The cafe


Entering the cafe, the familiar aroma of coffee hits me. This has been my favourite cafe for the past few months, not because of the coffee is good, not because of the atmosphere is nice, not because of the quietness (although I kind of like it ) but because of a certain barista behind the counter.

I had stumbled along this cafe one night, months ago. That night was freezing, a hot coffee to go was my initial intention. Walking into the random cafe, I casually scan through the surrounding. There wasn’t much people in the cafe, maybe it is because the night is too cold to be out or simply just because the cafe’s location is too secluded to be discovered.

I stopped a few centimetres before the counter, looking down at the menu on the counter just to confirm this cafe serve my all time favourite coffee.

“Can I take your order.” A husky voice can be heard behind the counter.

“Caramel macchiato” I replied without looking back up.

“And can I have your name?”

That makes me raise my head immediately. And in front of me, I saw an angel. I must have stare for too long, she wave her hand in front of my face to get my attention. Flustered, I quickly says my name and pays for the coffee. I averted my eyes to elsewhere, the menu, the coffee machine then the paper cup in her hand. To my disappointment, I saw my name written on it. I have never hate seeing my name on a paper cup so much. I mentally slap myself for thinking to much.

Stupid me! Of course the name asking was for the coffee, there is no way a pretty girl like her is hitting on you.

She then retreat herself from the counter and stand in front of the coffee machine. So, she is a barista. I went to the pick-up area and watched her every moves waited for my coffee I mean. Everything was blurred until she stand in front of me again, with a counter separating us.

“Taeyeon” She called out, looking at me. My name rolled off her tongue so perfectly, like she have called me a thousand time.

“Thank you” I picked up the coffee and instead of walking to the door, I decided to lengthen my stay, I settle down after choosing a table that allows me to look over to the counter without being obvious. I carefully took a few sips of the hot drink to warm up my body. You can said that I’m being bias but that is the best caramel macchiato I ever had. I stayed in the cafe for god know how long, observing her for the rest of the night. I was glad that she didn’t took notice of me stealing subtle glance of her like a creepy person. That night went by fast, I unwillingly dragged myself out of the cafe when it was their closing time.

Since that day, I will always find myself standing outside that particular cafe at least 3-4 times a week. I will make sure that she is inside before going in. Every visit will last about 2-3 hours, longer when it’s weekends. Although every single cells in my body wanted to see her everyday but that would be too suspicious. I can’t risk myself to be question by her again. Yes, I was questioned once. It was happened during my seventh time at the cafe.

“Hi, you’re back again, Caramel macchiato?”

I nodded my head at her question and decided to a little.

“You don’t want me to be back?” I hope she didn’t hear my heart pounding hard and the nervous look on my face while waiting for her answer.

“Of course not, you’re always welcome here” She writes my name on the cup with a smiley face before continuing, “just wondering why you are here so often, I mean you always orders the same drink, sits at the same table nothing.” She looks at me curiously.

. That is the only word I can describe the situation.

She seems to have noticed my hesitation and swiftly waved off the question, saying that I don’t need to answer if it’s make me feel uncomfortable.

“No!” She flitched a little at my loudness. Giving her an apologetic look, I recompose myself and says it softer this time.

“No, just surprise by the fact that a pretty girl has been observing me all this while” I didn’t not just said that, I wanted to facepalm myself so badly at that moment.

“Well, thank you” She smile at me, her eyes turn into the shape of crescent moon when she smile, and went to make my order, totally forgets about getting her answer. I sighed in relief, glad that she let it slip this time. To prevent being question again, I started to bring laptop and sometimes books.

By the tenth visit, I learned that her name is Tiffany and we are the same age, 22. She has a huge obsession with the colour pink that I discovered when I coincidentally wear a pale pink pullover to the cafe once, her eyes totally lighted up when she saw it. I also found out that her love for ice cream is almost the same level pink. ‘I’m your ice cream bible’ she once said. Her favourite coffee is iced Americano, when asked why she just says ‘No reason, i just like it’ and I accepted it because I can’t explain why I like Caramel Macchiato either. She also told me that this cafe is owned by her aunt, she works here because she like coffee and wanted to be a barista.

It has became a tradition to talk at the counter when I am ordering and collecting the coffee. It started as a minute or two small talk but as time goes by we would be talking non-stop until a customer comes in and interrupt us. Then, the conversation will end as she has to do her job and I will retreat myself back to my usual table. It always ended that way, none of us ever mention about it. I could have stay at the counter, wait for her to finish serving the customer and we could continue talking again but it never happen. Our conversation is always casual, no personal question was asked, so until now I still unsure about her relationship status. There are time that I was tempted to blurt out ‘Are you single?’ but I not sure do I want to ruin what we have now. So I just kept it to myself.

After my regular visit to the cafe yesterday, I have finally made up my mind and decided to ask her out. That is because I found out that she is currently single. I almost slip out my happy ‘YES!’ when she unknowingly slip out her last relationship ended two years ago and she hasn’t get into any relationship since then. I stayed up the whole night to plan everything out. I will wear her favourite pale pink pullover (that is the only pink clothes I had in my wardrobe), her smile is always brighter when I wear pink. I will go to the cafe at around 6pm and casually ask her to have dinner with me at 7pm because that’s the time her friday’s shift ends. I know it because of months of *cough* stalking *cough*. After the dinner I will send her home and ask for her number. That’s it, simple and easy.

Now, standing in the cafe, looking at her, all my confidence from last night disappear instantly. I stare at her back nervously, she is busy preparing coffee for the customer before me and had yet to notice my presence. Suddenly, I just feel like dashing out of the cafe. But before I can make my escape, she turn around and make an eye contact with me, signalling me to wait. I sighed inwardly, now that she have saw me, I can’t run anymore.

“Hey, same old Caramel Macchiato?”

“Hey to you too, and yes” She will always ask the question without fail even though my answer never change.

I make my way to the pick-up area and started to admire her again, I will never get tired of looking at her. She is the definition of hot.

After a while, she walk towards me with my coffee in her hand. How I wish is my hand that she is holding.

“You’re late today, my shift is ending in half an hour.” She said after passing my coffee to me.

Did I mention I wasted almost thirty minutes outside the cafe because I was extremely nervous. I paced back and forth, questioning my decision. When I finally mustered up my courage, it is already half passed 6pm.

“I know” I answer absentmindedly. I only realised my mistake when I saw her shooting me a teasing look.

She put both of her hands on the counter, supporting her weight and lean forward, reducing the distance between us. Too near for my comfort.

“And what it is that you know?” She asked using her low husky voice, and I swear her voice is one octave lower than usual.

My legs almost give up on me when I heard her low voice, the distance between us isn’t helping either. My sanity is long gone when she starts closing in, I can’t think straight when she is so near to me, my mind isn’t working. That result in me blurting out some words that I shouldn’t, yet.

“I like you” The moment those words left my mouth, my only wish is that the ground to open and swallow me.

Awkward silence. Her teasing look is replaced by an unreadable expression, she slowly move back, creating distance between us. She just stare at me. I thought I ruined it, my plans. Those words are only supposed to come out after a couple of friendly dates, not now. I was about to apologize but she beats me to it.

“Tooks you long enough”


“And yes, I will love to have dinner with you”


“You don’t want to?” She frown.

“Wha- NO! I mean YES!”

I must have replied too loudly, I can feel many eyes on my back. I felt so embarrassed, especially in front of my crush.  But the girl in front of me seem to be enjoying, totally not hiding her laughter, laughing at my miserable. Such an evil person.

“Are you done laughing woman” I pretend to be annoyed.

“You’re so cute” She said while pinching my cheek softly before disappearing behind the door, leaving me stunned.

When she appear again, her apron is gone, hair is let down, wearing my favourite smile. She walk over to me and everything seem to be slowed down, only she matters.

“You’re drooling”

I immediately lift up my hand to wipe my drools, only to find none. She is teasing me again, I swear teasing me is one of her hobby. I throw her a playful glare.

“Hehe, you can’t blame me, you’re fun to tease”


“C’mon slow poke, let’s go get dinner, your treat” She grab my hand and drag me out of the cafe.

After a few dates, I ask her to be my girlfriend and of course she decided to tease me again. She stay silent and pretend to think, after like the longest 30 seconds of my life she pound on me and say yes. That makes me wonder will she tease me when I propose to her.

Now, we are at my house, on the couch under the blanket hiding from the winter cold.

“Taetae, you know our first meeting is in the winter.”

“You remember?”

“Of course, how can I forget when you look so cute when I asked for your name.” She giggled and nuzzle closer to my neck.

“I thought we agreed to stop mentioning that, it’s embarrassing”

“I didn’t”


“I love you too” She kiss my cheek.

I turn and face her, pointing to my lip. She give me a peck on my lip and go back to her previous position.

“Thank you for coming into the cafe last winter.”

“Thank you for saying yes to this cutie”

“I still find your first ‘I like you’ very unromantic”


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Chapter 3: Hate unrequited love
1124 streak #2
Chapter 3: Chaps 1 and 3 are sad authourssi hope the next one can also have a happy ending for Taeny...
Chapter 3: :'( the worst feeling ever ... poor Tae
Chapter 2: Aww this is so sweet and cute :)
Chapter 1: Omg this is so sad :'( heartbroken worse with death. Thank you for the hardwork author shi
Chapter 1: I’m crying huhuhuhuhu
Chapter 1: T_T
Chapter 1: What!!! Noo whyyy!! ;__;
Bring Taeyeon back! Pretty please? :)
Or... or alternative but happy ending! Haha