Why I love her

Why I love her



Key watched his friend, Taemin, hug his lovely wife, ~~~~~~. Taemin wrapped his arms around ~~~~~~'s waist and pecked her on the lips.

He smiled. The couple looked too sweet.

Then, Taemin turned to him and waved his hand."Hyung!" he said.

~~~~~~ smiled at Key, too.

Key smiled back and walked to where the couple was.

~~~~~~ bowed and excused herself. She went to the counter to prepare dinner.

"Hyung, my ~~~~~'s making her specialty tonight. Would you eat with us?" Taemin asked excitedly.

"Of course! I love your wife...'s cooking." Key smiled.

"Haha. Yeah, she's great."

"Taemin-ah, I got my finger cut!" ~~~~~ suddenly said to Taemin. She pouted cutely.

Taemin immediately ran to where his wife was and took her "injured" hand.

"Aww..." Taemin said before taking her finger close to his lips and her finger.

~~~~~~ blushed. Taemin saw that and chuckled.

"I love it when you're all red. It makes me remember your face whenever when we're in bed." Taemin teased.

~~~~~ blushed harder.

Taemin laughed and left her to finish her cooking.

She washed her hands and resumed what she was doing.

Taemin was once again beside Key.

"Haha, your wife is so cute." Key said.

"I know. That's why I love her. She's too cute and sweet." Taemin agreed.

"Cute and sweet..." Key seemed to be in thought. "That's why I love her, too." He continued grinning wide as if he said nothing wrong.

The husband froze.

Taemin was speechless.



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Chapter 1: Nooooooooo Key! Love me! Leave her to Taeminnie-hyung!!
HAHAHAHA idunno! i just laughed at the ending! :))) ♥
You know, I bet Key meant it in the friendly way too. LOL Not even in the 'eternal love' way. XD
maryda #4
woah this ccould really be the thriller kind, haha
Liyanloveapple #5
Lol!! Sequel Plzz :b
wonwoojpeg #6
Rofl! xD
Key is so funny! "That's why I love her too."
Taemin...I can so imagine his face! XD
i was LOLing like crazy!
taemin speechless is too hillarious to imagine xD