Chapter 2

Train Detour


Dara hastily wiped her hands clean with her apron as she stepped out from behind the counter. She breezily swiped her notepad from its marble surface while she made her way to their newly arrived costumer. Her gaze roamed around Kwon Jiyong’s relaxed form as he settled himself at the corner table. He hasn’t notice her yet.


“Mr. Kwon” Dara painted a smile on her face, eagerly clutching her notepad


He met her gaze upon hearing her voice, a smile instantly curving his lips. There was a momentary gleam of surprise in his eyes as he met hers. “Train girl”


She resisted the urge to roll her eyes and forced her smile to stay polite, “I’m glad you actually remembered the right vehicle unfortunately you guessed the wrong name”


His smile widened while he propped his elbow on the table resting his chin by hand, “Which would be?”


“Sandara..uhm..just Dara” she answered, a bit flustered knowing he wanted her name. Did he want to make fun of her too? Just like everyone in the whole entire world who for being a fan of a not-so-young band?


“Pretty name” he murmured, finally breaking the hold of their gazes to pick up the menu. “Mind getting me a cup of coffee Dara-ah? I like it black please”


pulled into a frown hearing his order, “That sounds so plain Mr. Kwon”


“And I sound so old with you calling me that. I can go by Jiyong you know” he grinned, “And what’s wrong with my order?”


“Don’t you want to at least add some honey to that? Black’s so bitter” she blanched, biting her tongue in distaste


Jiyong smirked, “I’m not really into sweets but I guess I could try it for a change.”


Dara bit her lower lip straining a big smile. The fact that he considered her suggestion made her slightly giddy inside. “I’ll be right back”


It was probably the fastest made coffee in record time. Dara rushed like the Dash in the kitchen, grabbing the jar of honey with one hand gliding through the small area holding a cup in the other. Her hands quickly prepared Jiyong’s order as if she were being timed by the second.

By the time she served it, Jiyong was still practically putting down the menu. He raised an eyebrow in surprise and amusement seeing her back so soon, “Excellent service. You could rival a fast food chain at that speed” he teased


Dara flapped a hand nonchalantly as she set the mug down on the table, “It’s just brewing coffee Jiyong not rocket science”


He chuckled before blowing the steaming mug. Waiting for it to cool down, he gestured for her to sit astride him. She hesitantly obliged taking the vacant chair.


“How many jobs do you have?” he questioned


“Just two actually, I’m just taking extra ones these days since I’m saving for a concert” she answered, excitement present in her tone


“The Train Concert?” he grinned


She nodded enthusiastically like a happy puppy, all too ready to squeal and humiliate herself. “I’ve been wanting to see them for ages! They’re my favourite band!!”


Jiyong bit back a laugh settling a grin, “Really?”


She propped her elbows on the table and leaned closer to him. A big smile still plastered in her face as she continued to gush about the band, “They’re amazing Ji! All their songs have deep messages and they perform so passionately! Have you heard their hits?”


Jiyong nodded, “Hey Soul Sister?”


“Oh MY GOD! You actually know them!” Dara happily shouted, her fists slamming on the table in joy. Jiyong startled as the table shook as Dara slammed her fists vigorously on it. The girl was giddily expressing her delight upon discovering another fan.


Dara’s continuous table slamming caught the attention of the costumers. Some of them stared at the openly happy girl thinking she was out of her mind. Jiyong caught Dara’s wrist to stop her act before smiling at the other costumers.


He turned his attention to the still smiling girl. She blinked innocently at him noticing his clutch on her wrists. “What?”


Jiyong smiled again, “Marry me”


Dara squealed in delight.  



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Chapter 2: 've just read it, author-nim!!
if u might, please update soon.. neh..? ^^~
Chapter 2: This is cute... But how come you seemed to stop writing about this?
Chapter 2: wahahahaha! I would feel so trolled if you say that "marry me" is one of the titles of train's songs wahahahahaha!!! omg XD
cHoc0Lat3 #4
Chapter 2: oh wow, is he really ask her to marry him or he just ??
i_am_twisted #5
This is a nice story! I hope you get to update soon. Looking forward to it!
Chapter 2: wow kwon so,. Bluntly
victoriayuyan #7
Update plz. Great story here. Will be back to finish the story. ^^Subscribe.
New reaader! :)) i enjoyed reading the 1st chapter. Hope you update sooooooon author-nim! ^^ *subscribed.
New reaader! :)) i enjoyed reading the 1st chapter. Hope you update sooooooon author-nim! ^^ *subscribed.
ooooooooooooo! me gusta! can't wait for an update!!!! :D