That Feeling

Because the Time is Different
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" don't have anywhere to go." 
They both stared at her. 
"You have nowhere to go?" asked Sehun.

"Wait! You're saying you have no place to live?" asked Chanyeol. 

"Um yeah, but not just that...I also have no money on me." Soojung answered with her face staring on the floor.

When she looked up, both of them were staring at her with an o-shaped mouth for a long time. 

"Wah! Daebak. You seem to have so many surprises in one day. First your fashion sense. Then suicide, stating you're from 2016, saving you again from  dying, and now no place to live or any money. How much more surprises do you have?" said Chanyeol.

"I have a lot more and I don't think you want to hear any them," said Soojung sarcastically. 

Sehun found Soojung to be less cold, it seems like she was coming out of her bubble. The only thing was he noticed was she is in pain and doesn't trust anyone that easily. She isn't showing her true self, he thought.

"Ah, also about coming from the year 2016. That-was-true." 

"It's true? You like to joke, don't you? You seem pretty good at it since your face shows no expression. haha. So what are we gonna do about you? That's the real question to ask right now." said Sehun. 

His smile...Makes my heart beat. Why? thought Soojung.

Chanyeol kept waving his hand in front of Soojung's face. "Yah! I know that Sehun's face is handsome but answer the question. What are we gonna do about you?" 

"Huh?!" Soojung came to her senses. "Oh I don't know."

"You don't know! Then what are we going to do with you?" asked Chanyeol. 

"I guess you can stay with us for now," said Sehun.

Both Chanyeol and Soojung stared at him. 

"Yah are you crazy! How can you let a stranger stay with us!"

"Well, I believe Jung Soojung isn't a stranger to us anymore. We spent a whole half day with her already." Sehun smiled at Soojung. 

"Well, I guess that's true, but she also has to agree. Soojung? Do you agree?" asked Chanyeol.

Soojung kept staring at Sehun. His smile made her feel weird. Sehun seemed to notice, so he walked closer to Soojung and looked down at her face and grabbed her shoulders. Soojung was shocked but didn't move at all.

"Soojung what do you think? Do you agree?" His smile never disappeared off his face. 

"I....Agree." Soojung eyes shifted away from Sehun and quickly pushed him away. 

"What is this? Are you falling for Sehun's handsome looks? hahaha," said Chanyeol. 

"Ani! Stop joking Chanyeol."

"Wah, I'm surprised that you remembered my name."

"Ok let's head back to the party then. Soojung we will have to explain you to some people," said Sehun.

Soojung looked at him. ???


(Back at the Party)

"Sehun ah! You're back! Gosh, I was so worried, are you okay?" Asked Irene, but then she stopped when she spotted Soojung. "Who is she?"

"Ah, she's Jung Soojung. I will explain later. After the party, ok?" Said Sehun. 

Irene's eyes never left Soojung. She gave her a very cold stare. Why is she looking at me like that? thought Soojung.

What's so special about her that Sehun will look at her, though Irene. 
The party took place at Irene's house. A huge mansion, which only reminded Soojung her of bad memories. Soojung felt like there were so many eyes  staring at her during the party. Sehun and Chanyeol weren't able to stay next to her because of certain matters. They gave her a black dress to wear for the party. She felt slightly uncomfortable in it since it was a different style from the year she lived

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Cindyimssi- #1
Chapter 7: Ahh!!! Yes I been waiting. Omg the part has come!!!! Luv it
izla122 #2
Chapter 6: Daebak!!!!! Update soon authornim! Fighting!
Cindyimssi- #3
Chapter 4: This is an awesome storyline author-nim! Keep up the good work. ^_^