Chapter 1

Tidal Waves
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His alarm sets off at 5 in the morning, beeping until he turns it off. He groans and ruffles his hair, leaving it worse than it was. Another day, thinks Oh Sehun.

Oh how he hates his everyday morning routine. Why couldn't he be like a normal 22 year old person, going to college and meeting new people? He has little to no money for college and the little he earns from helping the old fisherman in his village is spent on food and bills. He lives in a small fishing village, almost two hours away from what would be considered a city. His job is ordering fishing equipment for the old fishermen online and sometimes helps them in other things.

College had been a ruled out object from his list ever since his father died in a boat crash. As for his mother... well, let's say he doesn't even know if she exists.

He is a quite person with only a small circle of friends which are either from work or high school. Sehun lives in a small rented house near the sea shore, only a few minutes away from work.

He slowly gets up and switches on the light. That's better, he says in his mind as he hasn't been seeing anything due to the darkness. The sun hasn't yet risen.

He heads to the kitchen and starts preparing breakfast. Sehun puts some rice in the rice cooker and waits for it to finish. As he waits, Sehun switches on the television and changed it to the news channel.

BREAKING NEWS: A boat crash leaves 10 dead and one missing. The missing person is said to be named Park Eun Ji, a twenty one year old woman, the daughter of one of the victims.

Sehun put the rice in a bowl and sat down on the floor, in front of the television, staring at a photo of the said girl. Suddenly, he gets a call. He quickly get up to answer it. 


"Hyung, major problem!" said the voice on the telephone, which happened to be his younger co-worker, Lee Byung Jun.

"What's wrong? Is it that important to be calling me at 5:30 in the morning?!" snaps Sehun.

"Oh yeah. Our schedule is postponed because of the boat crash which happened this night. They're still searching for the missing person and till they find her our port is closed," screams Byung Jun into the phone.

Sehun bites his lip and looks around the room looking for further words. "Well, I guess no work for today, but we still have to meet at the deck, alright. See you later," says Sehun.

He put the phone down and took one last glimpse at her picture before turning off the TV.


Sehun rubs his hand together to create some warmth. Even though it's summer it still gets chilly during the evening, especially the cool sea breeze. He reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone.

9:31 p.m.

He is hungry and can't wait until he gets home after a long day of work. 

To calm his mind after a long day, Sehun likes to take a walk on the beach on his way back. It relaxes him. Slowly hearing the water going push and pull.

But as he is walking today, he notices something white lying on the sand. Maybe it's a washed up net, he thinks. But as he is approaching this so-called net, it takes him a while to realize it is a body.

He quickly runs over to see who it is. It is a girl. She is wearing a black shirt and blueish shorts but she is barefoot. Her black hair is loose, even tangled.

He puts his ear next to her nose and checks if she's breathing. She is. He quickly notices a necklace on her bare collar bone. It has a silver colour and a heart shaped pendant. Sehun takes the pendant in his hand. It was cold. He turned it around and found her name engraved.

Park Eun Ji.

He starts panicking as he doesn't know what to do. He reaches for his phone, his arm shaking, and calls the village doctor.

"Doctor Jang!" he screams through the phone.

"What is it Sehun at this hour?" he replies in an annoyed tone.

"You know Park Eun Ji, the missing boat crash girl. I found her, washed up on the beach. Come down here now!" he says quickly, almost running out of breath.

Doctor Jang shuffles out of bed and quickly grabbed his doctor's bag before heading out in a hurry.


Doctor Jang arrives quickly and puts all his belongings on the wet sand. In the hurry, his hands get tangled up with each other. He takes out a stethoscope and small pen with a torch light on the back. He checks her breathing and afterwards her corneas.

He looks at Sehun and says, "We have to move her some place warmer. She might get a cold and that is the last thing we want her to get! Let's go to your house. I'll call the ambulance from there as there's no reception here."

They quickly move her back to Sehun's house, which is luckily very near. Sehun carries her gently as he is afraid she might have fractures.

"I'll call the hospital," says Doctor Jang as he heads out of the room, biting his nails. Even though Doctor Jang seems like a courageous doctors, he is quite the opposite. He is probably scared in a situation like this as he has never experienced one like it. 

Sehun is left alone with the girl. He stares at her and starts to noticed the multiple bruises on her arms and scratches on her legs. 

"It's probably from the accident," mutters Sehun to himself. At the corner of his eyes he sees her shiver slightly so he takes out a thick quilt and tucks her in.

The Doctor comes back inside. 

 "Bad news," he shrieks.

"The ambulance will probably come in about three hours  as the difference from here to Busan is quite far. I gave them the details about her so they should be on their way," he says while he packs all of his medical tool. He slings the strap on his shoulder and starts walking to the door.


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