Chapter 1

Train Detour


“Dara, assist CL in her next project. She’ll be working with Tom and Jerry in it.”


Sandara Park rolled her eyes hearing her manager’s instructions. Obviously, if CL was working with the idiotic duo, she’ll need all the help she could get. Because ironically they were just like cat and mouse when put in the same room.


“But I need to work an extra shift in my other job next week” she protested


Her manager arched a brow, “You’re still working for that ticket?”


“YES!” she exasperated, her hands in determination. For three weeks she’s been taking extra shifts, working late hours to save up for her dream concert. The ticket was unreasonably pricey but it would be worth getting dark circles under her eyes.


“Why don’t you just be a normal girl and spend the 24th on a date or with your family instead of some band we’ve never heard of” her manager grinned


“Of course you’ve never heard of them” Sandara scoffed, “You were born in a time when the Beatles were still in diapers!”


“YAH! If you want that bonus you better watch that mouth of yours!”


And with that Sandara Park saluted and ran out of the room.  




A week later…


“DARA! Get me a bat!” Tom’s voice resonated in the room in rage. Sandara’s looked at him in puzzlement.


“What for?” she questioned


“So I can bash Jerry’s skull in two!” Tom barked


Sandara rolled her eyes before walking towards the other side of the room, “I don’t wanna contribute to your murder”


“YAH! Do what I say or you’ll never get to afford that ticket to that weird named band’s concert!” Tom’s nostrils flared up


CL laughed, “What’s that band again? It was a vehicle right? Bus or something?”


TRAIN Damnit!!!!” Sandara shrieked wildly


Tom and CL laughed at her outburst. CL continued her teasing, “So what’s their hit? Let me guess, it’s ‘Choo-Choo’?”


Sandara’s brain was about to explode to oblivion when a voice suddenly interrupted from the door.


Marry Me


All their heads snapped towards the voice’s direction. Tom and CL jumped off the couch in surprise seeing the voice’s owner. Sandara’s temper ebbed off instantly watching the newly arrived person.


His face was astoundingly handsome. A small smirk plastered on his amused expression as he directed his gaze at her. She could feel her face heat up as his dark brown orbs locked hers intently.


Tom’s disturbing giddy squeal interrupted her trance, “EEEEEEP!! But you don’t even know my name yet!”


Sandara and CL averted their attentions towards the spazzing homoual. Tom was dreamily batting his lashes towards the guy.


“But I don’t mind accepting your proposal though” he sighed, snatching the guy’s hand


CL chuckled, “Calm down cat, we’re going to lose our client!”


Sandara tilted her head confusedly. “Client?”


CL nodded and stopped Tom’s little molesting. She faced the guy and smiled apologetically, “You’re Kwon Jiyong right?”


The guy nodded and stuck his hand out for a shake, “I’m from YG”


CL took his hand and shook it. Dara inspected his formal getup, suit and all, gelled and cropped hair. The guy reeked WEALTH and BUSINESS. And for someone who looked utterly polished and successful, he was very young. She’d guess he’s just a few years older than her.


Just then CL turned towards her, “Dee, he’ll be the new face representing YG. He’s your project.”


Correction: He’s Tom and Jerry’s project, I’m just assisting” she wagged a finger knowingly. CL and Tom raised their brows on her defensive denial. Dara rolled her eyes and exclaimed, “I’m on the clock! I won’t stay for the whole shoot. I got other jobs to attend”


Tom scoffed, “Right. For that Taxi concert”


“TRAIN!” Dara barked infuriately


Jiyong chuckled, his tone amused. Dara glared at him, “What’s funny?”


“I assume you’re a fan?” he grinned


“DUH” she rolled her eyes, “Please don’t tell me you’re also from the Stone ages and haven’t heard of them”




“Oh Mr. Kwon, about your proposal, we need to clear out a few conditions” CL butted in. Jiyong nodded before hesitantly following her to the next room. Tom nudged Dara’s ribs and gestured for her to start working.


“Can we make this quick Cat? I still have to attend my last shift at the cafe” Dara whined, tugging Tom’s loose shirt.


“Fine, just adjust the lighting and help set up the backdrop then you can scoot” Tom ordered, his hands busily the camera.


Dara grinned and immediately started working. Her pace in haste, she executed her task in mere minutes before reporting back to Tom. The efficient work surprised Tom but nonetheless he gave her an approving nod. Dara gave delighted squeal before hurrying off towards the exit like her was on fire.




At Dara’s second job later…


“Look Dee, there’s so many couples on a date tonight” Bom sighed dreamily, her elbows propped on the counter while staring at the number of lovebirds in their café. Dara just shrugged and continued wiping the counter clean.


“Well they’re not getting discounts just because they’re in love” Dara muttered


Bom furrowed her brows at her, “Did you get coals in your stocking last year?”


“I don’t believe in the fat man Bom” Dara scoffed


“And I’m guessing you don’t believe in love either?” Bom narrowed her eyes at her


Dara smiled small, she glanced at a certain pair of teens seated at the far corner. Innocent pink stained their faces as they talked shyly. She shook her head slowly, “I do believe it exist. It’s just that…”


Bom tilted her head sideway, “just what?”

Dara shrugged her shoulders then tossed the rag beneath the counter, “It’s hard to tell if you’ve found it.”


Bom smiled, “Love comes Dee you don’t have to search for it”


“But if something comes that isn’t really love, you’d wish it didn’t bother coming” she answered bitterly, Bom patted her back assuring.


“Don’t be scared of what comes along, there’s a reason why they come” Bom squeezed her shoulder in comfort.


Dara sighed and averted her attention at the opening door. Another costumer just arrived and to her utter surprise it was none other than their client, Kwon Jiyong. He was no longer in his formal attire; he had changed into a loose white shirt and jeans. He could be mistaken as a teenager with his youthful get up since his features looked prominently younger. 


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Chapter 2: 've just read it, author-nim!!
if u might, please update soon.. neh..? ^^~
Chapter 2: This is cute... But how come you seemed to stop writing about this?
Chapter 2: wahahahaha! I would feel so trolled if you say that "marry me" is one of the titles of train's songs wahahahahaha!!! omg XD
cHoc0Lat3 #4
Chapter 2: oh wow, is he really ask her to marry him or he just ??
i_am_twisted #5
This is a nice story! I hope you get to update soon. Looking forward to it!
Chapter 2: wow kwon so,. Bluntly
victoriayuyan #7
Update plz. Great story here. Will be back to finish the story. ^^Subscribe.
New reaader! :)) i enjoyed reading the 1st chapter. Hope you update sooooooon author-nim! ^^ *subscribed.
New reaader! :)) i enjoyed reading the 1st chapter. Hope you update sooooooon author-nim! ^^ *subscribed.
ooooooooooooo! me gusta! can't wait for an update!!!! :D