Chapter 4 - Progressions

Every Time I Fall

Preparations for their comeback made the long days pass by quickly and Yoongi was left attempting to suppress his feelings for a certain eye-smiling member. Soon a month of promoting came to an end and the Bangtan members found themselves finding more time to rest from their hectic schedule. Of course, with more time to themselves Yoongi found his thoughts heading into one certain direction, where each day it became harder not to grab his fellow band member by the shoulders and kiss him senseless. 

It happened to be a day where Yoongi had decided to stay in their dormitory rather than go out to eat with the others, when the calm Yoongi had accustomed himself with, turned into a raging storm. 

"Yah Hyung, are you sure you don't want to come with us?" yelled out Taehyung as he pulled on his shoes to go out.

Yoongi rolled over from his position in bed and grunted out,

"no, just go, and leave me"

the rest of the members snickered at the Grandpa of the groups complaints and promptly left the dorm in a series of laughs and chatter.

'finally some peace in this place' , Yoongi thought to himself as he drifted off yet again into slumber.


Some time later Yoongi was shaken out of his slumber by the sound of the dormitory door closing. Glancing at the time from his phone, he frowned as it hadn't been long since the others had gone out and would be much too early for them to come back. Slipping out of bed he quietly opened his door and made his way to the main room - taking care to keep quiet.

'it's not an intruder is it...' Yoongi couldn't help but think as he tiptoed his way closer.

From the room before him he could hear sounds of someone opening and closing drawers hastily, and the soft padding of footsteps against the floorboard.

'oh , is someone actually trying to steal our things.' Yoongi's thoughts became frantic as he inched closer to the doorway. 

'why would they be searching through all our drawers if otherwise?' 

The rapper looked to find something to use for defence - finding a book carelessly thrown on the hallway table. Picking it up he took a deep breath as he prepared himself to face the intruder.

"YAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Yoongi screamed as he stepped into the room, while raising the book above his head.

Unfortunately for the light-haired male, the person in the living room had advanced closer to the doorway at that time and as Yoongi stepped into the room, he crashed into the other person, sending them both falling to the ground.

"Ugh!" both groaned as they hit the floor. 

"Yah Hyung! What are you doing!?"

Yoongi's eyes scrunched up from the impact, opened upon hearing the familiar voice of the person underneath him, and he used his arms to support himself on the ground.


The younger male lied underneath Yoongi, the book strewn a few feet from them. But all Yoongi could focus on was how little space there was between their two faces at the moment, and how good it felt to have Jimin's body pressed up against him.

"Why did you do that Hyung?" the younger questioned, "yah get up now, you're heavy".

But the older didn't hear Jimin's cries as he lost himself staring at the face of the singer before him. 

Confused as to why Yoongi wasn't replying to him, Jimin fixed his gaze on the elder before him, who seemed to be in a daze before him. 

"Hyung" Jimin tried again. 

"Hyung" but still no reply. 

Frustrated at the lack of response he was getting, Jimin wriggled underneath his Hyung which led to the older males arms giving out beneath him, causing Yoongi to crash his chest against the younger again.

Startled by the impact, Yoongi snapped out of his daze, this time finding himself looking down into the mesmerising gaze of his band member, and who was now close enough that he could feel the teasing breath of the younger against his face. 

"what are you doing back here?" Yoongi shakily let out a breath as he stared down at the younger.

Jimin taken aback himself at the closeness between the two could only stutter out a response,

"ju-, jus-, just get up  Hyung".

Yoongi himself didn't care for the answer and his thoughts had turned into raging war.

'crap he's so close...oh god he smells so good, I need to throw out that shampoo... , crap, I should get up...oh god but he feels so good...'

The silence in the room was pierced by the two's soft breaths as they continued to search each other's gaze.

"Hyung...," Jimin started,

'oh to hell with it' Yoongi thought at the same time.

"you should get up no-," but the younger was cut off as the older swiftly moved his face closer to capture the others lips with his own.

Upon contact with the youngers lips, Yoongi let out a sigh of content and relaxed his body against him. His hand moved to entangle itself in Jimin's hair, the other reaching to softly hold the singers face. 

Feeling the older's lips against his, Jimin was startled and could only lie frozen as the other worked his lips against his own. After hearing a small groan of pleasure escape from Yoongi's lips though, the younger found his eyes fluttering closed and his hands wrapping themselves around his Hyung's back - while beginning to move his mouth against the other as well.

Both males became increasily desperate in their ministrations, and heavy panting and sighs of pleasure filled the room as the two grasped at each other, trying to create as little distance between each other as possible.

Jimin broke off the kiss, gasping for air, and Yoongi took the opportunity to lower his head to the youngers soft flesh of his neck. He nibbled and on Jimin's skin, leaving the other grasping at his shoulders while uncontrollably. In his pleasure-filled daze, Jimin grazed his lower half against Yoongi and both males groaned in pleasure at the friction it created. 

Wanting to feel the pleasure it caused again, Yoongi moved his lower-half against Jimin's and both were so lost in each other and their lust that they missed the sound of the door opening, and the laughter of the other members returning back.

"Jimin-ah, Yoongi-hyung, we saved you some leftovers" Hoseok yelled out.

Hearing the others the two scrambled to pull themselves together but it was too late as the members piled into the living room, before coming to a stop, shocked at the sight before them.

Jimin lay underneath Yoongi, hair in a disarray and shirt pulled up exposing skin at the side while Yoongi's legs were entangled with the other, face flushed and eyes clearing from their lust-filled haze. Both boys were still panting heavily as they stared in shock at their fellow members.

Taehyung was the first to break the silence between the caught-out pair and the shocked members, as each party stared at each other not knowing what to say.

"Well, looks like your lunch was better than ours huh Jimin-ah," chuckled the orange-haired boy.

The pair scrambled to their feet, eyes not meeting the other members, embarrassement apparent on their expression.

"We'll just uh," Namjoon started,

"just uh, leave, I guess." he stated awkwardly and rushed out of the room.

"Yeah, uh don't mind us," Jin followed,

"carry on with um, your business" and he too left the room.

Taehyung and Hoseok left the room together while giggling to themselves,

"Oi, you owe me $10" Hoseok whisphered to Taehyung.

"No way, I said 2 months and you said 1. It's closer to 2 than it is to 1." 

Taehyung argued back as they exited.

An awkward silence filled the room as the two boys were left not knowing what to say, neither wanting to make eye contact with the other.

"Um..." Yoongi let out,

"Um...uh... yeah, um.." he tried again. 

Jimin not knowing what to do, just stood in silence, eyes looking everywhere but at the boy beside him.

"I'll just uh... yeah, I have some work on..." Yoongi lamely said, and he rushed out the room in a confused daze.

After Yoongi left the room, Jimin sank down to the floor and touched his lips with his fingers. 

'what just happened'  he could only think, as he felt his body still calming down from the pleasure from the ministrations of the older he'd felt just minutes before.

'Yoongi-hyung... why did he kiss me?' the singer was left also in a cloud of confusion as he replayed the scene over and over again inside his head.


Hi all,

OMG I'M BACK, finally, yes exams are over thankfully, and now I have a long break until Uni!! I'm sorry this chapter has not been edited/reread so there are bound to be a whole heap of errors (please forgive me). A KISS FINALLY HAPPENED. It is right now nearly 2am here, so I should sleep. But please enjoy, like, upvote, comment, subscribe, add me as a friend, anything really, THANKYOU FOR READING <3




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i'm back from korea!!!! so i'll start writing up a new chapter soon hopefully, though im working through holidays now


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moonlightdalbit #1
Update pls I can't wait
Chapter 6: New reader here! I've read it all at once. This was so cute and I can't believe it ended right after the kiss, 8 can't wait for more,now that Jimin is all confused haha. Stay well.
moonlitsky #3
Chapter 6: The awkwardness level oh my god i'm laughing so hard!! Talk about being in a wrong place at the wrong time~ X'D
And that was an amazing make out session author nim, oohh I can't wait for more YoonMin!! o((≧∇≦))o
moonlightdalbit #4
Chapter 1: Authornim please update soon
yazaki30 #5
Chapter 3: Awh~ I agree with Taehyung, we need to see Yoongi struggling ^-^
Jiminis a sweetheart~

Looking forward to the next chapter :) Take your time
Chapter 2: Wow good job I anticipate for your update it is cute and fluffy story I loved it
yazaki30 #7
Chapter 2: Oh~ Yoongi figured his feeling towards Jimin... and Jimin still oblivious though, but I bet Jimin will notice soon and his reaction maybe cute and adorable