

The cold burned my lungs as I pushed my aching muscles forward, the clouds of my breath fogging my vision with every even exhale. Mist lazily fell to the ground, covering the trees in thousands of stars every time the light danced over their boughs and the air smelled of rain. Slowing to a halt, I felt my pulse before checking the time on my phone and seeing that I was late again.

A sigh escaped my lips before I turned around and made my way back to the dorm, the sounds or late-night traffic and the howling wind being my only company. The sight of the decrepit building that was my home came into view and I picked up the pace, the lecture I was sure to get already running through my mind.

After traveling up three flights of stairs I come face to face with Yunho, almost colliding with him as he hurried back the way I came and only stopping when he saw me.

"Changmin! Thank god you're okay! Why were you out so late? It's been almost four hours and you didn't call or text me to at least tell me you were okay. I thought maybe something happened or you got hurt." His face scrunched in worry as he clutched a jacket in one hand in keys in the other somehow angered me and I snapped at him.

"I'd be fine if got your head out of my ! I'm a grown man remember? I don't need my hyung to babysit me got it?" Yunho's worried expression turned into one or frustration and he walked forward before pinning me against a wall.

"Well I hope you haven't forgotten who your leader is Changmin. I'll try not to be worried about your health next time since you seem to be doing just fine even though I can't remember the last time you've eaten let alone slept in your own bed." His teeth were clenched as he said this, almost spitting out the last sentence.

At this close proximity I could smell the intoxicating aroma of the mint of his breath mixed with the cologne that I had gotten him for his last birthday and it was clouding my mind, my thoughts growing fuzzy for a second before I regained clarity and pushed him off.

"You know damn well why I won't sleep there." He groaned before heading back to the apartment, slamming the door behind him. 

I warily followed, entering just as I heard another door slam down the hall to my right. Shrugging off my coat, I made my way to the kitchen where I spotted pasta and tomato sauce on two plates at the dining room table. I felt a pang in my heart as I realized that he must have made this for us and I had stupidly left him alone to blindly wait until my return. I sighed, knowing that I needed to apologize and made my way down the dark corridor to his room, my anger forgotten with the reality of my stupid actions. 

The door was surprisingly unlocked and I slipped inside. Through the darkness I saw a dark form laying on the bed and I made my way over before sliding in next to it and placing my arm across the lump. It stirred before Yunho's head popped out from under some covers and I saw his face contort into annoyance before he shrugged my arm away.

"Hyung I'm sorry. It's just with the breakup-" He laughed, stopping me mid sentence and glared at him.

"You think you're the only one messed up about the group splitting?" My chest felt heavy at the realization of how selfish my actions were and I once more placed my arm over him, glad that he didn't try to shake me off this time. 

"I'm sorry for being self centered and not realizing before how hard it must be for you too." My voice was sincere as I said this, the sound coming out as a whisper in the pitch blackness. 

"I understand that as the maknae you must feel neglected but you need to know that I tried. I tried so hard to make them stay but there was nothing I could do though I feel like it's my fault that Tvxq is no longer whole-" His voice cracked, and I felt his shoulders shaking as he began to cry silently. 

My eyes grew moist at the vulnerability he was showing to me and I hugged him into my chest, whispering soft words into his ear as I his hair. All this time I had been trying to rebel and show how hurt I was, I never once thought about both the physical and emotional toll that the breakup must have been taking on Yunho. 

"I'm here for you and I'll never leave your side Yunho, I promise you that." The shaking in his body slowed to nothing and I realized that he had fallen asleep in my arms, the emotional drain catching up with him. 

I soon followed, the sound of his snores mixed with the heat of his body mixing with mine pulling me into the first full night's rest I had experienced in months.

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Chapter 2: Aaah finally changmin realized his mistake n apologize to yunho
Please not again fighting like that :(
Hope tomorrow they'll be more relaxed

I hope next chap u'll write longer kekekeke
New HoMin fic XD
Sound nice, looking forward next chap XD
Sound nice, looking forward next chap XD
Please tell me that this will be HoMin in the end. Can't wait to read more.