Being A Mentor..and finding a job??

I'm My Babysitter's Baby♥~


Chaejin's POV

"I suggest you go see that little cutie of yours before he starts throwing a fit.." Jun.Q Hyung said.

I headed over to my hoobae. He was painting a cute little picture off by his own. I snuck a picture and saw him, his noona, and his nam dongsaeng holding hands. I already learned so much from him. I'm glad I was chosen to mentor my little cutie. He's a keeper. His name is Mun Junghwan.

"Oh? Hyung!" He ran over to hug me.

"Annyeong Hwannie~" I ruffled his hair as his arms were wrapped around my waist. "I like your painting!" I said while pointing at it. He smiled and grabbed my hand to lead me over to his work of art.

"Ye! Gomaweoyo! It's Jiyun Noona, and Jiwannie!" He stood proudly. I giggled and praised him. Even though, I've never met his family .. I know what it's like to have siblings .. My hyungs are just like real brothers to me!<3

"So .. what do you want to do today Junghwan..?"

"Hyung.. Omma's a bit upset right now ... can we stop by my house? I want to cheer her up."

"Oh? Why is your Omma upset..?"

"Well .. her and Appa have to go on a trip somewhere.."

"So why is she sad..? Is it because she'll miss you guys so much?" I smiled at him. He sighed.

"That too .. but our Ajumma is sick and she can't babysit."

"Awwwwhhh you poor things! Okay .. let's get you home .. maybe we can work something out. Okie?" I rubbed his back for comfort.

We got into my car and I had to stop and think here. These poor kids. What should I do? I can' just leave them helpless .. I MUST do something to help them! Just then .. I remembered this morning when I was circling a bunch of babysitting jobs that I could work with .. I got it! Why not babysit for my hoobae and his little siblings?? I'm sure that would be the perfect job opportunity for me! This could give me a boost .. and a little extra cash won't do me any harm ... so heck. why not?

We arrived at Junghwan's house. I helped him out of my car and walked him to the front door. He rung the door bell and called out to his family. I looked around and studied his house. I expected it to be quite complex .. but actually it's quite suttle. It was a one-story house. The color was a light blue with darker blue shading. Soooo cute their house.

"Omma!~" Junghwan called. Someone opened the door. Obviously, it wasn't his mother. This girl was faaaarrrrr too young to be his mother. She looked like a grade-schooler...? Maybe. I dunno.

"Oh. Junghyunnie.. you're home." She blushed as she glanced at me and then turned away. She stared at the ground hard and played with her hands. Awwwwwwwhh! I just wanted to pinch her cheeks! She must be the shy type..

"Hyung! This is my Noona, Jiyun. Jiyun Noona, this is Chaejin Hyung." Junghwan introduced us. I smiled brightly and held out my hand. Her eyes went wide as she stood there dumbfoundedly. 

"Annyeong." She bowed slightly. I felt foolish for sticking my hand out. I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly and smiled meekly. Poor cutie..

"Come in!~" Junghwan said as he took my hand and lead me inside the house. Jiyun shyly followed after us. She kept avoiding eye contact with me. I feel bad for her but .. she's just so adorable! 

"Where's your Omma and Appa?" I asked them. Junghwan shrugged and Jiyun still stared at the ground, ignoring me.

"Omma went to the store .. and Appa's at work."

"Jiwannie!!!!~" Junghwan randomly called out. Jiwan appeared, looking about 2-3 ish. He hid behind Jiyun shyly and held a teddy bear tightly against his chest. AWWWWHHHHH! Cuteness OVERLOAD! I can't wait for the others to hear about this!!

"Hi.." Jiwan said cautiously. He doesn't seem to know a lot of words yet .. and his voice still sounds more like a baby. So it's understandable.

"Kids!!~ Omma's home!" Their mother called from the kitchen. Everyone seemed to head towards her. I just followed. I stayed close to Jiyun's side. I like her. She's really cute.

"Omma!! Look! I brought Hyung home with me today!!!~~~~~" Junghwan praised as he lead me to greet his mom. I bowed politely.


"Omo! Ye! You are the mentor of my son.. yes?" She smiled warmly. It reminded me of my own mother. I nodded. She hugged me.

"Gamsahabnida for watching my son. I know he can be quite a hassle sometimes.." She joked. Junghwan whined and pouted.


"Haha. Sorry son. So, What can I do for you..?" She asked me and ruffled Junghwan's hair. She started putting away the groceries again. I looked at the kids and smiled. "Actually .. it's what I can do for you Ma'am." Her head shot up. "You see .. Junghwan told me .. that you and their Appa will be on vacation for awhile .. and since your annual babysitter is gone..and I need a summer job .. I was thinking ... maybe .. I could help out." I looked at the ground shyly.

"Omo .. I couldn't possibly let you take all that responsibility .. that's a lot of work for a teen like yourself.." She started. I shot up my hands in defense.

"Oh no no no .. it's not a problem at all! I love mentoring kids! I've been with Junghwan for a long time .. and I think I can really do this," I bowed politely. Junghwan started nodding and trying to use aegyo on their mother. He even dragged Jiwan into it! Awwwwhhh so cute!

"Pweeezzzeeeee Ommaaaaaa!~" Junghwan pouted.

"Ommaaaa peeeeezzeee?" Jiwan said, copying his older brother. She giggled and sighed.

"Well .. as long as you're sure this is what you want.." She concluded.

"Oh yes. I am sure. I want to be their official babysitter over the summer." I smiled meekly. She giggled.

"Araseo. Stop by tomorrow and I will give you a little breifing on what to do. Is that okay?"

"Let's see.. tomorrow's Friday .. I don't think I have any plans .. so it's a deal. I'll stop by tomorrow at about 6 ish." I bowed.

"Sounds good to me." Their Omma said. I bowed again, preparing to leave. "Thank you!~~" She called out. I smiled and started heading for the door. Junghwan hugged me goodbye and gave me thumbs up. Jiwan just smiled and clapped for me. Lastly .. Jyun followed me out.

"Gamsahabnida.." She said softly and bowed. I ruffled her hair.

"Don't mention it little one!~~" 

She moved over and stood on her tippie toes to kiss my cheek. I blushed. Majorly. She hugged me tight and I hugged her back. She was just too adorable .. I couldn't help myself.

"I'll see you soon. Okay?" I said to her. She nodded and watched me leave. I got into my car and waved to her. She was still standing in the door way and she waved back. I blew her a kiss and she shied away. I giggled and started putting the car into reverse. She shut her door slowly. I drove home with a flushed face .. and a smile that crept onto my face.. 



A/N: HEhe >w< So what do you guys think? Did you like this update..? Sorry it took me sooooo long to update .. I've just been busy lately .. and haven't been able to write my fanfics lately... I really love Jiyun here<3 She's sooooo shy and cute. No wonder Chaejin likes her .. or does he...? Hehehe ~~ Keep waiting for my updates okay? Please don't unsubscribe .. that makes me soooo sad .. well annyeong!~ Chu!- Byeeeeeee!!! ^^

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