{The Homecoming}

{ The Homecoming }

One year. Twelve months. It had been a year since Seung Hyun left for Japan. He could clearly remember that the very day he left; it was snowing heavily, just like this fateful day. The thought of going home has plastered a huge smile on his face as he could barely contain his happiness. A year was not long enough to make the familiar streets he had walked on unfamiliar, but it was long enough to make him missed home dearly.


Stopping in front of a Victorian house that was beautifully decorated with mistletoe, he could feel his smile getting bigger as he pushed open the door. Nothing much had changed since he left, he mused, except the six feet tall Christmas tree decorated with Christmas lightings and of course, corn figurines was sitting next to the family couch.       


An aroma of freshly roasted turkey interrupted his thoughts, bringing him back to reality. Following the aroma that leads him to the kitchen, he let off a soft chuckle at the sight of a brown headed humming to the tune of jiggle bell rock, her head bobbing along the rhythm. Oh how he had missed this sight of his wife humming as she cooks!


“Bommie, I’m home!” He called out, a low chuckle followed right after as he watched his wife jumped in shocked.

“Seung Hyun!” She cried; turning to face him, her eyes teary and her bottom lip trembled.


He smiled, his own eyes getting teary at the sight of his wife, his Bommie that he had missed for the past year.


“Don’t cry, Bom. Come over.”  He croaked; his voice thick with emotions as he opened his arms.


Sobbing, Bom ran in her husband’s embrace, tightening her arms on his waist. This was something she had yearned for the past year - his hugs. “Seung Hyun.” She murmured over and over again in between her sobs as she buried her face in his chest, her heart silently thanking God for letting him return to her side. 




Hesitating, Seung Hyun walked into the toddler’s room. Right at the right corner of the room was his son, Seung Jo playing on the play mat with his toy train. That kid had grown a lot bigger, he thought bitterly as he approached the toddler. He had remembered Seung Jo as the tiny crawling little boy that used to stick to him wherever he goes and this boy in front of his was a lot taller. He had certainly missed out a lot of his son’s growing process and this had left him thinking if his own son has forgotten his existence.    


With an inaudible sigh to brush off that thought, he crouched down and mumbled, “Hey buddy.” The little boy looked up wide eyed and a frown soon appeared as he tilted his tiny head to the side. Noticing this, Seung Hyun bit his lower lip with disappointment. So Seung Jo has really forgotten his existence huh.


But his disappointment was soon replaced with relief as a delighted giggle escaped from the little boy’s mouth. “Da da!” Seung Jo squealed in his baby language as he grabbed his father hand with his small ones.      


Laughing along with his son, he hugged him as the boy tightened his tiny arm around his father’s neck. “So you do remember me huh?” He chuckled, placing a kiss on the crown of Seung Jo’s head as the little boy rested his head on his shoulder.


“Of course Seung Jo will recognize his own father.” A quiet voice injected softly. Smiling, Seung Hyun stood up and turned towards the doorway where the source of the voice is. There was Bom, her eyes glistering with tears of happiness, smiling at them.


“Dinner is ready,” she continued as she walked into the room, her delicate hands holding on to sea green scarf. Wrapping the scarf on his neck, she whispered, “Merry Christmas, Seung Hyun.”


“Merry Christmas to you too, Bom but I didn’t have enough time to get you a gift.” He replied, looking at her with disappointment.

Smiling, Bom pulled him closer to her and placed a soft peck on his lip. “You, being home is the best gift I could ever have.”


“I love you, Bom.” He whispered and with that, he pulled her in for the kiss that he longed after a year.




Choi Seung Hyun is finally home, where his heart is. 

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Lyca_Myx #1
Chapter 1: Awww... it's not Christmas here right now and it's summer but it feels like Cold Christmas while I'm listening to T-Ara "Don't leave" :)
JAYlene #2
Thank you people for your kind comments :D
charlottelehnsher #3
cheesy and corny, but i still love it! >///<
as cheesy as i sound its so heart warming~~~ i loveee~~~~~
gjie2cute #5
Beautiful /cries will there be part 2? Kekeke okay thank you for the one shot i love it so much
tutuka #6
Really good storie,completely beautiful.Love it