Past And The Present Love Life

Long Last Time
"Sana, promise me that when we see eachother again, we will be together forever.""I promise you tzuyu.And never forget me.""I love you tzuyu." I love you too sana" 3 years Later. "Hey tzuyu"-Mina. "Yea"-Tzuyu..............."You want to go to a party with me and my friends"-Mina.... "No im ok"c'mon you need to get out. You need to do something instead of just staying in here and study. Come on get dressed and we'll go."-Mina. "Fine i'll go"-Tzuyu. 30 minutes later. ......"Ok tzuyu my friends are waitig for us outside." "Ok tzuyu these are my friends chaeyoung, dahyun, nayeon, jihyo,jungyeon, and finally momo" alright lets go"-Mina. When Mina introduced Momo to Tzuyu, Momo and tzuyu locked eyes.When they arrived at the party, hours later Momo went looking for Tzuyu cause ever since they got to the party tzuyu disappeared out of nowhere.But eventually, Momo found her sitting outside on the steps of the alpha house.When Momo saw her she went and sat next to tzuyu.Momo asked"Whats wrong tzuyu"-Momo "Nothing i just dont like to come to these types of parties."-Tzuyu,"Your not the only one,""You want to go walk around the campus, after i could show you my dorm"-Momo "Sure"said tzuyu."So how come you've never went with mina everytime we would all hangout."-Momo"Because all i like to do is study".-Tzuyu "Oh"-Momo. 20 minutes later..........................................................."So this is my dorm.I share it with dahyun, but since she's dating nayeon she stays with her all the time when we go to parties."-Momo"Well its a nice dorm"-Tzuyu"Tzuyu,can you please sit down i have to confesa something that i feel for you."-Momo" Tzuyu, i know that i barely met you, but ever since that moment when we locked eyes, i felt my heart flutter with exciment. From then on i knew that i will always love you, because of your sparkly eyes, your beautiful hair,your perfect smile, that just showed me that i love you and forever.At that exact moment Tzuyu got up from the bed walked up to Momo and Tzuyu pulled Momo close to her and gave her a passionate kiss.Then Tzuyu pinned Momo to the bed and they undressed eachother.That night they had the most magical night that they ever had expierenced. The next morning they woke up with Tzuyu wrapped in Momo's arms.When they saw each other they smiled and gave eachother a passionate kiss. The tzuyu got up and got dressed so did momo. Tzuyu said "I had a magical night last night ." I did too.". As Tzuyu headed for the doorbshe stopped and said "i love you too Momo" And they gave a passionate kiss good-bye. ..................................THE END.............
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hope it wasnt bad. my first time writing


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