Xun’s house. We.. uh… we are going… uhm… to.. to watch MIT together. Yeah, we’re going to watch MIT in her house. Xiao Xun also likes 007. I honestly didn’t know that before.” What a lame excuse, Guigui!

I looked up at Aaron. He didn’t seem to buy it.

“Really?” He asked.

“Yes.” I nodded my head.

“I’ll call her and tell her that you’re sick. I’m sure she will understand. You need to rest.” He said. I could feel the warmness that came out of his voice. I felt secure and loved somehow.

“But I have to…” I could not tell him.

“If you really want to watch your favorite drama, you can watch it here. You have TV in your room, see!” He pointed at the TV in my room. Oh please, I knew that.

“I…” I was stuck. I could not go now. What should I do? I could not lose this job.

“I will get your food. You mom made you porridge earlier. Wait here! I’ll get it for you.” Aaron said. My heart could melt anytime now. He was caring.

He was really driving me crazy. He was cold, then caring, then cold.

“Don’t you dare leave the house!” He warned as he opened the door.

I pouted and he left.

Okay, I guess I had to stay at home today. I would just make some excuses to my manager. Hopefully, he would buy it.

I grabbed a pillow and placed it against the wall. I leaned my back against the pillow. I took the remote TV and turned the TV on.

Five minutes later, Aaron came in with a bowl of porridge in his hands. He walked up to me and sat on the edge of my bed.

“Careful, it’s hot!” He handed the bowl over to me.

I took it from his hand. I scooped a spoonful of porridge and quickly put it in my mouth.

“AHH!” I spit it out again. It was hot.

“Didn’t I tell you to be careful? It’s hot!” Aaron raised his voice and he took the bowl.

“I’m sorry.” I looked at him apologetically.

He picked up the spoon and scooped some of porridge from the bowl. He blew on the hot porridge carefully until it wasn’t that hot.

“Here, open your mouth!” He was feeding me now.

I did as what he told me to do. I felt like a little baby.

He blew another spoon of porridge. I looked at him, trying to find out what was wrong with him. I hoped he would always be like this caring.

“Are you okay?” I finally asked. I didn’t think he was okay. His mood changed really fast.

He looked at me in confusion. “Of course I am. You’re the one who’s not okay. You’re sick.”

I rubbed my head and smiled at him.

“I remember I was in the academy, how did I end up lying on my bed?”

“Silly, you fainted and I had to carry you home. Thanks for the trouble.” He said as he fed me with another spoon.

“No problem.” I chuckled. “But what happened to my friend?”

He fell silent.

I looked at him. But still no words came out of his mouth.

“I really don’t know why you hit him, but he’s such a nice guy.” I told Aaron.

“He’s a jerk.” Aaron finally said. Say what?


“You have to avoid him, understand?”

“But why?” I asked. What was wrong with Aaron…? Now he was telling me that TOP was a jerk. Aaron didn’t even know TOP.

He took a deep breath. “Guigui, he’s a jerk. You have to listen to me.”

“I don’t get it. You have to explain.”

Aaron put the spoon down and stared at the wall.

“Come on, Aaron. Tell me!” I was curious now. Why would Aaron say that? Did he know TOP?

“TOP was Han’s boyfriend before she died.”

= = = = = = = =

Am I not nice enough? I gave you two chapters in 24 hours HAHA.
I blame it on Bubble, how could she guess that correctly! Grrr… xD
But ily Bubble!

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?