
same old love

Chanyeol sighed when he look at the slumped figure in front of him. When he get the news that Baekhyun was sick, he literally run after a cab to get to the amusement park fast. When he arrived, he gave Sehun a call to ask him more about their whereabout.

" Hyung, he fall asleep when I tried to call you just now "

" Thank you Sehun-ah. Please inform the other that Im taking Baekhyun home "

Chanyeol get Baekhyun on his back with the help of Sehun. He realized that the midget lost his weight since he is much lighter that the last time.

" Alright hyung, be safe on your way "

Chanyeol pay for the cab once they reached the company. There are not too much fans but Chanyeol dont want to take a risk so he put back the mask on Baekhyun's face. Once again, he get Baekhyun on his back and carry him to the dorm.

" Chanyeol ? Oh my god is that Baekhyun on your back ? "

Chanyeol nod to Xiumin before he walk pass him to Baekhyun's room. Once he settle the midget under the blanket, he go outside.

" Is he okay ? " Lay asked, full of concern.

" He will be alright once he sleep it off. He was sleep deprived and a bit feverish"

Everyone in the dorm cant help but think that Chanyeol the reason why Baekhyun being like that. But no one brave enough to talk about it since it wasnt really their business. They just hope that whatever their problem is, it can be solved so that everything can turns back to normal.

" I better get going now, then "

Once Chanyeol excused himself, he go back to his parents house. He didnt stay for long so that he wont feel like he is violating the deal. Even if every fibre in his body are screaming for him to stay, he cant do what he wanted to do. 

Suddenly 9 days seem so far away. He doesnt have much problem before this but knowing that Baekhyun is not feeling well at the moment, it doesnt feel right for him. He should be at the dorm, nursing the midget back to health. 

So when he walked passed a farmacy, he realized that it wont hurt to buy some medicine for the midget. He can always passed the stuff to Sehun without having to face Baekhyun. And after spending half the money in his wallet for medicine, porridge and chicken soup, he gives Sehun a call saying that he will drop the stuff infront of the dorm in 10 minutes since he is still nearby.

After dropping the things, he go back home while hoping that Baekhyun will get well soon. He imagine their situation if there was no deal in the 1st place. He could go to the amusement park with Baekhyun and he will be the first to know if the midget is not feeling well. He could stay by his side and nurse him back to health. He could do everything if not because of the deal and he hated the fact that he was the reason for all this. And Chanyeol regret making the deal for the first time that day.


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sarapinki #1
Chapter 4: I want baek to refuse to comeback to chanyeol for a while when the deal is done
eppelt #2
Chapter 3: It's a realy nice story.Can't wait for the next chapter :)
sarapinki #3
Chapter 3: Awww the chapters are too short
Chapter 1: Is this a nonau story?