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Not-so-secret admirer

Mingyu enters the clear doors at 5pm, as he does almost every day. He doesn’t want to miss an opportunity to see him. Although, that sounds a little creepy, Mingyu thinks. As he walks through the aisles of shelves filled to the brim with books, he sits down at the one table, the one near enough to the window that the boy sits at. And of course, huddled between the glass overlooking the residing city, and the shelf that holds the cheesy comic books, he’s there. The tall, dark haired boy Mingyu watches from distance like a creepy old stalker every day. Or, admiring him afar, Mingyu likes to think of it. The boys round glasses really seem to compliment him. The dark haired stranger looks up, unsurprisingly if someone had kept their eyes on him for at least 15 minutes, and Mingyu’s eyes dart straight down, hoping the boy didn’t see him staring, towards the book he’s pretending to be reading. Since he’s “reading” his book, he doesn’t seem to notice the boy silently chuckling to himself. The cute stranger that comes in every day at 5pm on the dot was caught reading his book upside down again. He turns his attention back to his novel, and feels the eyes of handsome strangers intense gaze focus on him once again. After 10 more minutes of suffering his feeling of being stared at, Wonwoo sets his book back on the shelf, and decides to leave the library. He stares at the floor as he feels the burning gaze of the latter follow him out the door. Mingyu finally gets up, and heads over the dark haired boys corner hideaway, picking out the same book the other seemed to be reading. He always has such good taste in books, Mingyu hopes this book will just be as good as the last one he had read after Wonwoo. After staring at the blurb for at least 10 minutes, Mingyu finally opens the book, and his face turns red, his eyes going wide. A note was wedged between the pages.

You’re reading your book upside down again. I suggest if you like my taste in fiction, you should ask me for more recommendations instead of waiting for me to finish a book every day. -  Jeon Wonwoo, your local admiration


Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo….Mingyu thinks of his name over and over. He must’ve been too busy staring to realise his book was upside down. God, how stupid he must’ve looked. Mingyu just sighed, and hung his head in his hands. His ears turn red at the thought of even approaching the other boy. But, that must’ve meant he noticed me too, right?

Wonwoo laughs at the defeated boy in the corner from his huddled position outside the glass entrance doors. Ah, he looks so cute when he’s embarrassed. Wonwoo walks home, majority of his thoughts taken up by the cute boy and what would happen if he did approach him. What if he thinks I’m weird and doesn’t like the book from today? What if I got it all wrong? What if he just liked my taste in books and nothing else? Wonwoo hopes none of those are true, but he can’t help but wonder.


When Wonwoo arrives at his favourite corner in the library, he’s surprised by a certain post-it note stuck on the shelf.

Kim Eunho. Instead of me following your book choices, here’s my favourite author. I think you should read some of his stuff. Also, tomorrow, outside the library, 3pm. :)

- Kim Mingyu, your, not-so-secret, admirer



Thanks for reading~ Sorry it’s so short, but I hope you like it :^)

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schneina #1
Chapter 1: this was adorable yes booiiii
3036jonestom #2
Chapter 1: Short but sweet, a nice combination.