Digital Designs Request Forms

♔ Digital Designs ♔

For Requesters: Digital Designs Rules and Regulaions


1. Must be Subscribed for Updates and Announcements.

2. Please be Patient. Doing your request isn't that easy thing. So please, try to be patient. That's the least thing you can do.

3. No Bashing please. Every workers work hard for your request to be finished. Please don't bash.

4. Credit us when you already receive your request. It's the best thing you can do since we're not being payed by this.

5. If you want to provide your own Pictures, please give us High Quality Images. It's really hard to work on Low Quality Image.

6. You should provide your Video Links for those who want to request for a Trailer. That way, it will be more easy for Trailer Makers to finish your request since they didn't have to look for your Video Links.

7. If you want to Cancel your request, you have to fill out the Cancel Request.

8. Don't request here if you've already requested from other sites. We don't want our works to be wasted.

9. If you want a Re-Do, fill out the Re-Do form. You can only request up to 2 Re-Do.

10. Once you've already receive your Request, please use it within the week. If we didn't see you use it, We'll put you in our Blacklisted. And yes, we keep tracks with your request.

11. For those who want to request for a One-Shot, you have to provide all the information needed.

12.  Please comment down if you've requested from our shop. We'll be able to know that you've requested if you do that, plus it will increase your Karma points.

13. Enjoy this Shop. And help us spread Digital Designs.


Want to Request? Request Forms are here. Click Here

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Chapter 1: Do you take request on designing websites?
I requested for a trailer! :)
yunyunch #3
Applied as Graphic Designer :D
Hi! I applied as a reviewer...
applied as a reviewer! :)
Applied!<br />
Applied as graphic designer and tutorial maker! ^^