

Girls were mad at me. Enraged, I would even say, and disgusted with me continuing my career, with me letting our group to disband. But it wasn't even my fault. All of this seemed strange. I couldn't see anything clearly, actually I saw everything being blurred. I stood in the middle of white corridor in a building of some youth hostel. It didn't seem big, but I know that I wasn't there without a reason.

Gayoon and our friend, friend that I don't know name of, was sitting comfortably on a couch. She has put left leg on her right and placed her arms alongside the leather couch that was standing in a corner of a small room where two vending machines and short glass table could be found. All of this standing on a weirdly-green footcloth. Jiyoon was facing the rest of the girls, when I came closer they all gave me glowering stare. They were still mad at me. Awfully mad. Yes, anger could be their second name.

Group of several, maybe dozen or so people at age twenty showed up. Everyone got their foot in the door. There was a back door. The part of corridor where they were standing, was unlighted. Nevertheless, all those people stood there, in pairs, and waited till the door will be open.

I had no idea what is it all about. I only knew that I have to attend this thing. But I can't go alone.

Mysterious friend of ours whispered something into Jiyoon's ear, enigmatic smile still plastered on her face.

„Come on, go." She said almost in imploring tone. She seemed a bit exasperated and I could see she's afraid of something. I knew what about. Don't ask me how I knew. I just did. I was still standing on the corridor being afraid to come closer to the others. After all, my eyes were stuck on the girls. My own mind was screaming at me: „They hate you. Get out of their way."

The door was open. This whole scene looked like a moment of letting ravenous cutthroats out from the jail. Outside light illuminated hitherto dark part of the corridor. Actually, it was redundant as hell - walls were empty.

Unexpectedly, familiar silhouette stood next to me. Her expression seemed like she was doing it as a punishment. Jiyoon was wearing little too big white shirt, washed-out jeans that she used to wear only at home. When the people before us started to walk out of the building, I grabbed her hand. I have no idea why. I just did and that's all. At first her fingers wriggled in a strange way, as if current went through her hand. Her head turned around in the direction of our friend the stranger. The girl was still smiling. She had the same smile. And then, Jiyoon returned it.

Jiyoon's hand got back to its normal form. For split second I thought, or more like I wanted to believe in it, she squeezed mine. It was late evening outside. I was welcomed by chilly wind blow that winnowed my hair from every possible angle. We approached some car. I didn't see its brand, because it had open trunk. Some man, I think it was organizer of the show, explained rules of the game to us. But I wasn't listening to it. My thoughts circled around the fact that Jiyoon is standing next to me. The trunk was full of trash, a lot of trash, garden decoration, tools. There was all and nothing.

I saw subtitles, they cropped out pretty quickly, I couldn't read them. They've passed with breakneck speed, I read only few words from many different sentences, nothing made sense. What the hell is wrong with my mind? I felt dizziness. I covered myself with my coat, but still didn't fasten it. Moment later, wind started blowing again. Cold air hit my face, but it hasn't destroyed spending the time outside, I was dressed warmly.

Jiyoon got closer to me. Gently, but firmly she embraced me from the back. She placed her head on my arm, close to my neck. It surprised me, I even shrank a bit. I turned around my head to face her and met her eyes. She welcomed me with a smirk that was hid in my arm a moment later. She was shivering because of cold weather. Well, she dressed like for ing heat on a desert. I remained silent, because what was I supposed to say? I didn't feel like playing some games either. I'm done with people playing with my feelings.

And that's when I wanted to walk away. But Jiyoon briefly kissed my neck, I felt chills attacking my spine, I felt like my nerves were parted and couldn't conduct impulses and couldn't receive stimulus from outside world.

„I feel cold." And it was the last thing I can remember.

Because then I woke up, hugging a pillow, trickle of sweat running down my forehead. Quilt has been threw on the floor, possibly few hours ago. Goosebumps covered my legs. I closed my eyes for few seconds, pulling my knees closer to my chest and tried to normalize my breath. It was only a dream. I am just too afraid to face the girls again. I am afraid for they will blame me, tell me it's all my fault, the disbandment. I never wanted this. I wish she was with me now. But I am only a fool. That's why I dreamed of having her close. Because I still believe in this, As the fool that I am.


Hi. A quick one-shot, it's literally my dream, besides the ending of waking up. So don't be surprised how strange it is.

I got strange dreams, so.


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