Beautiful Stranger

When Angels Fall


The girls sat on one side of the table and Taecyeon sat on the other. Taeyeon was serving all of them some lunch.

“Can you tell us about why you were in that warehouse.” Jessica asked. They had already hid the red box in the attic like Euphemia said.

“I was sent there looking for this box with a key and directions in it. I'm apart of the agency JVP.” Taecyeon explained. Sunny gave a look to Taeyeon who nodded.

“What were you looking for it for? Is it important?” Sooyoung asked. All the girls were curious.

“Well, I know I shouldn't be telling you this but we're rivaling with this agency called S.M.. We both are looking for these nine stones that belong to these so called goddesses. These goddesses held power that any human being would want. Our agency wants the stones so we can control the power how we want.” Taecyeon explained.

“Really, can you tell us the names of the goddesses? We could be some sort of help right?” Sunny asked.

“Yeah you could. There names were Maat, Minerva, Nephthys, Selene, Venus, Vesta, Arianrhod, Athena, and Bast.” Taecyeon said. Yuri suddenly coughed why drinking her tea after hearing the names. YoonA quickly patted her back and Yuri thanked her.

“You've got to be out of your mind if you're looking for those.” Yuri said grinning. Taecyeon looked at her weirdly. “What do you mean?” he asked.

“The only way you'll be able to get to those stones if you can get the goddesses. That box you mentioned won't reveal itself to just anyone. It well only reveal itself to Athena.” Yuri explained. The others nodded agreeing.

“That's what those S.M. Freaks said that too. They are as we speaking looking for those girls. I've heard from spies that they've said those goddesses might be living closer than we think. I think their a bunch of idiots. Those girls are just legends. Those stones are what we need.” Taecyeon said.

“Obviously those idiots are smarter than you think.” YoonA said, smirking. Taecyeon looked at her for a minute before turning his attention back to Yuri.

“Yeah, well I should be off. My team might be wondering where I am. If I can I'll bring them here tomorrow evening if you'd like.” Taecyeon asked Taeyeon, knowing she was the oldest.

“That's fine with us.” Taeyeon smiled. Taecyeon nodded and looked at Yuri one last time before heading out. Yuri looked at Jessica before excusing herself and following him out.

“Hey, wait.” Yuri stopped him as he was walking down pass the pool in the front. Taecyeon grinned seeing her.

“You're coming back for sure tomorrow right?” Yuri asked. Taecyeon nodded. “Yeah, I'd definitely would like to get to know you better. I just have to finish some business up with my agency.” he said.

“I'm Kwon Yuri by the way, oppa.” Yuri smiled reaching her hand out.

“It's a pleasure meeting you Yuri.” He took her hand and kissed it. “I'll see you tomorrow night.”

Yuri blushed as he walked away. Once she was sure he was gone she ran back to the house.

“Yuri-ah!” Sunny squealed as she walked inside. Everyone began teasing her about Taecyeon.

“Guys quit teasing Yuri. We have bigger problems.” Taeyeon said.

“Really. Those S.M. People are really smart, eh?” Tiffany said.

“Really. Tomorrow, make sure that attic is locked when JVP comes over. We don't need them knowing our identity. Obviously we can't trust them with us too much.” Taeyeon said.

“We need as much information as we can get to locate our stones.” Jessica said.

“And we have to try and get into contact with BoA. Euphemia sent us here to retrieve our stones. I'm guessing when once we get our hands on those stones, Euphemia will send our bracelets down as well.” Sooyoung said.

“And then, we'll be able to truly return home.” YoonA said. All the girls nodded.

The girls were sitting down and backyard.

Taeyeon and Seohyun were barbequing, Yuri and Jessica were sunbathing, while everyone else were playing.

Hyuna suddenly walked in the backyard and whistled for the girls. Everyone quickly walked over to her.

“Hello girls. BoA sent me here to bring you the next mission.” Hyuna smiled.

“Oh really? What are we looking for now?” Sunny asked.

“I can't really tell you what. That map you retrieved from the box will explain it. But once you find out what you are looking for head to the the football game downtown. I'll drive. You guys are the cheerleaders by the way. But after your performance you each will be leaving to search 4 different locations. So, Taeyeon, Seohyun, and Sunny you three will go search in the school's clinic. Be fast because it closes right after the game is over with and make sure you don't get caught. Jessica and Hyoyeon you two will go into the schools abandoned gym. Yuri and YoonA you two will go into the boys locker room do not get caught either. Lastly Sooyoung and Tiffany, you will go into the schools main office. Each group will be looking for something different. The map will tell.” Hyuna explained. The girls nodded and thanked her for the information. “Oh by the way. Try and come up with a catchy song for half time. You guys are performing too.” Hyuna smiled before walking away.

“Go get the map, Sunny! Everyone else get your outfits out.” Taeyeon said. They rushed and did so.

They were all dress and Sunny handed the map to Seohyun to translate it.

“It says in the clinic there will be large sword for Athena in one of the cabinets. In the abandon gym there will be a crystal hand knives behind the bleachers for Bast. In the locker room there will a red whip for Venus. And main office, there will be a fire rob for Vesta.” Seohyun read.

“My whip!” Yuri squealed. “I wonder what the key is for then?” YoonA said.

“I know. It's my time key.” Sooyoung said, grinning.

“Alright ladies lets go!” Taeyeon said.

Yuri sat on the bleachers watching the game with the girls. Her eyes couldn't get off a certain player. YoonA noticed quickly. “He's a cutie isn't he.” YoonA teased.

“Cute isn't the word. He's freaking hot.” Yuri fanned herself. The guy was playing serious. He looked so determined.

“Only you would say that Yuri.” Tiffany grinned. Halftime came and the girls got onto the field to perform. Yuri and Hyoyeon choreographed the dance to the song the girls made a while ago.

They performed 'OH', a song Jessica and Taeyeon came up with.

Once the game was over, the girls rushed to their spots. They flew through crowds.

YoonA & Yuri


Yuri looked at YoonA putting her finger to to shush her. Yuri had took the locker room key from the couch when YoonA was flirting. They waiting until they seen the students and the coach finally leave to go into the locker room. “You search in the coaches office, I'll look around.” Yuri told YoonA. YoonA nodded and did so.

Yuri walked down the to the last locker set and began searching for her whip. “I'm too excited, I get to get my whip.” Yuri squealed to herself. Yuri stopped when she heard music coming from the coaches office. She looked to see YoonA dancing along while looking. Yuri grinned then continued looking. “Are you looking for this, Venus?” she heard a husky voice and quickly turned to see the boy that she said was hot leaning on the lockers holding her red whip. Yuri stood up straight nervously. “Who are you?” she asked quietly. He knew who she was. This is bad. “I'm Minho. I work for S.M. Agency. Are you Venus?” he asked, handing the whip to her. “Venus is my past life, I'm Yuri now.” Yuri said, taking the whip from him. “Give me the key.” he told her. Yuri blushed, and handed him the key.

“I'm not going to hurt you, noona. I'm helping you. I don't won't JVP with your stones because they are going to use them to better themselves. We are just trying to return them to you all.” Minho explained, stepping closer. Yuri stepped back into the wall and he pressed himself to her and cupped her face. “You don't remember me do you, Venus?” Minho whispered. Yuri narrowed her eyes. “Should I? I don't remember you. What's you real name then.” Yuri asked. Minho's lips grazed over hers before he jerked away. “Minho ! Are you in here!” they heard the coach call. Minho unlocked one of the lockers and placed Yuri in it. “You son of a-” Yuri growled. Minho just grinned and put his finger to his lips. “Yeah, I'm in here. I've got the key so I'm going to lock up.” Minho called. “Alright, I was just checking. I thought someone stole my keys. Alright, be careful. I'm leaving.” the coach called before leaving.

“Yuri-unnie!” YoonA ran back there, and stopped seeing Minho helping her out the locker.

“Let's go YoonA. I've got what we wanted.” Yuri pushed passed Minho. Minho grinned watching her.

“Yuri, noona!” he called. She and YoonA stopped and looked. “Its Anchises.” he said, revealing his old name.

Yuri eyes widen. “Lets go YoonA!” she said, in a harder tone. They walked out and left to wait for the other girls.

Taeyeon, Seohyun, and Sunny

Taeyeon, Seohyun, and Sunny entered the clinic just in time. Seohyun retrieved the key from one of the nurses. They began searching the clinic when they spotted five girls. The girls seen them and apporached.

“Who are you three and what are you doing in here.” the boyish one asked.

“I'm Taeyeon, this is Seohyun and Sunny. Who are you.” Taeyeon asked.

“I'm Amber. This is Victoria-unnie, Krystal, Sulli, and Luna.” Amber said.

“What are you doing here she asked.” Krystal glared at them. “That sweetheart, is none of your concern.” Sunny stepped forward. “Do you want us to make it our concern?” Victoria stepped to her.

“Girls. We don't need to be fighting. We are already delaying what we came here for. Lets leave them be. S.M. Will be angry if we don't hurry up.” Sulli said. “You all work for S.M.?” Seohyun looked shocked.

Krystal just looked at her and turned away. The girls followed her.

“Well, lets get back to looking.” Taeyeon said.

Sunny went into one of the rooms and grinned seeing what they came here for. She grabbed her sword and smiled. “What do you think you're doing.” Luna walked in.

“Claiming what is rightfully mines.” Sunny said, shrugging her shoulders.

“That doesn't belong to you. Hand it over and I might spear you.” Luna threatened.

“You want it?” Sunny asked. She flipped the sword and pointed the handle to Luna. “Wield it then.”

Luna took hold of the handle and Sunny let go. The sword crashed to the ground smashing Luna's hand.

Luna let out a piercing scream. Sulli, Krystal, Amber and Victoria rushed over. “Get it off!” Luna screamed in pain.

Sunny did so, placing the sword onto her shoulder. “!” Krystal and Victoria lifted guns and pointed it at Sunny. Amber and Sulli were helping Luna.

“Put the guns down.” Seohyun and Taeyeon said. They had their guns to Krystal and Victoria's head.

They lowered their guns.

“Like I said. I'm claiming what is rightfully mines.” Sunny smiled walking out. Seohyun and Taeyeon looked at Sunny scolding.

“You didn't have to hurt her, unnie.” Seohyun said. They waved at the girls before leaving.

“What the are you waiting for. Report her! That's ATHENA!” Luna yelled at them. Sulli quickly pulled out her phone. “We know who Athena is. Eh? Really?” Sulli said.

“Girls, Minho , Key, and Eunhyuk found out who are Venus, Bast, Arianrhod and Vesta is.” Sulli told them. “So we were right. They are actually here.” Amber said,

Sooyoung and Tiffany

Tiffany was searching the desks in the main office for her fire rob. Sooyoung was looking by the principal's area for it.

“Who's in here?” the heard someone said. Then a boy walked into the light. “Who are you?” He looked to Sooyoung then Tiffany.

“We're not telling you, you punk.” Sooyoung said. The boy glared at her.

“Sooyoung be nice. I'm Tiffany.” Tiffany smiled at the boy. “Key.” The boy said.

“We are looking for something that belongs to me. Do you by any chance seen a fire rob?” Tiffany asked.

Key looked at her weirdly. “You can't be Vesta.” he said. “If you are then when you touch the rob your hair will turn red.” Key said, and showed the rob to her.

Tiffany stood and approach the rob. “My baby.” she smiled before jerking it from his hand. Her hair turned a loud red color. “Hot aren't I?” Tiffany grinned at Sooyoung.

Sooyoung rolled her eyes. “You're so lame, unnie.”

“Who's she?” Key asked. “Sooyoung? She's Arianrhod.” Tiffany said glazing at her rob.

“Tiffany! You're not suppose to say my identity!” Sooyoung hissed.

“I told him who I am. It shouldn't hurt.” Tiffany pouted.

“Whatever, lets go already.” Sooyoung said. Tiffany nodded before following her out.

Key shuck his head, until he notice his phone ringing


Hyoyeon and Jessica

I think I found you crystal hand knives Hyoyeon!” Jessica called from the other side of the gym. Hyoyeon rushed over there to see. “You did!” Hyoyeon smiled, slipping the hand knives onto her fingers. Unnoticed to them, the boy, Eunhyuk was watching from the stage behind the curtains. “So that's my Bast.” Eunhyuk thought. He watched Hyoyeon jump around happily throwing her hands until she almost sliced Jessica, and Jessica hit her. They grinned before leaving.

All the girls were lounging around waiting for Taecyeon and his friends to come over.

Yuri was laying on YoonA in deep thoughts. YoonA was brushing her hair. Jessica was playing cards with Tiffany, Sunny, and Sooyoung at the table. Seohyun and Hyoyeon were helping Taeyeon cook.

They heard a knock on the door and Yuri got up to answer.

Taecyeon smiled brightly at her. He introduced his friends to them.

Guys, this is the girls I was talking about.” he said. “I'm Hyoyeon!” Hyoyeon grinned.

I'm Taeyeon, these are my friends Seohyun, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Tiffany, YoonA, Sooyoung, Sunny, and Jessica.” Taeyeon smiled.

This is Junsu-hyung, Junho, Nichkhun-hyung, Wooyoung, and Chansung.” Taecyeon introduced them.

C'mon in take a seat, we are almost finish cooking.” Taeyeon smiled.

Wooyoung , Junsu, and Junho sat at the table to play cards. Tiffany blushed when Wooyoung sat next to her.

Nichkhun and Taecyeon sat by YoonA and Yuri.

Chansung went to Taeyeon, Hyoyeon and Seohyun to help. Seohyun blushed when he offered to help her cut the food up and nodded.

Everyone was enjoying their time for a while when they heard a knock on the door. Taeyeon went and answered it. “Yuri-ah!” Taeyeon called from the door. Yuri excused herself and went to the door.

Taeyeon passed by her giving her a warning look. Yuri stepped outside to see Minho.

Oh no. What are you doing here. How did you find me?” Yuri asked closing the door behind her.

I need to speak with you about those JVP people.” Minho said seriously.

And why should I listen to you about what you have to say about them.” Yuri glared at him.

She noticed Taeyeon, Seohyun, and Chansung looking out the window. Chansung then suddenly disappeared.

Because you know better than to trust them.” Minho glared back at her.

Oh yeah? You've got 5 minutes. Shoot.” Yuri said.

They are called 2pm in their company. They are looking for the stones so they can control everything. I don't know much about the stones but I do know they will only appear when you nine go looking in the right places for them. We found out we have some traders in our company who are working for them and giving them information. They know who you are, and they will know who is who by the time you find all of your weapons. We're trying our best to help you find your weapons so you can get to the stones. But they are going to try and convince you all to come with them on one of their missions. I want you to refuse them.” Minho explained.

And if they don't ask?” Yuri said.

They will. Trust me.” Minho said. Yuri looked at the window again to see Taeyeon sending her a questionable look. Yuri just smiled then looked at Minho.

I'm going to trust you. But you can't just pop up here uninvited. They are in there right now.” Yuri scolded him. Minho just grinned at her.

Do you wanna come in. Taeyeon-unnie is making us something to eat.” Yuri blushed.

Nah. I'm not invited. And I'm sure you don't want to see how big of a grudge S.M. And JVP have against each other.” Minho said.

Are you scared?” Yuri teased. Minho laughed.

Nope. I have some errands to run anyway. I'll stop by tomorrow maybe.” Minho said.

Maybe?” Yuri asked. Minho just grinned before turning and leaving.

Bye bye!” Yuri waved before walking inside.

Taeyeon watch Taecyeon stand and approach Yuri as she came in. The others besides Wooyoung who was too busy flirting with Tiffany were glaring at her, and she didn't like it one bit.

What were you talking to Minho about?” Taecyeon asked her. Yuri looked at him weirdly.

Why should it matter. He's my friend.” Yuri walked passed Taecyeon to sit by YoonA.

Hey, I'm not through talking to you.” Taecyeon grabbed her by her arm. “Do you know he works for S.M.?”

Hey, hey!” Taeyeon hissed walking over to them. “Don't grab her like that, what is wrong with you?”

Taecyeon quickly released Yuri, and she stumbled into YoonA.

I didn't mean it like that. Minho is bad news. He claims to be Anchises or something.” Taecyeon said.

Taeyeon eyes wide in amusement. She shot Yuri a quick look saying you gotta explain this.

He never said nothing like that to me.” Yuri said, YoonA rubbing her arm.

Chansung stood and stretched. “I think we should leave.” he said.

Yeah, lets go. Remember what I said.” Taecyeon said. All the boys then said their goodbyes and left.

Yuri-ah! You got some explaining to do!” Sunny grinned.

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kiyoong #1
Chapter 5: Don't discontinue please ! ;~;
Chapter 5: Can I continue it?
SNSD1203 #3
Chapter 5: MORE!! :(
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #5
update soon i cant wait to find out what will happen next

Love your ff soo much, so plz dont discontinue ^_^
wah. i really want to know what will happen next.
to their fight especially yuri.
please. ^^
please don't discontinue it.
i love your stories.
i mean what i hve read.
so please don't.

i will support this till the end,
Yuri and MinYul.

i will be finish reading this after readin the last chapter so please don't discontinue it.
Discontiued. Sorry, I lost interest in the story :( But i'm making another called Beautiful Stranger go read now:)
I'm updating this first Friday of ever month:)
Sookey plss .. Love it !! <3