
Seven Dates
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Mina readjusts the strap of her bag as she enters the library. The one in their university is spacious and doesn't really get crowded so it's been her favorite place at campus since freshman year. The AC and distinct smell welcomes her like one might find when they return back home after a long day out.

She walks in further, taking note of the few people on laptops and writing in their notebooks. She doesn't know why it's always relatively empty though. The school has about 9,000 admitted students so logically it should be full at all times. But even during midterms or finals, there's still many seats open for anyone to use. She's always thought that this didn't make very much sense.

She walks for a little more before stopping when she spots familiar short black hair near a corner. She approaches the table and sits next to them.



"How long have you been here?"

"A little over an hour. My art prof let us out early today." Chaeyoung’s a 1st year and younger than her by 2 years but she managed to graduate and get accepted earlier due to her influence in the art field. Mina doesn't know why a proclaimed prodigy like her would settle for regular school life though. Everybody says she could be anywhere, working and opening up various studios. Her pieces have sold up to the millions in won as well. It was another thing that had never made sense to her.

"Where are the others?" She naturally questions as she takes out books and other studying materials.

"Dahyun's with her boyfriend. I forgot his name."


"Yeah him... Jihyo should be getting ready for a class. And Momo said she had to work."

"Mmm." She nods.

Their tight social circle of 5 had came together unexpectedly a long time ago and through many unforeseen circumstances. Although they looked strange together to others, they were used to each other's company and saw each other often; they preferred it no other way.

Mina dives into some assignments and readings and the two sit quietly for a long time doing their own thing.

It isn't until someone's ringtone plays that this silence is broken. A boy a few feet away profusely apologizes after he fumbles to turn his phone off.

♪ Just get it together and then baby cheer up...

"That song is so overrated." Chaeyoung comments as she stretches her tired limbs.

"I like it."

"You would."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing really." The artist watches the boy some more before looking away. "By the way, I just remembered I had to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Jihyo and I are finding Momo a date."

Mina halts writing mid-sentence. The words are like an abrupt rain on a sunny day or like a jump scare in a horror film. To say that it catches her off guard is an understatement. She doesn't do or say anything for an awkward amount of time.

It feels like hours pass but it's only 5 minutes that go by before she asks, "Momo?" She says this like she didn't hear it clearly.


"Why, um... why are you setting Momo up on a date?" Her eyebrows are furrowed and she's not exactly happy at the sudden proclamation.

Chaeyoung shrugs. "Don't you think it's about time she gets a girlfrie-"

"No." She can feel her face heat up at how quickly she gave an answer – especially considering how slow her initial reaction was. She wants to jump at how unexpectedly stern her voice came out too. God, she might as well write obvious in big bold letters across her forehead.

Chaeyoung gives her a look, her usual unreadable expression giving off a tinge of amusement. "Everyone else thinks so. Momo hasn't had one real relationship ever."

Mina tries to recollect herself and breathes to calm down. "I mean, that's not a big deal. It's not like dating's a race or anything."

"Of course not but it would do some good and make her happy."

"Single people can be happy. Love isn't everything."

Chaeyoung snorts. "Look who you're talking to, I know that. But Momo's a hopeless romantic. You see how she gets invested in those cliché dramas. She's a sap."

Mina can't think of a retort. The grip on her pen is so strong, if it was a pencil it would have broken by now.

"You’re acting weird. What's up with you

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KarlaA1198 #1
Chapter 1: Espero que actualices está historia. Please 🙏
1241 streak #2
Chapter 1: Still waiting for update :(
1241 streak #3
Chapter 1: Update please? :(
1241 streak #4
Chapter 1: This story is really great and it would be way greater if u can update this :)
zlnzx_ #5
Please Update Soon Authornim
barron_8 #6
Chapter 1: I just wish that you'll gonna log in someday and continue your story that I'm sure will be really great...
Chapter 1: this one is nice. i hope you'll continue this~~~
This is one unique storyline that you have here and you got me all hook. It's ironic that you titled the chapter rational because Mina is anything but... I enjoy reading how you portrayed her here, she still kept that signature Mina coolness but at the same time you could see her losing all sense of sanity at the thought of Momo going out on a date with someone else. Even if Momo wasn't in the chapter, I'm excited to meet the fluffball already. You wrote her in a way that makes you want to take care of her. She cries in movies and the jelly cup situation, she needs someone who will pamper her and Mina looks like she's ready to take on the job. I'm looking forward to see Momo going on dates but more of seeing how Mina would react, would she go cray? would she try to sabotage it? Hahahaha... I'm eager to see what you have in store. Keep up the great work, author, I will definitely be on a look out for the next chapter.
Riyokopenguin #9
Chapter 1: Why so interesting? xD I'm excited to know who the girls are :3
shyshyshy #10
Chapter 1: Another nice story