The Broccoli Adventure - Part 2 -

Can't Stop The Feeling
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When the plane finally lowered itself to land safely it was long dark outside. Jiyong had, after a long struggle, been able to get a bit of sleep but he was still incredibly tired when Seungri had gently woken him up to tell him they’d arrive soon.

The idol had been on a plane countless of times due to his world tours and constant traveling but one thing would probably never change for him. It wasn’t that he was scared of flying, not at all, the only thing that bothered him every single time was the moment the plane sunk and came near the ground before touching it. For whatever reason the rapper became nervous during that procedure even after years upon years of flying around the world. Luckily, just like every other time, everything went well and without any complications as the giant plane slowly came to a halt. It wasn’t that bad really, Jiyong thought, but maybe that was Seungri’s credit for holding his sweaty hand the entire time without uttering a single word. Not that he didn’t do that at all but he had his share of witty remarks after their first flight had landed in Dubai…


After that everything was more or less a blur, the two of them quickly made their way through the airport to get their luggage and then went straight to their driver to bring them to their hotel. 

Sadly Jiyong was tired as and could just barely take in the differences to South Korea in and outside of the airport in that moment which wasn’t a surprise especially since he fell asleep in the car almost immediately.


Checking in wasn’t a problem either, Seungri took over most of it and Jiyong was extremely thankful for that because he had never personally checked in somewhere, there was always a manager or friend who would do that for him. The younger made sure, though, that Jiyong was paying attention on how to do it, not that it was difficult.


Their suite was gorgeous.

It wasn’t the biggest Jiyong had ever been in but it had quite a size. The furniture looked antique and even though he was more a fan of new designer pieces that had a minimalistic style, he couldn’t deny that it was pretty stunning here. The suite contained of a big living room with a large couch and an armchair as well as a wooden coffee table and a unique old looking carpet. Above those hung a chandelier, probably mostly out of glass. The bedroom wasn’t as big or luxurious as the living room but it faced a giant window from which you could see over the whole area that belonged to the hotel plus the landscape behind that. The room was big and completely white except for a few golden details. Seungri, however, was mostly attracted by the bathroom (what else was new) because it had a big shower out of glass only and an even bigger mirror. It was filled with everything a bathroom needed but in expensive and high-tech.



„Wooow… hyung, isn’t hat all a bit too much for just the two of us? I mean, for me at least?“

„Why would that be too much for you?“ Jiyong yawned and stood next to the younger.

„I’m a normal human being, I always thought your apartment was a lot to take in but this… it’s not as big as your apartment obviously but it looks like it was made for a prince or something.“

„Mmh, but you are my prince, RI.“ The idol said in a low voice and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend but said one could only roll his eyes.

„And you are the princess, I get it, I get it.“

„Way to ruin the romantic atmosphere .“ Jiyong grumbled but laughed anyway as he walked back into the bedroom. „But you are right. You know, I’m also a normal human being so I feel just like you. This suite is a lot.“

„Doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it while it lasts.“ Seungri added as he proceeded to take off his shirt. „But maybe next time we should get something less expensive.“


Jiyong could only smile, he found it endearing that even though the other knew he was rich and could easily afford all the luxury you could wish for, Seungri didn’t take advantage of it. It was quite the opposite, he more or less showed Jiyong how to appreciate the small things, even if he probably did that without knowing.


„I’m going to take a shower, wanna join me?“ Seungri grinned and it wasn’t especially hard to understand his intentions.

„Hm, depends on if you continue our activities from earlier.“

„It would be my pleasure to fondle your , Mr. Kwon.“


Jiyong snorted and disposed himself off his own shirt and pants before he followed the younger back to where they had previously come from.


„I’m sure it is.“




The bed was soft as Jiyong realized the second he sat down on it, dressed in only in his pajama pants, and within a blink of an eye he was lying on the heaven-like mattress wrapped in a real smooth blanket. Seungri had settled down as well after turning off the lights and the idol felt how he was pulled against the other’s strong body with his back facing his chest.

Okay, so maybe this really was heaven, there was nothing that could possibly ruin this moment.


Jiyong felt his tired eyes closing and his fuzzy mind being swallowed in black as he was slowly drifting off to sleep, when suddenly-



„No, I’m sleeping.“


„Ugh, Seungri, I love you but I’m also really tired, weren’t the shower activities enough?“

„Ji, your phone is ringing.“


The blonde opened his eyes and, in fact, his phone was lighting up the room as someone was apparently calling. Good thing Seungri couldn’t see him blushing but he could still feel the other chuckling against his neck.


„Aw, you must really love me~ I’m flattered that you thought I wanted to-“

„Shut up!“


Jiyong gave him a slight elbow-into-his-rib action and quickly reached for his phone to answer it. But upon seeing the caller ID he wasn’t so sure if he wanted to receive the call anymore.

Oh no, holy .





„NO! I don’t even want to hear it! What the hell is wrong with?! I get up and arrive at work, knowing I will have a busy day, and what is the first thing I see? ’G-Dragon sighted at the airport off to vacation - but who is his handsome friend?’, ’K-pop idol G-Dragon seen going on vacation with a fan’, ’G-Dragon being overly friendly with Seungri - A celerity-fan-friendship?’ ! How come I didn’t ing know you were flying off to somewhere?! And with a fan that everyone knows by now as well? Did you forget that Seungri has become famous among your fans, Jiyong?!“


The idol gaped into nothingness before he turned around to look at his boyfriend who gave him a lopsided grin as if he was saying ’sorry dude’.

Jiyong had seriously forgotten to inform his boss. He had forgotten to inform YG.


„Errm… sorry? I think I forgot to tell you-“

„YOU FORGOT TO TELL ME?! Are you nuts?! Listen you little punk, you will come back here, you can be happy that apparently nobody found out where you were going, and to make sure it stays like that you will take a plane back here tomorrow! Understood?! And without your friend! You can’t just become friends with a fan who is also the person that declined joining our company!“


A frown had built up on the blonde’s face and the grip on his phone has tightened. He knew he should’ve told Yang that he was going on vacation and he was truly sorry that he didn’t but he couldn’t just order him to come back. And also, how dared he talking about Seungri like he was not worth being there with him, trying to decide things on his behalf?



„…Excuse me?“

„I said no. I am truly sorry that I forgot to tell you but this trip is important to me so no, I am not going back tomorrow. I will complete this vacation the way I planned it and I will come back with Seungri as well.“

„You little rascal! You can’t just do as you please, I gave you a two months break from work without complaint, and now you pull this stunt?! You will take that damn plane back here tomorrow and as soon as you arrive I want you in my office!“

„No, I will do neither of those things! I need this ing trip, I’ve been looking forward to it from the moment I knew it was going to happen! I’ve had no life since I was a kid, a kid, and just this one time I want to enjoy myself the way I please! I’m sick of people telling me what to do even if it’s my personal and private life, I have the right to finally be happy! I have the ing right to live the life I couldn’t have when I was a teenager! So NO, I am NOT coming back tomorrow and I am going to turn off my phone until I get back on the plane next week! I am sick off everything and for once I am going to live like a ING PRINCESS! BYE!“




Just to sum up what just had happened.

Jiyong’s boss was angry. Very angry, because Jiyong had not told him that he was going to Africa - and with Seungri on top of that.

So, in other words, Jiyong forgot about his boss.

Said boss wanted him back in Korea the next day and also still didn’t know where the rapper was even until now.

He had screamed at Jiyong.

Jiyong had screamed back at him.

He basically told him to off and hung up on him. On his own boss.

Also, he told him he wanted to live like a princess…




A snort behind him brought him back to the present and only then Jiyong noticed that he must’ve been so enraged that he sat up in bed. Seungri was trying to stifle his laughter, but really, Jiyong could understand. The situation wasn’t supposed to be funny, he didn’t really think it was, but in reality he knew that everything he just shouted at YG was so true that it was ridiculous.


„Damn, honey, I didn’t know you could flip like that.“ Seungri was shaking from trying so hard to hide his amusement but it was so obvious, he didn’t even need to try.

„… Yeah, me neither.“

„Living like a princess? Is this about earlier?“ He finally burst out laughing and Jiyong watched him with a smile as he turned off his phone. He hadn’t really thought the things he said through but they  weren’t that stupid to be honest, turning off his phone didn’t sound like that bad of an idea.

„Probably, seems like my secret desires are being exposed by myself.“

„I’m fine with it, I will make sure to treat you like a princess!“ Seungri grinned and pulled the older back into his strong arms. „Also I’m very proud of you.“

„What? Why?“

„Because you stood up for yourself and your wellbeing instead of letting yourself being ordered around and trampled on. Of course I don’t know how things have been going at your label but the fact that you stated your opinion to your boss, this clearly on top of that, is a sign that it was too much for you before, right?“


Jiyong snuggled into the warmth of Seungri’s hold, thinking about what the younger had just said. It was true. Seungri was right, Jiyong had been forced to limit his private life to the extreme, not just because he voluntarily worked a lot, but also because he was told to. Fans rarely reacted well to leaked personal information, partners were obviously a taboo but even family, friends, his location or the clothes or nail polish he wore could make his fans go crazy. They weren’t always hating, obviously, but sometimes publishing their opinions could be tough as well, especially when they started drawing their own conclusions. Hence he always had to tone it down, especially when he had just become famous but back then was not famous enough to stay successful during a ’scandal’.


„Yeah, I guess you are right. Maybe it was necessary to finally claim back some of my self worth and independence.“


Seungri nodded proudly and pressed a peck on the temple of his boyfriend’s head before settling back into the soft pillows.


„Stop pondering baby, or your hair will turn grey and fall out. Let’s go to sleep, we’ll need it.“


Jiyong couldn’t agree more, it wasn’t the right moment to think things over, he was tired and tomorrow was going to be a long day.

With a last kiss on Seungri’s lips Jiyong bid goodbye to this stressful days and sunk into deep slumber.








Today was the day! The day of all days!

Today, Jiyong would finally, after what felt like forever, meet his ’step son’ Broccoli!


It was the third real day of his and Seungri’s Africa vacation and he was beyond excited. The last two days they manly did some exploring of the hotel and sight-seeing around that area because they were so incredibly jet lagged that they weren’t capable of doing much more. Well, it wasn’t a surprise since they woke up around 3 pm the first day and not much earlier the second one, only today they were up by eleven at least.


As mentioned before, Jiyong was ing excited, but, and he wouldn’t admit that to Seungri, he was also a little anxious. He was about to meet his boyfriend’s beloved baby and that was all wonderful and well, but the idol was scared. What if Broccoli didn’t like him? What if he ed up? Elephants were said to never forget, so surely Broccoli would forever hate him

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Lujiee #1
Chapter 17: For the love of God, you need to finish this!
I mean, I hope we as your subscribers inspired you to finish this..but of course take your need to rush this adorable story..yours is a breath of fresh air..hope to read from here soon 💕
blinks_04 #2
Chapter 21: I hope you still believe in him and wait for him too<3 btw I hope you're doing well, if you saw this, just wanna say that I love your books and please stay healthy<33
neverendingfangirl11 116 streak #3
Chapter 1: Wow. The first chapter really got me hooked! I love it!
karina1284 #4
Chapter 21: Hi. Still here waiting for you to comeback and continue the story.
Dora_dora_dora #5
Chapter 21: I hope you are feeling good and please continue the story
Segarselalu #6
Chapter 21: Back here to reread this story for the nth times.
I wish u are doing well authornim and hopefully someday you will return here, we miss u so much.
aufaitxx #7
Chapter 21: Still here, reread this for the 3rd time, and still patiently waiting for your wonderful update..keep on writing authornim..?
Ski60904doggylov821 #8
Chapter 21: I hope you continue the story. And I also beleive seungri is innocent and I really miss him too.
ElleEvans #9
Chapter 8: This is so sweet I think I am having a toothache ^o^