Chapter 2: Spending Time Together and Meddling

Shy Boy Secret Santa


"That was a good movie!" Hyosung enthused as she walked out of the theater, linking arms with Jieun.

"Yeah, it was," Jieun agreed with a nod.

"How about you, Saeho-ssi?" Hyosung turned to Kikwang, who was on the opposite side of her. "Did you like the movie?"

"Yeah!" Kikwang nodded with a smile.

"Really? Which part did you like best?" Hyosung asked.

"I liked..."

"Look at them." Doojoon said to Joon, gesturing to Hyosung and Kikwang from where they stood a few yards behind them and out of earshot. "I haven't seen Hyosung so intrigued or happy since she..." He glanced at Joon, who glared for him to stop talking.

"I don't know, Hyosung always seems happy," Yoseob said, watching as she unlinked her arm from Jieun's but continued to talk to Kikwang. Jieun pouted briefly, but neither Hyosung nor Kikwang noticed. They were too engrossed in their conversation. "But Jieun's looking like a third wheel there," Yoseob continued.

Jieun walked away from Hyosung, joining Yoseob, Doojoon and Joon. "So she abandons her best friend as soon as a cute guy comes around," Jieun stated bitterly. "Well, I can understand. He's pretty hot." She shrugged, forgiving the issue as soon as she brought it up.

"But she just met him!" Joon half-yelled, upset. 

"Lee Joon, are you jealous?" Jieun asked, a teasing smirk playing on her face.

"N-no," Joon stuttered. "I'm just trying to look out for Hyosung. Who knows what kind of person Saeho-ssi could be?" Yoseob glared at him.

"He's seems pretty nice," Doojoon said. "I don't think we have anything to worry about." Ahead of them, Hyosung burst out laughing, showing her gummy smile. She pushed Kikwang's arm playfully and Kikwang rubbed the part she pushed, flinching jokingly, then sending her another eye-smile to show that he was okay. "Hey, do you guys have anything else planned?" Doojoon asked Yoseob, Joon and Jieun."

"Nope." Yoseob shook his head.

"Great!" Doojoon smiled. "I was thinking we could go to karaoke."

"That sounds like a like a good idea," Jieun said.

"Yah! Jeon Hyosung!" Doojoon called.

"What?" Hyosung turned around.

"We were think of going to karaoke. Do you want to come?" Doojoon asked.

"Sure!" Hyosung turned to Kikwang. "Do you want to come?"

"I would love to."

"Good." Hyosung called to Doojoon. "We'll come!"

"Look at her," Joon muttered under his breath. "Already referring to herself and him as 'we.' " Jieun rolled her eyes when she heard him and Yoseob raised his eyebrows at him.
Several minutes later, the group reached a karaoke place down the street from the movie theater.

"I love this song!" Kikwang jumped off the couch when AJ's Dancing Shoes came on. "I got this!" He started singing and even added the dance moves.

"You wanna d-d-d-d-dance, get your dancing shoes!"

Yoseob and Doojoon also got up and started dancing along. Right before the song ended, Yoseob took the mic from Kikwang and sang the last chorus. Everyone else erupted into applause.

"Daebak!" Zinger said.

"Saeho-ssi, are you sure you're not an idol in disguise?" IU asked from the couch next to Yoseob.

"Yeah, he looks like AJ." Sunhwa pointed to the screen.

"Really?" Kikwang did a pose. The whole room burst out laughing.

"Now I'm pretty sure you're not an idol!" Yoseob said between laughs, pointing at Kikwang's dorky pose. 

Kikwang sulked briefly before saying, "Just play the next song!"

tturuwab dubab dubab (tteubari dub)
tturuwab dubab dubab (tteubari dub)
tturuwab dubab dubab (tteubari dub)
tturuwab dubab dubab

"Omo!" Hyosung pulled Jieun and her off the one of the couches in the karaoke booth. "It's our song, Jieun!" Hyosung grabbed the mic and started singing and dancing along.

"You are my shy, shy, shy boy! Oh, oh, oh! My boy!"

Kikwang couldn't help but sit and stare at Hyosung in awe.

tturuwab dubab dubab!

When they finished the song, everyone started clapping except Kikwang, who was still mesmerized.

"Enjoying it, Saeho-ssi?" Doojoon jabbed at him with his elbow teasingly. 

"Of course!" Kikwang said, snapping out of his trance. "It was like an arrow through my heart!" He pretended to fire an arrow from a bow.

"Aish, you love that song a lot," Yoseob said. "Don't you? Hyosung show us the dance again." Yoseob moved his hands in a circle in the air like in the dance.

"Like this?" Hyosung started doing the dance to Shy Boy's chorus.

"Yeah, exactly like that!" Yoseob said while observing Kikwang's expression. He had on a quite goofy and lovestruck one.

"Aigoo!" Hyosung exclaimed said as she stopped dancing when she noticed Kikwang looking at her. She tried to cover her flushed cheeks.

"Why did you stop?" Kikwang asked innocently. "It was cute!" He watched as her cheeks turned even redder.

"Yah! Just go to the next song already!" Joon said, annoyed.

"Someone's jealous," Doojoon whispered to Joon.

"Humph." Joon crossed his arms and leaned back against the couch he sat on.
"Bye! That was fun!" IU said before she started to walk home.

"IU-ssi! I'll come with you-oh!" Yoseob tried to join IU but was pulled back by the collar of his shirt by Doojoon.

"Bye, IU!" He waved with the hand that wasn't restraining Yoseob. "Get home safe. I'll see you at school!"

Once IU was out of sight and Doojoon was sure Yoseob wasn't going to run after her, Doojoon let go of Yoseob. 

"Ow." Yoseob rubbed the back of his neck. "er," He spat at Doojoon. 

"Well, we wouldn't want you scaring away the girl," Doojoon said.

"Bye! Saeho-ssi and I will be going now!" Hyosung waved from where she stood next to Kikwang before started to walk away. Joon shot a panicked look to Yoseob before running up to catch Kikwang with Yoseob. 

"Really? You're going to walk together?" Yoseob asked. "Where do you live, Saeho-ssi?"

"He lives in Seocho, like me!" Hyosung said. "So we were going to walk home together."

"Seocho, really?" Joon asked while Yoseob discreetly elbowed Kikwang in the ribs.

"Ow! Oh, did I tell you I lived in Seocho? I meant Seosho!" Seosho was the neighborhood Joon lived in. "I'm sorry Hyosung-ssi." Kikwang bowed in apologized. "I'm still trying to familiarize myself with the town."

"You live in Seosho too?" Joon asked with exaggerated surprise. "We should walk back together!"

"I'll come with you too!" Yoseob grabbed one of Kikwang's arms and Joon grabbed the other. "Don't worry, Hyosung! We'll make sure he gets home safely!" Yoseob called behind him as he and Joon started to drag Kikwang towards Joon's house.

"Bye, Hyosung!" Kikwang weakly waved with his right hand. He was still being dragged by Joon and Yoseob.

"Bye, Saeho-ssi!" Hyosung waved back. As the trio got farther away, Hyosung couldn't help but feel crestfallen. She knew she should be glad that "Saeho" would get home safely and not get confused by going to the wrong neighborhood, but she was disappointed that he wouldn't be walking with her home.
"Ow! What was that for!" Kikwang complained when Yoseob and Joon let go of him once they were safely within the walls of Joon's neighborhood.

"Before you say anything else, think about this," Yoseob said as he walked beside Kikwang. "Nine out of ten times you come out of you're house, you are Lee Kikwang."

"So?" Kikwang asked, confused.

"She knows you as 'Kang Saeho,' " Yoseob said. "I think there would be some... complications if she found out."

"So am I supposed to stay with Joon until she knows me?" Kikwang asked.

"That's crazy," said Joon. "We're just going to send you back to your house when we are sure she won't see you."

"Well, this is interesting," said a voice from behind the trio of boys. 

"Doojoon?" Kikwang wondered before turning around to face the voice.

"You guessed correct," Doojoon said before joint the boys, walking beside Joon. Yoseob fell to his knees and clasped his hands together. 

"Please tell me you didn't just hear our conversation," He begged.

"Don't worry, I already knew," Doojoon assured them. "Lee Kikwang, right?" He said as he pointed to Kikwang.

"Yeah, I mean, no!" Kikwang started to nod before quickly shaking his no instead. "I'm Kang Saeho."

"I told you, I already know," Doojoon said. "You don't have to lie. Our parents are friends, remember?"

Kikwang thought back to when he first moved to Gwangsan. A couple of days after they got settled, his parents introduced to the Yoons, who have a son who was a senior at Kikwang's school, Doojoon. He also remembered that he wore contacts, not his glasses, when he met them.

"Oh, Doojoon-ssi!" Kikwang bowed. "I'm sorry we had to meet again this way."

"No, it's fine," Doojoon said. "Though I'm kinda confused why you're trying to pass yourself off as 'Saeho.' "

"He's on a mission," Joon said dramatically as he slung his arm around Kikwang's shoulder.

"Of love!" Yoseob added as he put his arm around Kikwang's other shoulder.

"Oh!" Doojoon nodded. "You're doing this for Hyosung, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Kikwang said as he rubbed his head sheepishly.

"I could tell," Doojoon said. "It seemed like you guys had something between you, at least if Saeho acts the same as Kikwang."

"I would say that," Yoseob said. "I think Kikwang just has a hard time initially talking to people, but once he knows them well enough, he's just like how 'Saeho' is."

"We're doing secret Santa in our class," Kikwang explained. "And I have Hyosung for mine. But I haven't ever got to talk to her much, so I have no idea what to get her."

"Oh," Doojoon said. "Would you like some help?" Kikwang nodded. "Hyosung would be happy getting anything, of course, but she would be really... touched getting something clever or something with a lot of meaning. Or both!" Doojoon smiled. "Maybe Joon can help you."

"What!" Joon looked surprised.

Buzz. Buzz.

Doojoon took out his phone. "I'm sorry guys, I have to go." He put his phone back in his pocket. "Good luck, Kikwang-ssi! Bye!"

"What did he mean that you could help me?" Kikwang asked once Doojoon was gone. Joon turned to him, a serious look in his eyes.

"I used to date Jeon Hyosung."
Hyosung reached her street and was nearing her house. She was a couple of houses away when she saw her mom on the porch sitting with another woman.

"Hyosung-ah!" Her mother waved to her from the porch once Hyosung was in front of the house. 

"Hi, umma!" Hyosung greeted as she walked up the stairs to the porch. "Who's this?" She asked her mom, gesturing to the woman.

"Hyosung, this is Mrs. Lee," Her mom said. "Her family moved in a couple of months ago, but we've all been busy, so we haven't been able to meet up."

"Hello, Hyosung." Mrs. Lee stood up and bowed. "It's nice meeting you."

"Mrs. Lee has a son your age," Hyosung's mom said. "Kikwang, is it?"

"Yes." Mrs. Lee nodded. "He should be in your grade. He's in," She tapped her chin, thinking. "Park Kyunglim's class."

"Oh really? He's in my class?" Hyosung said. "I haven't seen him around."

"Yes, he's usually very shy," Kikwang's mom said. "Very quiet."

"Well, I'll say hi when I see him at school," Hyosung said with a gummy smile. "I hope he's adjusting well. Umma I'm going in now," She told her mom. "It was nice meeting you, Mrs. Lee." She bowed before going into the house.

"Such a nice girl," Mrs. Lee mused. "Well, it was nice seeing you again, Hee Young-ssi." She bowed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go home. Kikwang should be coming home any minute now."

"Yes, tell him 'hi' for me, Eun Kyung." Mrs. Jeon smiled and bowed. "Bye." She waved until Mrs. Lee got to to her house across the street. "Hyosung-ah!" She called into the house. "How did you enjoy your time with your friends?" Mrs. Jeon asked her daughter as she entered the living room.

"It was fun," Hyosung said with a far off look.

"That's good, dear." Hyosung's mom sat next to her on the couch. "You know, Mrs. Lee's son seems very nice."

"Have you ever met him?" Hyosung asked.

"A few times," Mrs. Jeon said. "Maybe you should bring him along on one of your outings. It would be nice if you two could become friends." Then she whispered. "Or more."

"Aigoo, mom!" Hyosung said, horrified. "Are you trying to set me up?"

"Honey," Mrs. Jeon pleaded. "Think of Kikwang. He's a very quiet boy. It wouldn't be very easy to make new friends for him."

"But I already-mmph!" Hyosung covered in a  panic then took her hand away and said something softly. "Someone I like."

"I didn't say you had to date him!" Hyosung's mom said. "I would just like you to be friends at least."

"Really? That's okay," Hyosung as she started to head to the stairs. "I guess."

"Hyosung-ah!" Her mom called to her on the stairs. "Who is this boy you like?"

Hyosung hesitated. "Saeho. Kang Saeho." She smiled.
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ichiru #1
update soon....!
thnx for updating this fic...^^
arghh...please forgive kikwang hyo..
Thought you would never update this fic >< THIS IS A NICE ONE, WORK MORE OFTEN PLEASE ♥
you finally updated it :))
Kisung fighting~ ^^
update soon~ ^^
I love your story~ <3
iwannaBangMir #6
Omg. Continue please. Dying to know what happens next. I love it so much.
Please update sooooooooooon!!!!!!
ichiru #8
hi hi...don't know what to say,,just thinking how will kikwang face her,how will him explain to her....
chingu ah..update soon kay..!
aidil23 #9
hyosung...crying..and also angry.....
kya! why kikwang mother there when hyosung just wanna say that!!
kya! kikwang!@ follow what ur mom said! go to her!
aww..kikwang such a gentelman! he buy necklace..
and its a gold!
kya! they can be sweet couple!

and keep updates! i alwways wait for ur next updates~ ;) <333
