The Interview

The Selected One

    A painful beam of light suddenly flashed as the young bachelor opened his eyes. He winced dramatically and blinked his eyes to clear his vision. He sat up, rubbed his eyes with his big fist but still looked like a five year old with his bed hair and pout. 

    “Well, this certainly won’t impress the bachelorettes.” Jungkook focused his eyes and saw a guy with pale green hair. Wait, pale green hair?

    “What are you doing in my room?” Jungkook exclaimed. It was the one and only Min Yoongi. He was wearing a black suit that was ed and white button-up shirt that had the top three buttons opened. The smirk on Yoongi’s face widen as he saw the flustered prince, whom he was supposed to bow down to but chose not to.

    “It’s Selection time.”


    Jungkook found himself sitting on a golden armchair with a long table in front of him. He didn’t remember what happened but he just remembered having the fastest shower of his life and skipped breakfast just to start the interview. To his right was Yoongi and his left was his mother. For the first time, he was in the middle. He was the main character. 

    “So,” Jungkook started as he looked at Yoongi who was still arranging some things on his tablet. “How do we start?” 

    Yoongi pressed a few button before he finally look at the guards who stood by the door. He lifted up his pale hand with manicured nails and showed an “Ok,” sign that signals the guard to open the door. As soon as the door opened, a lean woman walked in with crystal heels. Definitely from the Gold. Jungkook thought to himself.

    “We’re starting with the Gold region. You must select five candidates out of the eight.” Yoongi whispered to Jungkook as Jungkook sighed in disappointment. He was hoping to see Jaera as soon as possible. He was hoping she was one of the people who applied. He knew it was almost impossible Jaera had no reason to come back. Except for me. She will come back for me, will she?

    “Introduce yourself.” Yoongi announced coldly. Jungkook even flinched with the tone he uses and turned to see he had a cold face too. 

    The girl rubbed her extremely white and unblemished hands together from the nervousness and heaved a deep breath. She closed her eyes and open them a few seconds later with a completely different expression. 

    “Hello! I am Jiyoon from the Gold region. I am 18 years old—”

    “Yes, we know. All the candidates are 18. Please start putting effort in your first impression!” Yoongi raised his voice but the queen had stopped him before he hits the table. 

    The girl whimpered and looked as if she was about to cry but she held it in. She heaved another deep breath and this time looked at Jungkook in the eyes, which made the prince shrink unconsciously. He felt a bump from his right and saw Yoongi who was quietly telling him to sit up straight. 

    “So, as I was saying, I applied because I believe I have the qualities to be a good queen. I was always in the top three of my class since first grade until today. I’ve been to all regions and I know the living condition of the people living here. I believe I am able to make a few strategies to help the Grey region’s development. I could also—”

    “You’re wearing pants.” Yoongi interrupted. The queen merely smiled and Jungkook was confused at the two elder’s attitude. 

    “I’m wearing a dress, as you can see.” Jiyoon asked as she looked at him weirdly. “Why did you mention that?” She said as she crossed her legs.  

    “Nothing, sorry for interrupting.” Yoongi spoke with a surprisingly friendly voice. “Why don’t you tell us what you do on a daily basis?”
    The girl smiled and sat up straighter with her chin up high this time. 

    “Well, I would go to school first and after school I would join the volunteering club. We would plant trees in the Grey area and then visit the orphanage. Then I go home to practice piano and do my homework. I would also study even if I don’t have homework and I do that until eleven o’clock.” She answered confidently. 

    Jungkook was amazed with how many things she does everyday and not get tired of it. It was quiet for a few minutes and Yoongi finally talked to Jungkook. 

    “Do you have any questions?”

    Jungkook his bottom lip and thought hard about what he should ask her. They were choosing his wife anyway. 

    “Um,” Jungkook glanced at his mother and his mother urged him to continue, “do you sleep at 11 everyday?” 

    Another awkward silence. He expected his mother to laugh but she was already looking at the girl, waiting for her to answer. He looked at Yoongi and he actually saw a smile on his face with a playful stare. Jungkook looked at the girl and saw her face that was almost mocking him. The prince mentally slapped himself for asking such an unimportant question. 

    “Yes. I do—”

    “That’s enough! Thank you. You may find yourself escorted by the guards to the waiting room. Help yourself to this castle’s wonderful crepes.” The girl laughed as she walked to the door where the guards are waiting. She smiled at Yoongi with a knowing smile but when Jungkook looked at Yoongi he only saw a fake smile. 

    “You’re right. I should get used to the castle’s food. Thank you, Sir Yoongi.” Jiyoon winked at Yoongi and left the room. 

    “She really shouldn’t. Let’s cross her out.” The cold guy said as he crossed out her photo.

    “Wait, why? I thought we’re crossing them out after we’ve gone through everyone.” The prince asked.

    “Oh, kid. Do you really want your queen to be a liar?” The consultant asked with a mocking voice as he rest his head on his hand that was propped up on the table. 

    “Liar? Which part did she lie—”

    “Almost everything.”

    “What? How do you know?” The elder took of his glasses and sighed as he looked at Jungkook with a bored expression. 

    “Where shall we start? Pants. She immediately crossed her legs after I mentioned pants, which shows that she hoped we didn't see that she was wearing pants underneath that dress.”

    “What’s wrong with wearing pants?”    

    “Nothing, but lying is wrong.” Jungkook froze for a few seconds to think and let Yoongi continue. “Next, she mentions she’s been to all regions and yet she said she plants trees in the Grey region. What a stupid girl. The Grey region is full of plants already. That’s where people harvest crops and create spices. The Silver region is the one in need of plants. There are too many malls, offices and factories there. Her skin doesn’t even show any tan lines, which shows that she doesn’t spend her time outside everyday to plant trees or visit the hot Grey region. Her skin was even paler than me and I still go outside once in awhile.” Jungkook nodded with surprise. 

    “There’s more,” the consultant said as Jungkook was about to accept the fact that she’s a liar. “She says she plays piano but if you noticed her nails, her left hand had trimmed nails while her right hand hat long nails. That belongs to someone who plays a guitar.  A right-handed player who uses her left hand to press on the strings, that is why she needs to cut her nail, and her right hand to strum, hence the long nails.”

    “What are you, Sherlock?”

    “A consultant. And last,”

    “There’s more?”

    “When you asked her if she slept at 11 every night, she lied. She had dark circles below her eyes, which shows her inconsistent sleeping schedule. How did I see the dark circles? The area beneath her eyes were slightly lighter than her forehead. She added extra concealer to hide the dark circles.” 

    “Alright! I get it. I won’t ask anymore. She’s a liar. We don’t want a dishonest queen. Next!” Jungkook complained as he spent five minutes listening to Yoongi show off. 

    “Thank you, for the compliment. I do like being compared to Sherlock.” 


    It went on for hours but Jungkook had only one memorable interview. It was Kang Seulgi.

    “State your name and go straight in to your hobbies and personal taste.” The queen spoke with elegance even after the endless hours of interview. She was the last Gold region candidate.

    “I am Kang Seulgi. I am the oldest child in my family and I have two younger siblings. I am interested in ballet and singing. I am also planning to go to a medical school for university, if I don’t become queen,” she joked and they all laughed. 

    “Why do you choose to go to a medical school if you’re interested in ballet and singing. Why not become an artist?”

    “Well,” Seulgi immediately answered without hesitation. “There was this friend of mine from the Grey region. Her mother was really ill and she was looking for doctors who are willing to help without expecting any pay. I saw her travel to different regions but none were willing to help because her mother needed a couple of surgeries. Eventually, her mother couldn’t handle the pain and died. This happened two years ago. She hasn’t spoken to me since then and I’ve never seen her again after the funeral. I still get updates from her brother about her wellbeing and—- well that’s not important. But the main thing is I’ve been born in a fortunate family and I’ve never had to struggle when it comes to money. After seeing my friend I suddenly had the urge to become a doctor for the Grey region. Who know how many people die because they are unable to pay for the travel cost or the doctor fee.” Jungkook nodded understandingly and stared at her with admiration. He looked at Yoongi and his face remain expressionless but his mother was close to tears. 

    “How did her mother started becoming ill? If you don’t mind.” The queen asked gently. 

    “Well, four years ago she said she was kicked out of her home. She was sent to the Grey area and they really had nothing to live with. Their mother could not feed her children and that caused her to become stressed. She was extremely stressed one day and she fell down the stairs and had a concussion. Turns out, there was something wrong with her brain after the fall and—” Seulgi was about to continue but something suddenly clicked inside Jungkook’s mind.

    “Four years ago?” Seulgi sniffed and nodded her head. “Is she perhaps, Park Jaera?” Seulgi’s head shot up and her eyes widen.

    “Yes. How do you know her?”


    “Thank you for your time Ms. Seulgi. You may exit the same way you enter.” Yoongi immediately interrupted before Jungkook reveals anymore information.

    “Why did you stop me?”

    “You can’t reveal any personal information yet. This is merely the interview stage.” 

    Jungkook sighed as he realised she may be the only way he can get in touch with Jaera again. She needs to be part of the selected 12.

    “So, she’s definitely selected right?” 

    “Yes.” The consultant answered with no hesitation.

    “Really? No more creepy Sherlock deduction?”

    “She’e being honest. Do you need me to tell you why?”

    “Nope. I trust you.”


    It was almost eleven o’clock at night and they had one last interview. Jungkook was half sleeping and he believed he randomly accepted four candidates from the Silver region. Every time he selected a girl he could hear Yoongi reply, “Whatever. Your queen anyway. Not my problem.” But that may be because he was also tired and he just wants to get over it. He had stopped the Sherlock deduction habit after the 16th girl. After Seulgi.

    “Bring her in.” The queen commanded, still looking fresh and elegant.

    “How do you manage to stay awake?” 

    “I’m the queen. I should set a good example for the future queen.” Jungkook admired her mother but at the moment he just nodded without understanding any of the words she mentioned. The door open and a girl with a simple dress with hunting boots walked in. He looked up and saw a familiar face he had longed to see. 


    “Good Evening, my name is Park Jaera, from the Grey region.” The girl interrupted with a toneless voice.

    Jungkook suddenly felt like he had just been slapped by a hundred hands and his eyes just couldn’t close. The queen also knew who the girl in front of her was and sent her a small smile, which she did not return. Yoongi, on the other hand was still half sleeping. 

    “Interest, hobbies, dislikes, go.” He muttered with one eye closed.

    “Archery. Dislikes a lot of things.” With that, Yoongi suddenly straighten up. He was expecting a half an hour long description but the shortness of her speech had brought him happiness. The faster the interview finish, the faster he can sleep. 

    “Honest, straightforward. I like you. Any questions?”

    “Yes.” Jungkook replied immediately.

    “What? You never ask questions.”

    “What made you apply to be queen?” Jungkook ignored the sleepy man.

    “Money.” Jungkook tilted his head from confusion and the girl sighed as slightly rolled her eyes.

    “That dude over there,” she her head to Yoongi, “told the Grey region that anyone who can be part of the selected 12 will have 300 thousand won sent to their family every week they manage to stay in the competition. My brother’s been wasting money on sending me to school and I want him to go to school too.”

    “Wasting money?”

    “I’m a natural learner. I don’t need to go to school. I can learn just by watching or by someone telling me.”     

    “Well, that’s a great quality for a queen to have.”

    “Well I’m not looking to be queen.” She answered fearlessly with the queen watching the consultant half sleeping again. “Listen, Jungkook. I know you still remember me and I know you’re trying to get on my good side. So listen to me. Keep me in this selection as long as you can because when I come back to the Grey region, my brother should already be going to school again.” 

    Jungkook gulped and looked at her for a long time. He sighed as he felt a familiar ache in his heart. He missed her and she was right in front of him but he couldn’t touch her at all. 

    “Jaera, why don’t we just send you money for your brother and you? I can see how reluctant you are to be in this selection.” The queen offered with pitiful eyes. Jungkook held his breath as he mentally cursed his mother for offering such an option. If she accepts that offer, then she would not be in the mansion and he would lose her once again. 

    “I can’t, your highness. I don’t like it when I receive something I don’t deserve.” She finally replied with a polite voice and head bowed down. 

    “Very well then. You may leave the room.” 

    Jaera bowed and left the room without sparing a glance at Jungkook. 

    “You can go now, Yoongi.” Hearing his name, the consultant stood up and ran to his chamber. 

    “You can go too, Jungkook.” The queen said knowing her son must want to talk to his childhood friend. 

    He pushed the door open and saw Jaera still with the guards.

    “Jaera! Wait!” He ran and caught up with her. Jaera didn’t stop walking so the guards had to hold her arms to prevent her from walking any further. 

    “Your highness,” She bowed and not meeting his eyes. 

    “You don’t have to call me that. Just call me by my name.” Jungkook spoke softly with a soft smile on his face.

    “I am in no position to be calling you by your first name, your highness.” Jungkook’s smile slowly disappeared as his eyes turned sorrowful and full of longing. He looked at the guards and told them to leave Jaera and him alone. 

    “I missed you.” Jungkook finally said. He waited for her response but she remained still, looking at the floor. 

    “Jaera. You came back—”

    “For money. And I will leave as soon as you have your wedding with the Selected one.” 

    “Jaera, I’m sorry.”

    “Sorry doesn’t cut it.” 

    “It was never my intention.”

    “But it happened! It happened, okay?” She finally shouted and looked at him in the eye, but it was full of anger not love or affection. Jungkook slightly stepped back and he was scared. He was scared he had lost his true friend. “I don’t care if it’s your fault or not this time, but lots of things happened because of that night. And I can’t help but hate you whenever I see your face. You can’t blame me for that.” Jungkook sighed and stepped closer. 

    “Then hate me. If it makes you feel better, hate me all you want.” Jungkook lifted a hand to rub her arm but she slapped it away powerfully. 

    “Don’t touch me.”

    Jungkook opened his mouth to speak but he heard a commotion from the room at the end of the hall. 

    “They’re coming. Move.” She pushed him away and walked towards the door, increasing the distance between them.

    “I’m going to make you my queen.”

    “Then I’m going to quit before you make me your queen.” 

    “I’m the prince here! I make the decisions.” She stopped in her tracks and turned around slowly.

    “And this is just one of the many reasons why I hate you. You’re a selfish and spoiled prince who needs to get whatever he wants.” 

    Before Jungkook could reply, the door opened and the girls all stepped out to be escorted to the rooms. 

    “Goodnight your majesty!” Most of the girl squealed as they finally see how tall he actually is and how built his figure is. Jungkook waved back at the girls and as he was about to look at Jaera again, he found her already walking with two guards to her chamber. 

    “I’m sorry, Jaera.” He whispered.

A/N Yass another update and new subscribers. I know we only have 20 but I hope I can get more in the future. So...Jaera's back :)

Our lovely Kang Seulgi

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Chapter 7: This was such an exciting chapter, I totally loved it! ^^ I thought that Jungkook would keep his promise but it's understandable that the royal family wouldn't like to reveal that she was underaged, so they had to eliminate Somi. Poor girl, she was so lovely! As for Yoongi, I absolutely love his character as the consultant, he's hilarious! I laugh every time he has a scene. :)
Keep up the good work, the story is getting more and more exciting! ^^
Chapter 7: This is really a unique story. I really love it ! I hope feedbacks will give you strength to continue this story. I hope Jaera will become queen
RachelHoon #3
Chapter 7: Oh no looks like she won't forgive jungkook so easily...
JeonMinyoung #4
Chapter 7: Ohman Jungkook is gonna get an earful from her soon
itskimtaehyung #5
I love this story so much!! Even though it's similar to the book, I like how you made a totally different version and added details to it. Your writing is amazing~ 

Subscribed and Upvoted! This story deserves more recognition :)
I'll look forward for your future updates~ 
_maknaetrash #6
Chapter 6: Yeayy thanks for the update and seriously I can't wait for the next chapter !
Rylynda #7
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update! :) Seulgi made an appearance yay! I feel sad tho for Jaera bc her mother died and Jimin is just..omg idk i'm getting emo now lol. Anyways it's a wonderful chapter :)
Rylynda #8
Chapter 5: Thanks for updating! I'm looking forward to the next chapter because I want to see how Jungkook reacts with girls especially Jaera. I wonder how she and her family are doing though
Chapter 5: Wow, I love it so far! ^^ Yoongi was the best in this chapter and I laughed so hard when Jungkook's mom asked if he was gay. :D I'm looking forward to the next chapters because I'm curious how Jungkook will act around girls. :) Also, I believe something is fishy regarding this pearl given by the queen of Vous but I hope they weren't the ones who poisoned the king. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. :)
_maknaetrash #10
Chapter 5: Luvvv it ! Can't wait for the next updates because I can't wait to see jaera. I've been wondering where is she and her family