
“Another photoshoot?” Junhui asks without looking up from the paper he was currently preoccupied with. Mingyu smiles excitedly, probably hoping that Junhui will get distracted and mess up in their game of extended tic tac toe. Of course, it doesn’t happen, and the huge puppy deflates.


“Yup. I’m still trying to find a place nearby. Boss suddenly asked for photocards to give out during the autographing event.” their manager replies, sifting through contact pages and business cards.


Mingyu crosses an x to block Junhui from getting five straight o’s. “Why not Jisoo hyung’s place? He’s good.” Junhui mentally thanks his co worker for the suggestion that he’d been itching to recommend their manager for weeks. He rewards him by purposely circling an o in a place disadvantageous to himself.


“I already called the company, but they can’t take sudden requests. It has to be scheduled at least a day before.”


Mingyu hums happily when he crosses the final x and takes the title of winner. He smiles to their manager after, “If you ask to talk to Jisoo hyung and say it’s my request, it’ll happen like magic.”


And it does.


Junhui is once again standing in the building where his favorite cameraman works, getting his makeup and hair done. Mingyu sits on the side commenting how cool Junhui looked (of course) and the sounds of camera shutters from outside go off, resonating into their room. Their manager looks satisfied that they were allowed to get photos taken and printed within the same day, and continuously thanked the camera crew over and over. Repeated replies of “It’s no problem really, thank Jisoo.” would be given before they rushed off elsewhere to finish setting up for the shoot.


“Jisoo hyung!” Mingyu suddenly exclaims, getting up from his seat. Junhui twitches at the name and through the mirror, finds a tuft of pink hair peeking behind the screen separation. Laughter fills the air, and something tugs at Junhui’s heartstrings. His laugh is just like music. He doesn’t realize he’s so mesmerized in watching the man laugh until there is sudden eye contact through the mirror. He darts his eyes back to the front immediately, surveying his looks. Stunning, as usual. He’s glad the make up is already finished.


“Hello Junhui.” Jisoo greets as he walks over, Mingyu following right behind him.


“Hello,” Junhui responds almost immediately, and then regrets it right after. It was too short, too brief, too cold! If he waited one more second he would’ve thought it all out. He wonders if Jisoo thinks that he’s forgotten his name, because he would never dare, not when he’s whispered the name to himself over and over and over again, so he’d allow it to be familiar to his lips. He wishes he could rewind time so he would be able to redo the greeting, maybe add one those charming smiles the fans liked or --


“You look stunning.”

Junhui’s mind goes blank.

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IrisMaple #1
Chapter 2: Jisooyah~ what have you done to poor Junhui, he's totally falls for you.
Chapter 2: If Insee Joshua, my mind might go blank also. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
LemonCandy1093 #3
Chapter 2: Oooo junshua <3 I am junshua trash, I have no better way of explaining why I really love this so far (well aside from it just being pretty amazing by itself)
LemonCandy1093 #4
Chapter 1: Ahh cute cute cute!!! Is there going to be more of this amazing story??? I dont mind if there isn't just a question because honestly this is pretty cute and it would be interesting to continue on Junhui's perspective as the interaction between Junhui and Jisoo continue, or just to see Jisoo and how he is actually feeling towards said model. XD anyways thank you for this really cute story author-nim!!! :3