The Betrayer Part 2

The Selected One

A/N Double update so check out part 1 first :D

    It’s been a month and Jungkook has not left the mansion and Jaera is beginning to worry about Jungkook. 

    “Do you know what happened to him?” Jaera finally asked her uncle, as he was eating dinner in her house. She placed the mashed potato in front of him and sat in front of him, not eating.

    “Nothing. He just suddenly decided to focus on studying. Nobody knows how he suddenly changed, he just did.” Jaera listened carefully and nodded her head a few times. She knew there was something suspicious but she refuse to question the royal family. “He’s been getting perfect scores on his test. It’s amazing. The king has been giving him many rewards and is expecting him to become king sooner than the king previously planned. But, as you know a king needs a queen, so I guess you can expect a wedding in a few years.”

    Jaera’s breath hitched but she tried to look unaffected. 


    “Do you miss him?” Jimin asked her one day as they were in the archery field together at night. 

    “Huh. No way.” Jaera tried to hide the longing feeling she had inside. 

    “Jaera, you don’t have to lie.” 

    Jaera sighed and sat down, drinking the bottle of mineral water she brought with her. “Then I do miss him.”

    Jimin sat down next to her and drank from the same bottle. “Why don’t you try talking to him tomorrow. Ask him how he’s doing.”


    “He’s practicing horseback-riding tomorrow.” Jimin smiled as he saw how fast his sister’s back straightened and eyes focused on him.

    “And how do you know that?”
    “I’m his teacher for tomorrow.” Jimin winked at her and chuckled as she stood up and ran back into the house so that Jimin won’t see the look of excitement on her face. “I really do hope you’re not in love with him, Jaera-ya. It’s an impossible relationship.”


    “Is my hair alright?” Jaera asked Jimin for the nth time.

    “You tied your hair and you have a cap on. I’m not sure how your hair can not be alright.” Jimin huffed from annoyance but his lips curved up a bit seeing his sister being cute.

    “Jimin hyung!” Jaera heard a voice she longed for and turned to see him approaching them on a horse. 

    “Jungkook!” She exclaimed before Jimin could even greet back. 

    Jungkook stopped abruptly, almost falling in the process as he realised Jimin brought company. The guards all ran to him in order to keep him steady and calm the horse from the sudden brake. 

    “You…what are you doing here?” Jungkook asked as Jaera could see a hint of disappointment from the slight frown on his face. Jaera’s smile falter as she felt insecure and stepped back a little bit.

    “I came to say hi,” she mumbled but Jungkook could still hear her. “Hi.”

    Jungkook wanted to laugh at how she was acting but stopped himself immediately. 

    “Now, leave.” 

    Jaera’s smile completely disappeared and shock was all over her face. Jimin’s mouth slightly dropped and he looked at Jungkook with anger as he saw the crestfallen face of his sister. 

    “Leave?” Jaera said with fury dripping from her voice. “We haven’t met for months and yet you tell me to leave?”

    “Do you need me to define to you what the meaning of such word means or do you know your way out yet?” Jungkook answered coldly without looking at her as he tried to fix his boots. 

    “What the hell happened to you?” Jaera raised her voice and the guards started charging towards her. Jungkook calmly signal the guards to stop and looked at Jaera in the eye. 

    “I’m here to practice horseback riding, not start a fight with a servant.”

    “Servant? What happened to calling me friend?”

    “It was a mistake.” Jaera’s eyes were at its widest and she stepped back only to find herself bumping with her brother. Jimin was about to talk back but he saw Uncle Lee telling him to stop with his eyes. 

    “The prince-syndrome finally got to you, huh? I should’ve known. You’ve always hurt me and my brother from the beginning. I should’ve known you were fake this whole time. I don’t even know why you bother spending so much time with us—”

    “It was a mistake.” He repeated once again. Jaera quickly ran away and didn’t look back at all. Jimin ran after her but was stopped by the guards. 

    “You still have to teach the Prince, Jimin.” One of the guards told him. 

    Jimin breathed in and out to calm his nerves. He clench and unclenched his fist to stop himself from killing the prince with his own bare hands.

    “Let’s go Jimin hyung—”

    “Don’t you dare call me hyung.” Jimin answer coldly. Jungkook looked at Jimin and was speechless. Jimin galloped away on his horse and Jungkook felt the back of his eyes sting as he realise what he has done. He went overboard.


    At night, Jungkook jumped on his bed and grumbled. He cussed and his eyes began to water. He tried to stop himself from crying but he couldn’t keep it in as he felt an excruciating part from his heart. He punched his chest multiple time to stop the pain but he knew losing a friend, a friend as dear as Jaera and Jimin, couldn’t disappear. He bit his pillow to avoid any noise from coming out and he pulled at his hair. 

    “Why, why, why, why do I deserve this life? What did I do…” Jungkook kept muttering as he kept hurting himself. He looked at the book of shelves and pulled all the books out. He ripped the pages off the book and broke his table. “I can’t take this anymore…I can’t…” Jungkook whispered to himself as he began stumbling to his wardrobe. He pulled out his old clothes and put them all inside a duffel bag. He changed his clothes into sweatpants and a hoodie and chuckled madly. “Kill the prince. Live your own life.” Jungkook muttered repeatedly and opened the window. He dropped his duffel bag out and climbed the tree to go down. He smiled remembering the feeling of climbing trees with Jaera. He found his bow and took one arrow with him. 

    As he stepped out of the bush he saw one guard approaching him but he quickly shot the arrow to the guard’s left thigh and ran towards Jaera’s house. He went to the back of the house with Jaera’s window and knocked on it a few times. He saw a silhouette coming closer and he ducked so that she couldn’t see him. He saw her open the window and quickly push her so that he can climb in the house. He suddenly felt a force pushing him down with his face facing the ground and his hand twisted behind his back.

    “Jungkook?” He heard her voice as she finally realised who she was holding. She pushed him away and watch him stand up as he rubbed the part where she twisted.

    “Get out!” She commanded with a low voice 

    “Listen to me first.”

    “I’ve heard enough—”

    “It was all an act!” Jaera froze and looked at him with disbelief but kept quiet, signalling him to continue. “Mom and dad were fighting because dad believed I was spending too much time with you and I’m going to grow up not being qualified to become a king. Mom on the other hand believed that there is another future for me, a future outside of the kingdom. They were fighting because of me.” He dropped his bag and sat on her bed. He shook his head and realised his breathing had become shaky and he was already crying. Jaera sat next to him and started rubbing his back. 

    “Jungkook, you should’ve told me.” Jungkook spilled more about his life, how he went through depression and how he’s tired of pulling the prince mask everyday. Jaera felt a tear slip away from her eye but she quickly wiped it away. She wanted to be strong for him. She hugged him and he hugged her back. 

    “Run away with me.” He whispered. Jaera stopped rubbing his back and finally realised what the duffel bag was for. 


    “Run away with me. Tonight. Right now. I know a passage.” 

    “Jungkook, how—”

    “The royal family will always have an emergency secret exit for safety purposes—”

    “I mean, how can you just leave everything behind? Your mom and dad. How can I just leave my mom, Jimin and Uncle Lee?” 

    Jungkook sighed but he was determined to leave this place. “I promise you’ll be able to send them letters and stay in contact with them. I just want to leave this cage. Please.” 

    “Jungkook we’re still kids. We’re barely sixteen.”

    “I promise I will make sure we survive. I promise. Believe in me.” Jaera looked at his eyes and she suddenly felt confidence in him. She forgot about all her other concerns because she could only focus on how vulnerable Jungkook is and how much he needed someone by his side. She nodded and quickly packed a bunch of clothes. 

    Jungkook climbed out the window first and helped Jaera down. He held her hand and they began sneaking into a wall, which was actually a secret door. Jungkook was about to press the button to open the door when suddenly he heard guards shouting for him to stop.

    “Lock the emergency exit! The prince is about to escape!” The door suddenly locks itself and Jungkook and Jaera was surrounded by more than ten guards. 

    “Jungkook!” Jaera screamed as she felt herself being dragged away by a bunch of guards.

    “Jaera!” He screamed and was about to run to her but Butler Lee had grabbed him. 

    “Stop!” He heard Jaera scream and saw her being kicked and punched by the guards. They pushed her as they led her away from him. 


    The prince was locked inside his room for the whole night. There were two guards inside the room to make sure he doesn’t try to leave the room anymore. The king and queen did not visit him until the next morning where they were all gathered in the main room with the king and queen sitting on their thrones.

    Jaera was already there kneeling before his parents. Jungkook quickly ran to her but was once again stopped by Butler Lee. He told Jungkook to stand next to the queen. He looked at his parents and both of them weren’t looking at him but he knew they both felt disappointed.

    One of the guards walked to the middle and stood next to Jaera. “I am the witness, your highness.” 

    “Tell us the story.” The king commanded with a strong voice.

    “It happened last night. This servant child shot me on the leg with an arrow, disabling me,” He showed the wound that Jungkook caused the previous night and the queen gasped seeing the horrible wound. “She then climbed to the prince’s room and forced him to runaway. She forced him to open the emergency escape door and fortunately, we stopped them.” 

    Jungkook and Jaera both gasped and looked at each other. Jaera looked at Jungkook and felt betrayed while Jungkook felt worried.

    “That’s not—”

    “This servant child is guilty!” The king roared out loud. “Because she is still underaged, we will lessen her punishment.” Jaera looked down and refused to meet Jungkook’s eyes that are pleading for forgiveness. Jungkook was about to interrupt one more time but the queen had placed her hand on her arm to stop him from talking. 

    “You are truly a merciful king.” The guards bowed and left his position to handcuff Jaera.

    “Her family and her will be banished from the mansion. They shall be in the Grey region all their life with all their properties thrown away and shall never be able to move to any other region.” The king ordered and the guards began to move. 


    “Thank you for your mercy, your majesty.” Jaera spoke softly and looked at Jungkook with empty eyes. She faked a smile at him and followed the guards.


    “You can’t do this!” Jungkook barged in his parents room at night and shouted. 

    “Jungkook! That is impolite—”

    “Shut up!” He screamed at his mother. 

    “Jungkook!” The king spoke this time.

    “Tell me why you are doing this!” 

    “Because you’re our son! We are trying to protect you—”

    “By hurting my friend?

    “By keeping your reputation. You can never be king if the people know you tried to escape the mansion.”

    “Doesn’t that already show you something though? That I don’t want to be king?” The king and queen both froze and slowly looked at him. “I don’t want to be king!” 

    “Bring him to his chamber and lock him until I allow him to leave.” The king spoke coldly to the guards. 

    “What?” Jungkook asked as he looked at his father who continued reading and his mother who was already panicking.

    “What are you doing Jaeguk?”

    “Believe me on this Junyeon-ah. He will reflect to himself and learn his lesson.”


    He couldn’t hear what his mother said as the guards closed the door and dragged him to his room. 

A/N The Betrayer was originally 1 chapter but I ended up writing too much so I divided it into two. I hope you're enjoying the story so far :) The selection will start soon so stay tuned! Subscribe, comment and upvote <3

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Chapter 7: This was such an exciting chapter, I totally loved it! ^^ I thought that Jungkook would keep his promise but it's understandable that the royal family wouldn't like to reveal that she was underaged, so they had to eliminate Somi. Poor girl, she was so lovely! As for Yoongi, I absolutely love his character as the consultant, he's hilarious! I laugh every time he has a scene. :)
Keep up the good work, the story is getting more and more exciting! ^^
Chapter 7: This is really a unique story. I really love it ! I hope feedbacks will give you strength to continue this story. I hope Jaera will become queen
RachelHoon #3
Chapter 7: Oh no looks like she won't forgive jungkook so easily...
JeonMinyoung #4
Chapter 7: Ohman Jungkook is gonna get an earful from her soon
itskimtaehyung #5
I love this story so much!! Even though it's similar to the book, I like how you made a totally different version and added details to it. Your writing is amazing~ 

Subscribed and Upvoted! This story deserves more recognition :)
I'll look forward for your future updates~ 
_maknaetrash #6
Chapter 6: Yeayy thanks for the update and seriously I can't wait for the next chapter !
Rylynda #7
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update! :) Seulgi made an appearance yay! I feel sad tho for Jaera bc her mother died and Jimin is just..omg idk i'm getting emo now lol. Anyways it's a wonderful chapter :)
Rylynda #8
Chapter 5: Thanks for updating! I'm looking forward to the next chapter because I want to see how Jungkook reacts with girls especially Jaera. I wonder how she and her family are doing though
Chapter 5: Wow, I love it so far! ^^ Yoongi was the best in this chapter and I laughed so hard when Jungkook's mom asked if he was gay. :D I'm looking forward to the next chapters because I'm curious how Jungkook will act around girls. :) Also, I believe something is fishy regarding this pearl given by the queen of Vous but I hope they weren't the ones who poisoned the king. Anyway, I can't wait to read more. :)
_maknaetrash #10
Chapter 5: Luvvv it ! Can't wait for the next updates because I can't wait to see jaera. I've been wondering where is she and her family