Chapter 2

Bonded Heart

As Misun and Boyeong got closer to the mess hall, she heard a faint whistle coming from behind her causing her to stop and turn her head over her shoulder to see who it was only to watch as Hyeonsik come up behind two guards that were gazing lustfully at her and slap both of them upside the head. Seeing the scene, she felt a corner of tug up slightly only to immediately fall into a frown when she saw Hyeonsik whistle himself. “That’s right! That’s my partner! Keep walking you, y woman you!” hearing this, Misun snarled before lifting her unattached hand and easily lifting her middle finger up and flicking him off. It only responded in him laughing hysterically. “Come on babe, don’t…” just as he was about to continue, a small pebble flew through the air smacking right in the middle of his forehead. Tears in the corner of his eyes, he glanced up only to see Misun walking away again, but this time her hand waving around in circles in the air highlighting her middle finger. What surprised him further was that the child was doing the same motion as well causing him to roar with laughter.

Looking down, Misun saw Boyeong imitating her only to grab her hand and immediately shake her head. “Little dove, you shouldn’t repeat that gesture until you are my age. You’re too young sweetheart,” she said panicking slightly. This only gave Boyeong a reason to grin up sheepishly and with joy at her adopted mother. “Ok Mama! After we are done eating, will you bring out your warrior?” she innocently asked. A sharp pain pierced her heart as she hesitated on answering. “I’ll think about it,” she replied as they continued to walk. Reaching the mess hall, Misun filled one tray with enough food for the duo before locating an empty table away from the rest of the children. Settling Boyeong in her chair first, she started to sit down when Boyeong immediately got out of her own chair and jumped onto her lap causing the air in her lungs to leave her in a rush.

Looking down at the child in surprise, she watched as a pair of puppy eyes looked up at her and a trembling lower lip. With a sigh, she knew that the child had caught her, line, hook, and sinker with just that gaze. In the back of her mind, she knew she needed to be careful so as the camps leaders wouldn’t use the child against her seeing as how Boyeong was her only weakness. “Feed me, Mama!” the child called up to her sweetly causing a small smile of tenderness to caress her face. Nodding, she started to feed the child, but what she didn’t realize, was that this scene was watched by several guards who had been looking for a weakness of hers for a long time. Seeing the scene, the group sneered at Misun’s mistake and knew it would be her downfall. “Serves her right, the . Who does she think she is, with no card to boot. They should have killed her off years ago,” one of them muttered to the others as they all nodded in agreement. “Stop worrying. Now that we know her weakness, we just need to bide our time before using the child against her. I know the perfect day too,” another replied as they escaped from the mess hall to begin planning.

As they left, one of the soldiers ended up bumping into Hyeonsik while he was entering the mess hall. Instead of apologizing like they normally would, they hurried their steps to escape from the hall which left Hyeonsik to believe that something was wrong. Narrowing his eyes, he watched as the group rushed away. Something doesn’t seem right, he wondered to himself. “I’ve got a bad feeling about those three,” he muttered before looking around the hall. Seeing Misun and Boyeong at a table, his chocolate brown eyes lit up in excitement as an imaginary tail seemed to wag speedily behind him along with a new set of pointed ears perking up at seeing it’s owner. Which is exactly how he felt at times regarding Misun. He couldn’t help but adore the girl who had no cards. He felt like a big brother to her and just wanted to protect her even though they were partners.

“Misunnie!” he called out waving his arms and happily skipping toward the duo. Hearing the overly sweet voice calling out the nickname she despised, she huffed in annoyance as Hyeonsik took Boyeong’s forgotten chair since the child refused to move from her lap. “What do you want Hyeonsik?” she asked as she fed a spoonful of vegetables to Boyeong. “Why, Misun, I’m hurt you would act like this! All I want to do is just gaze at your beautiful face,” he started to say when Misun leaned across the table and flicked his brow causing him to wheel backwards and topple over the chair. A loud smack resonated through the hall causing the tenants to roar with laughter at the fools’ misfortune. Flushing a dark red, Hyeonsik straightened himself up as he saw a faint smile curve upon her lips. Knowing the pain was worth the price of seeing her smile, Hyeonsik grinned. “Not only that, but I was wondering if you wanted to spar? I need to train with my warriors and wanted to know if you wanted to join me,” he commented while shuffling on his feet.

Thinking about it, Misun felt a good sparing match would loosen up her muscles a bit since she felt a little tense. “Why not,” she said and watched as Boyeong fell asleep on her shoulder as the child was full and content. Finishing off the food, she stood up cradling the child close to her chest as she left the hall to head toward Boyeong’s cabin that she shared with several other children her age. Putting her to bed, she felt arms wrap around her waist and the scent of pine and spruce surround and begin to mingle with her lavender and sandalwood scent. “She’s such an adorable little girl,” Hyeonsik murmured in her ear. For once she could agree with the male even though he continued to touch her even though she didn’t like it. Just in the moment though, she knew that she could relax around him and feel like she could be herself regardless of the outcome and the judging eyes of the other guards and camp leaders who loved to spill all of her faults and weakness’s to the manipulative government. The only thing she was worried about is for Boyeong to get caught in the crossfire and be used against her as well as Hyeonsik. She wouldn’t admit this aloud, but she did care for the bumbling oaf, even if he was very touchy-feely. She didn’t like skin ship but with these two she could put up with it in private away from prying eyes.

Letting her go, Hyeonsik watched Misun’s expression flicker through multiple emotions. Extending his hand to grasp her own, he watched as she turned to look up at him. “Let’s go so Boyeongie can rest easily,” he said softly and with a soft tug, pulled her toward him and placed a chaste kiss upon her brow. Feeling her tense up underneath him, he gave a grin before dashing away as Misun followed with a look of rage upon her face. The duo ran toward the arena and just as Hyeonsik thought he’d get away a random branch left on the dirt tripped him up, causing him to stumble and land flat on his face and skid slightly before Misun with embarrassment. Coming to a stop beside him, she raised one of her eyebrows in amusement before rolling her eyes while extending a hand to help him up. Clasping his own hand within her smaller grasp, he heaved himself up and brought out two cards and kissing the both of them.

A light gray smoke appeared before the duo and they watched as two males appeared with stern looks upon their brow. One had platinum blonde hair cut in a small Mohawk whereas the second had black hair that fell slightly over his right eye. Hyeonsik looked at his two warriors and just from their looks alone, he knew he was in trouble. “Now, don’t look at me like that Haneul and Junseo,” Hyeonsik stated taking a step back as the warriors glared. “Stop teasing Misun then,” Haneul responded as he ran a hand through his black as night hair in frustration. Nodding in agreement, Junseo looked toward the girl in question as she watched, arms crossed in amusement. “How are you Misun?” Junseo asked walking closer to the girl. Looking up at the warrior, she smiled softly for only him to see and gave a brief nod. “I’m doing as well as I can. Now, before any more time wastes away, let’s train,” she softly said before receiving a round of agreement from the three men before her.

As they trained together, it wasn’t until hours later when one of the attendants in the main camp came running over disturbing them and requesting for the duo to report to the office. The four exchanged glances and Haneul and Junseo returned to their cards respectively. Returning to her stern persona, Misun and Hyeonsik followed after the attendant into the main office where they were informed that they would be leaving to go out onto a mission. Looking over the report details, Misun realized that this mission alone would cause her to be away for several months. Worry filtered through her at the prospect of leaving Boyeong alone for that long, but she knew that she had to follow orders or she would be killed on the spot. Bowing toward the camps main leader, the two partners returned to their quarters to quickly pack up. Making a quick stop after collecting her bag, Misun headed toward Boyeong’s cabin to see the child practicing her writing.

Kneeling before the child, she glanced over her face memorizing all of the details of the child who she had come to adore and love. “Boyeong, Hyeonsik and I have to leave for a while to go on a mission,” she started. Hearing the word leave, the child began to tear up and threw herself onto the mother figure she had adopted and began to cry. “Shhh, don’t cry little dove, I’ll be back before you know it. I need you to promise me that you will be on your best behavior and won’t get out of line or cause trouble ok?” she asked softly while rubbing the child’s back tenderly. Feeling her shirt become wet with the tears, she felt Boyeong’s head nod in affirmation. Receiving the agreement, Misun stood up wiping the child’s tears away. Ruffling her hair, she placed a soft kiss upon her head and left quickly so as the tears she withheld in her own eyes wouldn’t shed. It had been nearly seventeen years since she had shed a tear and she didn’t want to start now and showcase her weakness any further than she knew she already had. Taking one last glance around the camp, she and Hyeonsik left and they both knew it would be a long time before returning.

Several months passed and the day they returned to the camp was the one day she dreaded the most. It was her twenty-third birthday. Of course, she refused to celebrate and even Hyeonsik knew not to bother her on this day because she had a very short temper and knew that if he even tried anything he would not live to the next day. As they stepped into the camp, they noticed that there was a large circle of children standing around looking to something that was happening in the middle. Walking closer, it wasn’t until a scream of pain filled the air that Misun felt her heart fill with dread. Rushing forward she moved toward the circle and began to force her way through. However, some of the children saw her and began to try and stop her. “Teacher Misun! Don’t look!” several of them cried out. Hearing their pleas, she glared at them to let go and continued to make her way into the inner most circle.

Making it toward the middle and seeing the sight before her, she felt fear dance its way down her spine as she watched in horror as the child she had come to know and love was beaten before her. “Take your hands off her now!” she roared taking a step forward. Hyeonsik who had just made it into the circle himself stared in shock. Recognizing the three guards who had caused him to be suspicious of, he knew that this would not end well. Misun took another step forward only to have several guards rush to her and grab onto her and hinder her movements. “Let me go now,” she snarled trying to move. In the middle of the circle, Boyeong lay on the ground with bruises, cuts, and blood littering her frail body as she weakly held her hand out toward Misun. “Ma….ma,” she whimpered in pain.

Seeing the child in pain, she felt like her heart was breaking. “Take your hands off of me now, or you will not see the end of this day,” she snarled and began to move erratically in their arms only for the guards to strengthen their hold. Hyeonsik tried to move toward them as well, when he too was withheld. A loud laugh filled the area. “It’s about time to see you suffer Misun! For everything you’ve done, watch as your weakness destroys you,” one of the guards standing above Boyeong said as he pulled out a sword from its sheath on his hip. Eye’s widening, she began to struggle frantically. “No!!! Leave her alone! She’s only a child!!” she cried out and watched in horror as the sword was brought down and pierced the child in the chest before being ripped out. Two pain filled screams filled the air as the rest of the children looked away in pain as they watched one of their own killed before them. Crumpling, the guards holding her back let her go as she collapsed to her knees.

Seeing that she had been let go, she scrambled over to Boyeong, pulling her into her arms and holding her tenderly. The amount of blood escaping covered her hands as tears began to fall from both her eyes and the child’s. “Ma….ma,” Boyeong whispered as blood began to trickle down the corner of her lip. “No, no, no,” Misun whispered as she felt her body shake from the sobs wracking her guilt filled body. “Don’t leave me please!” she watched in horror as the childs eyes started to close. “I promised I would show you!” Misun cried out and reached into her pocket surprising the viewers as a card appeared in Misun’s grasp. Bringing the card to her lips, she placed a kiss upon the card and shuddered as a purple string seemed to connect her with the warrior as a gentle warmth filled her.

Purple smoke surrounded the area before a male appeared kneeling in front of Misun and the no longer living Boyeong. Looking up into a pair of deer like eyes, tears clouded her vision as she gazed at him. “Help me,” she whispered before the pain of loss took over and she saw nothing but darkness when a soft gentle reply caressed her. “Of course, my lady.”

Author's Note:

So I wanted to cry while writing this chapter. I knew that this scene had to happen in order for Misun to accept the card she had received and build the bond between the two. I also feel very humbled by the fact I've received so many subscribers even though I only had one chapter up. Thank you so much everyone for subscribing and liking my story! Can you guess who the card is? There's more hints too! Anyways, I hope everyone continues to enjoy my story and please subscribe, upvote, and comment! Comments are always appreciated!!! Have a great weekend!!!! ^___^

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67 streak #1
Chapter 6: Hope you continue this masterpiece because it's incredible XD
minyoungunnie #2
Chapter 6: Uhh I don't suppose this will be continued XD
me24corner #3
Chapter 6: It's very interesting and heart touching. It's like a reality good job authornim! Please update soon;ill wait!
Jin-ho #4
Chapter 6: I just started reading this today and it's so good, I can't wait to see who pops up next!
Chapter 6: wow I so this fanfic today and I can say that I love so much.
imexpecting an update soon right?
Hihihihijijo_143 #6
Chapter 6: Omigod this totally entered my "Favourites" list in my mind.... Keep updating authornim!! Totally love this story hehehe
CezzaC #7
Chapter 6: Holy guacamole, this was a good find! Great plot + character development to die for + nice writing style = an absolute gem to read.
Keep it up!
Chapter 1: THIS IS REALLY GOOD !!! (you should update this one too!!!)
Chapter 6: OMG! I'm loving this! I always like cardau and this one seems exciting. Fighting!!! :)