American Kpop?!? (Legend Book 1)


When Sony Music first announced that they were going to start training teens to become America's version of "Kpop idols", no one expected anything to come of it. However 2015 came and so did the announcement of their first group 'LEGEND'. No one however, could have predicted the madness that would ensue. 


"Sony Music to debut a six member band in June. Is America prepared for their first 'Idol' group?"

"Sony signs several big Korean and Chinese artists as their American activities grow. Is this all a publicity stunt?" 

"Insider talks of Sony's first group being of co-ed gender. Have they lost their minds?" 

"Youngest member revealed to also be group leader. What is Sony trying to prove?"

I guess you could say that everything was against us from the very start. From scandals of slave contracts to people accusing Sony of skimping off of popular artists to gain popularity we hadn't even debut yet and we weren't liked (Americans and Kpop lovers alike). However here we were about to step on our first stage. 

With everything already going wrong, things couldn't get stranger right? Well...


I'm taking a break from being a beta and decided to write something of my own for once. This is going to be a continuous story and I'm going to try and have a correct timeline between real events and story events. (Dont hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong.)

There will be a few side story's to help flesh out characters before the really big part of the story begins. So please bare with me. ♡♡♡


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