Last Seen

The Facade

"NO BONG PAL-AH! PLEASE! GOD NO!" He dragged her strenuously, ignoring your sadness. 

Her chest was heaving and almost inhuman sobs coming from deep within her soul, the tears lasted but seconds. The resolve to not allow more pain in her short life halted her tears. Her heart and her head was calaedoscoping with painful memories and the knowledge that she had no mother or father to turn to. Parents that beat her to a pulp every single night she struggled to remain alive. Biological parents who let her die in vain on the street, who didn't even bat an eyelash at her funeral.  

"This is where you belong. Without money on my bank account, I cannot take care of you any longer." 

"B—but Bong Pal-ah!" She yelled straining her vocal chords.

"Now, did you really think I'd fall for you? You silly girl. Why would I like a 16 year old, a child such as you? You really thought you had a chance didn't you? Maybe next time I'll make myself clearer. Get lost." He said facing his back to her.

"Did you plan this from the start? Was this what you wished for? For me to vanish before your eyes? For once I actually thought you could be a decent person. I don't think your mother would appreciate how you treat women. If you wanna hurt me do it better, motherless brat." She spoke, dumping the pale pink dress he bought for her.

"I hate you and I never want to see you ever again." She added, furious.

And she vanished in smoke and that was pretty much the last time Bong Pal saw her, speechless by her words.



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light_love #1
I love drama Let's fight ghost and now you make taecyeon and kim so hyun. Thank you so much