Chapter 2

Hard to get

After the disastrous incident that occurred between Doyoung and Jaehyun, the Ravenclaw vowed not to speak to him again for the rest of his academic life. He felt outraged, frustrated. The Gryffindor had no right to get rid of something that was his, right in front of his eyes. While it was not pleasant to have received something as horrible as a howler, he was the only one who could judge its content. The moment the teenager ripped the letter in pieces he lost all respect for him. Jung Jaehyun was just an immature brat. And no matter how many times he had lament it, begged for forgiveness, there was no case. Doyoung did not care about the beater's life anymore.

Jaehyun tried to continue with his tactics of saving food for the eldest; However, Doyoung's friends no longer collaborated with him, so it was increasingly difficult to do so. Chittaphon had been the first to intercept him, one day he cornered him (the same as he did with Johnny years ago), pointed his wand at him and warned of the possible consequences if he tried to contact his friend. The Slytherin was to be feared, being part of one of the most influential families in the magical world, besides one of the best students in potions, he feared for his life; however, his desire to interact with Doyoung again was stronger.

The first weeks after what happened, he paid attention to Chittaphon's warnings, only observing his beloved from afar, who was always accompanied by his group of friends. Just watching him during meals, while his roommate tried to cheer him up with comments about the news of Quidditch. Every day he complained about his actions, even though he knew it was the only option to protect his feelings of being ridiculed throughout the school.

He had to think calmly and be reasonable about the actions he planned to take. It was necessary to resolve the misunderstanding. The best option was to wait until Christmas holidays ended since people were sensitive due to the overload of homework and exams. He would have a couple of weeks to plan in detail the way in which he would achieve Doyoung's forgiveness, he had to get to the point since his previous actions had not yielded positive results. He had agreed to meet with Mark, who was aware of everything and was the quieter of the two, to have a second opinion on the ideas he had thought.

On the other hand, Doyoung was not excited at all about the family reunion he would have for the Christmas holidays. Do not get him wrong, he loves his family, his older brother had always been of great emotional support, he had never treated him as inferior; however, his paternal family showed his affection in a hard way. While he had the best grades of his year, there was always something to compare with GongMyung. The elder tried to change the subject when he perceived some discomfort on the part of the minor. During those moments, Doyoung just wanted to disappear or would have preferred to stay in the castle; however, it was tradition to meet each other and no one could deny his grandmother’s desires.

With the exams finished and people ready to leave to their respective homes, the atmosphere at Hogwarts was very festive. The house elves had struggled to provide a wonderful dinner before most of them retired the next day. Good food put anyone in a good mood and even made Doyoung forget about the stressful days that awaited him.

- "This is delicious." - Johnny commented with his mouth full of apple pie. - "If I could I would marry a house elf."

- "Be careful Winky might listen, you know that she has some kind of affection towards you. Besides, I thought you were courting Ten. "- Doyoung discreetly kept some quinoa cookies in his tunic. They would serve him for tomorrow's trip.

- "I'm thinking of sending him a gift for Christmas, the problem is that my family does not have owls that fly internationally. Not that I can spend so much money on a shipment. "- Certainly Johnny was dying for Chittaphon, although the latter continued to deny his feelings for the prefect each time the mutual attraction between the two became more obvious.

- "We are friends for years and you do not deign to give me something. You offend me, hyung "

- "You have your Gryffindor, do not deny it." - Immediately he realized his mistake and then put his palms together as a sign of prayer. - "I'm sorry Doyoung, I did not mean that."

- "Do not worry, hyung. After all, it's over. Just try not to mention it again. "

- "Aye aye, captain." - The rest of the dinner went by normally; Johnny was still talking about the ideas he had about places he would take Ten if he accepted a date. Soon after, Kun made an appearance with his lips slightly swollen and red, ready to choke on what was first in sight to avoid comments. Of course, Doyoung did not miss anything, so he would talk about the subject once they are in their bedrooms.



Grandma Kim's house was in one of the most luxurious neighbourhoods of the magical community, could say that it was almost a mansion because of the exuberant number of rooms, in addition to the beautiful patio that surrounded the residence full of exotic plants. The matriarch was characterized as a firm and serious person when it came to business, with the family she was very loving and protective; however, she had always been demanding about the family's reputation. For years she had not had to worry.

But every family has its 'black sheep', right?

Kim Doyoung, the youngest grandson, excelled tremendously in the studios. Grandmother Kim had nothing to worry about, she was more than certain that her beloved grandson would be selected as a prefect once he starts his fifth year. Now, why so much demand in other aspects? During the last pregnancy of her only daughter, Grandma Kim turned to a Seer, the same one she had visited during the gestation of GongMyung. That lady had advised her to keep the child under constant surveillance, as it seemed that he would be easy to influence and could be led astray.

And so it was, during his childhood, Doyoung was deprived of several things. One would think that because he was the second son he would have more liberties; however, he was the only one who had a nanny who took care of him and instructed him. Whenever he managed to make friends with other children, Grandma Kim questioned the families and preferred that he play with his older brother. There was nothing wrong with that, but once he was accepted into Hogwarts all the fun he was allowed to enjoy vanished.



The Christmas dinner was delicious, of course, it could not miss the small sermon about good and evil by the matriarch. Everyone applauded effusively, as usual, and proceeded to chat about trivial things: Quidditch, politics, rumours, etc. Doyoung only spoke when he was asked about something. The family was ecstatic over the achievements of GongMyung, being the seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team had awarded the victory to his house in the last game, which made him more in favour of being the next captain once the current one graduated. Besides being a prefect, there was no doubt that he would be named 'Annual Prize' the following year.

Amid so much adoration for her brother, Doyoung preferred to read a book that he had taken from the Forbidden Section of the library, the headmaster greatly esteemed him so she did not hesitate to accept his request. The book was about the lives of some Death Eaters. He was curious about how ordinary students had ended up being part of a group that terrorized the magical world for years. He was so immersed in reading that he did not notice the expression of horror of his relatives, except for GongMyung.

The book was levitated from the hands of Doyoung. - "What are you doing reading that?" - Asked his father, handing the object to the grandmother.

- "Death Eaters? Black Magic? "- She was horrified, felt that each one of the warnings of that Seer came true before her eyes.

- "It's a book I took from the library with the permission of the headmaster, grandmother" - He tried to explain as calmly as possible, he knew that this issue affected his family, but it was only a book. It was not as if he intended to go towards the wrong path. - "I do not see anything wrong with it."

- "Nothing wrong? Are you going crazy, Kim Doyoung?! "- To be a person of small stature she had a strong voice. - "What's next, be part of their crazy things?! Be like ‘him’?! "

His grandmother has just compared him to the worst misfortune in the magical world. Did they believe that? He never wanted to accept the fact that his family despised him. The voices in his head were right. He was just a leftover for that respectable family, full of aurors, ministers, doctors. He was nothing more than a curse that had fallen on that family. He felt his vision blur, the tears were about to come out and his body kept trembling.

- "My dear son, grandma did not mean that." - Her mother tried to hold his hand, but it was too late. Of course she meant it, of course she did. Everyone believed that. During the moment of tension, Doyoung took the opportunity to take his things and disappear in front of everyone.



He fell thunderously on the cold floor of his room. He had never made use of the ‘apparition’ outside Hogwarts. Surely a letter would come from the Ministry of Magic, but he did not care. Nothing could surpass what happened during dinner. He wanted to disappear, to stop being part of that family full of judges. He took out the necessary clothes to spend some nights away from home, hoping that one of his friends would welcome him. Suddenly, he heard a disturbance on the ground floor of his house, someone had arrived. He had no time, but no strength to reappear elsewhere.

- "It's good that you're still here." - His brother said in relief, he sweated cold. He had run desperately to his bedroom - "You scared us, I thought you could have torn. You know how dangerous it is to appear as a student. "

- "It would have been better for you, right?"

- "What things are you saying, Doyoung. Of course not! "- He felt guilty, being the elder he must have protected him and made him feel loved. - "You are my brother; I love you so much. If something happened to... What Grandma said was wrong, it was the worst. I do not want to justify it, but I hope she has some kind of coherent reason. "

With his head bowed Doyoung took a seat in his bed, the eldest followed him. - "They make me feel so inferior." - He said shakily.

- "I'm very sorry, I should have noticed. The family is much more important than any Quidditch match or ugly badge. "- He hugged him tightly, would prefer a thousand times that he was the one who felt that way. - "I want to know everything that happens to you, Doyoung. The good, the bad, that if you liked dinner or if you do not like some subject. I want to recover that confidence that as a child you had me. "

They held each other for a few minutes, the voices in Doyoung's head dissipating as the minutes passed. For the first time in a long time, he felt safe. - "Do you want to know another bad thing that happened?" - He asked uncertainly.

- "Of course." - Affirmed to then move away and thus look directly into the eyes. - "Whatever it is I will be for you."

Doyoung explained in great detail everything that had happened with the Gryffindor, the "relationship" between them before the incident, the annoyance that caused him once the other ripped a letter addressed to him, attempts to explain and the thousands of letters addressed to him. GongMyung listened intently, never interrupted him, until his brother finished the anecdote with a big sigh.

- "And that was what happened. I think I could be a little fairer with him, but I also want to rip his head off. "

- "If you want to rip his head off, you should have met him." - He joked - "But seriously, I do not think it would be a bad idea to talk to him. You said it yourself, you could have been fairer. And if in the end it does not convince you, then you leave it there and tear off his head ... mentally. "

Doyoung nodded, after all, it did not seem like a bad idea. - "I'll leave you alone to clarify your ideas. The family is still at grandmother's house, I told them I would take care so do not worry, we have the house for the night. "- He left the room, ready to make some food for them, surely his brother would be hungry.

The Ravenclaw approached his desk where it lay about ten letters, all from Jaehyun. He had not opened them because he already knew their contents, so he grabbed a piece of paper and started writing a letter to him.


See you in Diagon Alley tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon. In front of ‘Eeylops Owl Emporium’.



He hoped it was a good decision, if it wasn’t he could always rip Jaehyun’s head off.



Author's note: Let me know if you are interested in a part 3

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sogol_hmh #1
Chapter 2: Please
We need part 3 :(
Chapter 2: Part ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
Chapter 2: Yes chapter3 plisss
Chapter 1: Are you a god? Omg. Dojae and Hogwarts!au literally is the best thing i've seen today. And omg the Howler :D too bad it's not opened right there and then because well if so, we can see a super embarassed jaehyun and he's totally doomed. Anyway how could doyoung not realize jae's feeling like the poor boy wait him the whole day and save him a bun (awww that's sweet). And now i think doyoung hates jaehyun so much xD

Please do a second chapter for this. I really like this story :)
Chapter 1: please please please pleaseeee write the second chapter~
Tweety189 #6
Chapter 1: OMG!!! You don't know how happy I am reading this as a Potterhead and a Dojae trash. I lol-ed so hard at the confessing through a Howler part, I somehow imagined it to be like saying "bubbles" angrily :D Poor Jaehyun, he has to try harder next time cuz he just got on Doyoung's bad side :(( I'm actually in the middle of writing a Harry Potter/Hogwarts AU Dojae fic myself which also includes Jaehyun being madly inlove with senior Doyoung and Mark being a trusty friend (coincidence?:)) but I'm probably not going to post it any time soon cuz my writing is horendously awful lol. Oh and my bby Seungcheol is here too! I mean can this fic gets anymore perfect??? Well the only way to find out is through the second part so please update soon ok ^.^
And please write second chapter! :)
Chapter 1: Your fic has cool plot! I like Hogwart and NTC so this fic is definitely for me~ Good job ^^