RENT 14 - Therapy

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credits: tarozuki

credits: GZ

credits: bien_crucis

credits: ISHIEMARU

credits: Icicle


TOP watched his boss slumped on the ground, his chest constricting painfully with what he was witnessing.


As he was about to go to the meeting room where he had last seen Jiyong, he checked on his bank account in Zurich and found out that the guy transferred back the twenty million won just a few minutes after he transferred it to his account. It was his way of telling him that he was wrong...that he really won the bet...that he never fell out of love with Dara. This bastard.


He strode towards Jiyong and stood behind him, swallowing hard as he studied the guy. The sense of grief radiating from him was suffocating. He could not stand to see him looking so utterly defeated, but he must bear the torment that Jiyong was feeling.


"A Dragon Head does not fall on his knees," he said in a firm voice.


He heard Jiyong's bitter chuckles, his shoulder slowly bouncing up and down. "You know...even in front of our sworn brothers, I would grovel on Dara's feet without second thought if that was what she wanted," Jiyong said in a tortured voice. "I would let her stab me or put a bullet in my body if that would ease her anger. I would do anything. Just...not this." He took a sharp intake of breath as he forced the words out of his mouth. "Not this. I could never let her go, hyung."


"Stand up, boss."


"I lost her."


"Stand up."


"She left me, hyung," Jiyong whispered, his head hung low as he knelt on the ground, looking so lost and helpless.


TOP could not bear the sight any longer, a shred of guilt eating him up. He circled around Jiyong and stood in front of the guy. He leaned down and gripped his shoulder firmly, forcing him to stand up and to look at him.


"Your order, boss."


Jiyong remained silent, his tormented eyes staring back at him.


"Your order, Dragon Head," TOP repeated firmly.


"Find her," he whispered. "No matter what it takes, FIND HER."




"All units were instructed to find Miss Dara, boss."


A smirk crossed Haejin's lips when he heard his subordinate's report.


"Well then, we should abide by the Dragon Head. Tell our men to coordinate with the Dragon Head unit."


"Yes boss."


When his unit member left his suite, Haejin walked over to the huge window and stared outside. Being the one in charge of the Triad's escape plans in case there would be chaos during the Triads party, he was fully authorized in tapping the hotel's CCTV as well as in bringing in a number of cars for everyone's disposal or to act as a decoy in case someone follows them.


Even if Jiyong trace back the car to him, he could easily lie about it. It was also easy to lure the guards manning the basement parking area after the attack on the Dragon Head and the secretary.


"Haejin!" TOP barged inside his room, his furious eyes directed at him. "Dara used one of the cars that you've allotted in your escape plan. Where the hell is she?"


Haejin turned around and faced the guy with a blank expression. "How would I know where she is?"


"You told her about the escape plan, didn't you?" He shot back accusingly.


"We were chatting at the party and I told her I'm the one in charge of the Triad's escape plans. She asked me about it and I just told her the most obvious one wherein the key was hidden in one of the tires of the car. I guess that was what she did, since you're here accusing me of it."


"If you have anything to do with this, I swear I will put a bullet in your head," TOP warned him between gritted teeth. "I'm watching you."


"My men are out on the streets looking for her. Shouldn't you be doing the same thing instead of, I don't know, watching me? This is a bit unproductive, you know."


TOP cursed incessantly as he marched towards the door. He had a nagging feeling that the psychotic Deputy Mountain Master had something to do with all this mess. He was the crazy idiot who loved manipulating things to his own twisted end. And he was the bastard who even smiled at his own father's funeral.


"How's Jiyong?"


"HE'S FINE," TOP growled before slamming the door shut behind him.


He's fine. Haejin chuckled softly while shaking his head, turning around to face the window again. He's fine, huh? Dara will be fine too once he executes his plan. His chuckles died down and a glint of anger crossed his eyes as he remembered his mother again. Guys like Jiyong needed to feel how it was like to be left alone. He needed to feel the torture of his partner looking at him without an ounce of love left for him.


The moon casted a shadow on Haejin's face as he stood near the window, the darkness hiding his cold eyes.


"Congratulations, Dara," he murmured. "This is the day you'll disappear."




Jiyong stormed inside his and Dara's suite with Youngbae, Daesung and Seungri following him from behind. He began checking the room for any bugs just like the one he found at Nana's room, ordering the three to do the same.


"Maybe Dara was being controlled by someone, just like what that crazy bastard Il Woo did," he said urgently. "Maybe she didn't want to leave, but she had no choice because some threatened her. This might be the work of Orcus."


The three exchanged glances, knowing that their boss was desperately grasping for any other possible reason, except for the fact that Dara voluntarily left him. He couldn't accept that Dara gave up on them, and they didn't have the heart to tell him.


"Dara chose to leave, Jiyong. She said she needed time to breathe," TOP's voice entered their ears. All eyes riveted towards the door where the guy was standing.


"You talked to her?" Jiyong asked, quickly walking towards him.


"I saw her at the fire exit staircase when I was doing some rounds."


"You knew she was leaving?" His eyes narrowed at the guy. "You knew she was leaving but you didn't stop her?"


"She needed it, Jiyong. I told her we will still find her no matter wher-..."


" YOU!" Jiyong swung his fist and punched TOP at the face. The guy didn't dodge and accepted their boss' beating, keeping his mouth shut as Jiyong grabbed his collar while Youngbae, Daesung and Seungri rushed towards them to stop their boss, grabbing his arms and trying to pull him away.


"Where's your loyalty?!" He yelled.


"I'm sorry, boss."


"Sorry?" Jiyong furiously wiggled free from Youngbae's grip. "Will that ing get her back?"


TOP drew a heavy sigh and casted his gaze up before shifting it back to their boss. "This wouldn't have happened if you ing listened to us! She was miserable, Jiyong! You were neglecting her and pushing her aside. She was crying at that damn playground like a lost kid because of you!"


Jiyong staggered backwards, his chest heaving up and down. "She was crying? When?"


"Every chance she gets," TOP muttered.


"What? Why was she crying? I never wanted to see her cry."


"That's why she was hiding it from you."


"But," Jiyong swallowed hard, his eyebrows tightly mashed together. "But I never neglected her. Was it because of Nana? I wasn't cheating on her. You know that, hyung."


"It was not enoug

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I hid the MFR chapters as per publisher, sorry T_T


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Chapter 19: has already read 18chap in one sittingg ><"
will it still continue ?? TT
pleasee continuee
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Chapter 6: Huntress unnie will u still continue this? 😭
will you still updated this? 🥺😭
Hi All! You can purchase the eBook of MFR SEQUEL (sequel only) by sending an email to my distributor at [email protected]

The reason why I'm not posting the chapters is because it has been turned into an eBook (PDF Format) :)
I've purchased the ebook for a thousand pesos. It was good, and I am satisfied with the ending. Of course, it is a happy ending 😜. Tho, I was kinda hoping for more scenes of Haejin and Dara, I shipped them too HAHAHA. Nevertheless, I liked how Haejin and Dara's Dad played their part.

People, please support huntress and buy the book, so she can create more good stories 🙏. Kudos, to you authorim!!
I've purchased the ebook for a thousand pesos. It was good, and I am satisfied with the ending. Of course, it is a happy ending 😜. Tho, I was kinda hoping for more scenes of Haejin and Dara, I shipped them too HAHAHA. Nevertheless, I liked how Haejin and Dara's Dad played their part.

People, please support huntress and buy the book, so she can create more good stories 🙏. Kudos, to you authorim!!
I've purchased the ebook for a thousand pesos. It was good, and I am satisfied with the ending. Of course, it is a happy ending 😜. Tho, I was kinda hoping for more scenes of Haejin and Dara, I shipped them too HAHAHA. Nevertheless, I liked how Haejin and Dara's Dad played their part.

People, please support huntress and buy the book, so she can create more good stories 🙏. Kudos, to you authorim!!
I've purchased the ebook for a thousand pesos. It was good, and I am satisfied with the ending. Of course, it is a happy ending 😜. Tho, I was kinda hoping for more scenes of Haejin and Dara, I shipped them too HAHAHA. Nevertheless, I liked how Haejin and Dara's Dad played their part.

People, please support huntress and buy the book, so she can create more good stories 🙏. Kudos, to you authorim!!
I've purchased the ebook for a thousand pesos. It was good, and I am satisfied with the ending. Of course, it is a happy ending 😜. Tho, I was kinda hoping for more scenes of Haejin and Dara, I shipped them too HAHAHA. Nevertheless, I liked how Haejin and Dara's Dad played their part.

People, please support huntress and buy the book, so she can create more good stories 🙏. Kudos, to you authorim!!