
The camera lens point at him, and only him. He holds his position and returns its piercing looks with one of his own. The small room is filled, his managers stare at him, as do the staff, and camera crew. They hold their breath.


“You’re perfect.”


The shutters go off.


He’s in a daze after the shoot ends. Wen Junhui knows he perfect, in almost every aspect, but the way the cameraman says it, makes him feel something more. He never knew that he could be more than that. Perfect has become just perfect. His managers shuffle over to him and tell him something along the lines of “The shoot was good today,” and more. He’s half listening, half daydreaming about a pink haired cameraman and their honey dipped voice.


A gentle, “Uhm. Hello.” brings him back to reality. Junhui focuses properly and finds the cameraman from before in front of him. They hold out their hand towards him, “I was your cameraman today. I’m Hong Jisoo. It’s a pleasure. You’re just as great as they say and more.”


Junhui takes his hand and can feel something flush over his face, “No, it’s my pleasure. And, your great camera work helped me accentuate my looks more.” Jisoo smiles bashfully, pink lips curling upwards, eyes becoming half of what they once were. If they were in some supernatural movie or something, Junhui is sure that Jisoo would be able to heal wound, any aching soul, with just a smile.

Junhui really likes it when Jisoo compliments him, but he might like it even more when he compliments the cameraman instead. A soft, barely audible “Thank you.” is put in the air and only Junhui hears it. It’s all he can think of for the next few days.

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IrisMaple #1
Chapter 2: Jisooyah~ what have you done to poor Junhui, he's totally falls for you.
Chapter 2: If Insee Joshua, my mind might go blank also. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
LemonCandy1093 #3
Chapter 2: Oooo junshua <3 I am junshua trash, I have no better way of explaining why I really love this so far (well aside from it just being pretty amazing by itself)
LemonCandy1093 #4
Chapter 1: Ahh cute cute cute!!! Is there going to be more of this amazing story??? I dont mind if there isn't just a question because honestly this is pretty cute and it would be interesting to continue on Junhui's perspective as the interaction between Junhui and Jisoo continue, or just to see Jisoo and how he is actually feeling towards said model. XD anyways thank you for this really cute story author-nim!!! :3