chapter 9

Hired as personal girlfriend

“This is so tired. You won’t tell me that we’re going to shopping again tomorrow.” You said when you sat in Kris’s car.

“No, we’re going to sleep in and have dinner at 4 o’clock.” Kris said

“4 o’clock? So earl?” you asked

“We’re going to eat at a 3 star Michelin restaurant where you get a course per half an hour.” Kris said.

“How many courses are we going to eat?” you asked

“10, I think” Kris said

“So we need to eat there for 5 hours.” You said

“Yes, that’s why we need to pack in the afternoon. You’ve enough place in your luggage, right?” Kris asked

“Your mom just brought a luggage for me.” You said

“I just brought a luggage for you.” Kris said and he emphasized the I

“Ok, whatever my parents will kill me for buying so much.” You said with a pout.

“You can put the luggage at mine for the time being and take them one by one to your home.” Kris said and you nodded

“Thanks” you said and you slept the rest of the ride.


Everyone was arranging their newly brought stuff while you went to sleep. After a while someone noisily knocked on the door and Kris opened the door. Gigi was standing there with a newly brought outfit.

“Mom told us to gather for the BBQ.” Gigi said

“ssssst…..Chiyon is sleeping.” Kris hissed

Gigi tried to walk in the room, but she got block by Kris.

“Yah, I need to see if everything is ok with her.” Gigi said

You messily get out of the bed and greeted Gigi.

“I’m ok. I’ll be downstairs soon.” You said and Gigi nodded, before going downstairs.

“Did she woke you up? She can be noisy sometimes.” Kris said while he was scratching the back of his head.

“It’s ok. I need to wake up anyway.” You said

You choose something to wear and you changed in the bathroom. The males were trying to fire up the BBQ while the females took out the food from the kitchen to the garden and did some preparations. You sat down between Kris and Gigi when the BBQ was ready.

“Baby, I want chicken wing.” Lizzy said with her ‘cute’ voice.

“Do it yourself.” Jackson said and she gave him a spied raw chicken wing.

“But the heat will damage my nails.” She said

“And I’m hungry. Didn’t you said that you made a reservation for your nails on Monday?” Jackson said.

Everyone ignored the awkward situation and put the raw meat on the BBQ. You had two pork belly ready and you gave one to Kris and Kris gave one sausage to you.

“They’re so cute.” The elders whispered silently.

After a while, Mark decided to give one chicken wing to Lizzy and the awkward situation ended.

“Chiyonnie, we’re going to have a girls’ night. You won’t be too tired to join us right?”  Gigi said

“The boys are having a night out so enjoy your single night tonight.” Mark said

You looked at Kris and he gave you a it’s up to you face.

“I’ll join you.” You said and Gigi cheered

The girls gathered in Gigi’s room and the boys went out with the car with Kris as driver. You talked the whole night.

During the night, you noticed that you, Gigi and Lizzy are from different worlds. Lizzy is a spoiled brat and only care about designer stuffs. Gigi is a little different from Lizzy. She like designer stuffs, but she also liked normal stuff. She’ll involve you in the conversation if you were too quite or look lost. You talked until the sun is raising and decided to go back to your room. Kris was not back yet.

The next morning, sunlight woke you up from your sleep. Kris was hugging your waist. You escaped from Kris arms and you went to the bathroom. You decided to make some lunch for the family. There were still some leftover vegetables and meats. You decided to make ox bone soup and pancakes from the leftover vegetables.

Someone slapped your when you was cooking the soup. You let out a yell and some soup spilled on your hand.

“Ah.” You said.

Aunty Patricia quickly walked in the kitchen.

“What happened?” she asked

“Chiyon spilled some soup on her hand.” Jackson said who was the one that slapped your .

“Oh, quickly put some medicine on your hand before it’s getting worse. I’ll look over the soup.” She said and she shooed you and Jackson out of the kitchen.

“My poor Chiyonnie. What if a permanent scar will lift on your beautiful hand?” Jackson said while your whole hand.

“What’s happening here?” Kris asked while he was walking downstairs.

You quickly escaped from Jackson and went behind Kris.

“Chiyon burnt her hand.” Jackson said

“Why are you always so clumsy? Go to your room. I’ll take the medicine to you.” Kris said and you walked to your room. Kris came back with the medicine and he carefully applied it on your hand.

“What’s with that face? It’s not my fault that you went out of my eyes.” Kris said

“I know.” You sulked

Someone knocked on the door and he came in.

“Mom told me to bring this to you. It’s already eatable.” Jackson said and he put a trap with two bowl of ox bone soup and some pancakes. You two ate the food.

“This is really delicious.” Kris said

“Thanks” You said

“You make it?” Kris asked

“I was making it until mark came in and slapped my so I slipped some soup on my hand.” You said

“That bastard. You really don’t need to escape from my eyes.” Kris said while eating the soup.

“Ah, remember to pack your things. We’re leaving after one hour.” Kris said.

You spend the rest of the hour packing your stuff. It’s not difficult because Kris brought you a big luggage.

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Selvaselva #1
Chapter 23: Update please
kimmimi #2
Chapter 23: So what happen next?
Chapter 23: Oh no kris! How can you do that !!!i hope it's a misunderstanding , but still , getting caught on bed half with other woman is unacceptable..
Chapter 22: what the heck is wrong with Kris? Is he cheating or what? I hope it the second one thou.. but seriously.. if he keep acting like that.. it won't be impossible for them to grow apart..
Chapter 21: Is he planning something or what? hope they won't end up fighting.. anyway.. thank you for the update =)
Chapter 21: Please update soon!!!!...
Cuddly12 #7
Chapter 21: He either planning a surprise event for her or cheating on her
Chapter 20: I'll be waiting for the day they got marry.. anyway.. thank you for the update =)