Chapter 1

Hard to get

The day he received his acceptance letter to assist the prestigious School of Witchcraft and Wizardry his family was relieved to finally know that their little rabbit was not a squib, not that there's anything wrong with it, but the 16 year old boy never he showed any signs of having magic within his being. Doyoung had always been compared to his older brother by his father's family, while Doyoung only talked to people who were part of his small circle of friends, GongMyung was able to keep lively conversations with people he barely knew and made them feel comfortable with just being around him. Not surprisingly, the latter was assigned to Gryffindor, he possessed all the qualities of the house, almost as if the house had been founded just for him.

And what about Doyoung’s qualities? Well, he's always been a very intelligent and determined person, in what he found interest; however, his shyness made taking decisions more difficult than it should be. It was a real hassle, having the answer on the tip of the tongue, ready to say it but being unable to do so by the fact that the mere thought of speaking in public made his hands sweat and begin to tremble. Over time that nervousness was declining, he was now able to participate in class, only that he had to previously recite in his mind what he would say at least about twice.

He met Kun, Ten and Yuta during his first year at Hogwarts, he and Kun were assigned to Ravenclaw and share room while the other two were sorted into Slytherin. All four have a little unusual friendship, usually when you feel down friends are next to you to make you feel better and imagine, just imagine, impossible ways to get back at someone, but that was not the case with the other three. Doyoung remember perfectly when in his second year Johnny, another Ravenclaw older by a year and who tends to get stressed easily, vented his anger towards him when he younger asked for help in 'History of Magic'. He could not help sob in front of him and ran out to his room, his mother always told him that he was very sensitive and that it was not bad, just that sometimes there are people who want to take advantage of it. Gossip spread quickly among the members of his house, Johnny tried to apologize more than once but he avoided the other because he was afraid to make a fool of himself (again); however, this did not pass unnoticed by Kun who immediately told to Ten and Yuta. The next morning Johnny was cornered by the pair on his way to class, he was shocked by how handsome Ten looked and was about to ask him for his name when he was thrown to the floor by a spell that, seconds late, made him vomit snails.

Ten and Yuta earned the sermon of their lives from Doyoung.

- "Both of you are crazy! How could they attack a student? Especially one older than us! "

- "Technically, he and I are the same age." - Replied Yuta.

- "That's not the point, Hyung!

At the end the whole thing was resolved, Johnny finally could apologize properly and Doyoung forced his friends, except Kun he always founds a way to stay out of trouble, to apologize. Johnny accepted his apology with the condition of having a date with Ten, he flatly refused because he still thought the other was a complete idiot.

Now Doyoung was in his fourth year at Hogwarts and all showed signs that his student life would follow a peaceful course. Johnny kept trying to persuade Ten or how he just called him, Chittaphon, to go out on a date and the Thai still refused even though he blushed whenever the other winked at him. Yuta played as a chaser for his Slytherin and was the favorite to be chosen as captain once Taeyong graduates, also he is dating a Hufflepuff who always recommended muggle shows to see during the holidays. Kun tired of being the third wheel in Yuta’s dates decided to join a club, it was there where he met another boy of the same nationality.

It was no longer just the four of them, now Johnny, Hansol and Sicheng were part of their group.

Peace didn’t last long.

Everything changed when he met Jung Jaehyun, that third-year Gryffindor who begged him more than once to help him in 'Arithmancy' since both had chosen the same course just that Doyoung, being a year older had more knowledge than the other. While carrying some classes with Gryffindor, he did not have any amicable relationship with any of them. It was the only house where he had no close friend.

- "I can’t believe he keeps waiting outside." – Kun mentioned one night they were enjoying hot chocolate in the Ravenclaw common room. - "He has been there for hours, Doyoung."

- "I really do not understand, why ask me for help? My grades are not the best in that subject. "

- “Maybe it's because he likes you."

- "Do not tell lies, Kun. Your nose will grow like Pinocchio’s."

- "Who?" - He asked his friend very confused.

- "Hansol hyung mentioned him the other day. He said it was 'phenomenal the way it taught children not to lie and that is able to purify your soul just by seeing it, just magic', you know how he gets when he talks about movies. "

- "Well I'm not lying, the boy walks around asking about you. He even started talking to Sicheng! What fault does my little ray of sunshine has that a madman is behind you?"

- "He is not that little, He is even taller than you." - Muttered the red-headed as he left his cup on the table - "As you said, he is crazy. Enough with you as friends, I do not need another reason to go to a psychiatrist. We'd better go to sleep, I do not want to get up more tired than usual."

Kun decided to stay a little longer to finish his cup with hot chocolate, he could understand one of the reasons why he did not want to help the Gryffindor but the others were too absurd -'Because he is taller than me '-  the other mentioned once. Which is ridiculous because most of his friends, if not all (don’t want to hurt his pride either), are taller than him. If he really didn’t want to help, DoYoung would have already refused; however, it has been two months since this whole mess started. Kun smiled as nice as possible as headed to the door, partly he was sorry but could not fit in his head how someone can be so persistent with something so stupid, as if the boy was a masochistic.

- "Jaehyun-ssi. Doyoung already went to sleep, you better go too so you won’t stay out all night."

- "Ah, I expected that. Thanks anyway, we’ve talked more than once so if you want you can call me without any honorifics and I can call you hyung if it’s okay. "

-"Sounds good. So goodnight Jaehyun. "- Kun waved and made his way into the common room. He found his roommate curled up in his bed, both tended to sleep together when one of them was not feeling well. He could ask Doyoung to sleep in his own bed since according to him Jaehyun was not a problem, but he didn’t. His friend didn’t want to accept that somehow the boy was affecting him.

What if Jaehyun did not like Doyoung? Would his nose grow like Pinochio’s? Perhaps that person was a powerful wizard. Hansol mentioned more than once that muggles tended to tribute important people, they may have not realize that Pinocchio was a wizard and accidentally made a film in his honor. This had him worried, if what he told his friend was a lie he was risked of having a longer nose than a hippogriff. He has always been an honest person, this is why Ten and Yuta never called him to make trouble. The next day he would look about Pinocchio in the library.

At the end, he went to sleep with a lump in his throat.




The next day Doyoung woke up a little stiff because Kun crushed him almost all night, it was not normal for the boy to move while sleeping, maybe something was bothering him. He would find out later, they had to get ready to go to the Great Hall to at least reach the breakfast leftovers.

- "Rise and shine Kun. Otherwise, we will not even have half a glass of pumpkin juice. "- He warned as he searched for his wand.

- "I will not be able to drink water if I have a giant nose." - Kun complained.

-"What are you talking about? Better tell me when we're on our way to eat. "

Both boys got ready, grabbed their things and ran hoping that at least their friends from other houses or Johnny saved for them some food. Fortunately it was, Ten and Yuta left a plate for each with sausages with Johnny, who placed in front of them two cups with pumpkin juice.

- "Thank you." – Both guys smiled.

- "Your Gryffindor left a bun for you Doyoung and from Sicheng, fruit for Kun. I have to go, McGonagall wants to talk to the prefects. I do not know in what problem we have gotten. "- He sighed and grabbed his things in order to leave behind a group of students.

It was a cold December morning, the Christmas holiday were very close and all students were excited. Ten was going to travel to Thailand to see his family, Yuta and Hansol already scheduled a date days after the holidays, Sicheng at first planned to stay at Hogwarts but Kun invited him to his home in Fujian, Johnny was going to spend holidays in Chicago and last but not least Doyoung would stay a few days in his maternal grandmother’s house.

A few days before returning to school, they had planned to walk around Hogsmeade, to buy some sweets, maybe go take butter beers and catch up on what they had done. Doyoung was not thrilled about the idea of going to visit his father's family, especially his grandmother, they love each other and she has always wanted the best for himself but she thinks mentioning the achievements of his older brother during family dinner and questioning some of his decisions, such as studying Arithmancy instead Ancient Runes, motivates Doyoung to be like him. Doyoung doesn’t want to be like GongMyung, he's fine being who he is and he really doesn’t need any of his uncles’ advices.

Sometimes he wishes he wasn’t so courteous to his elders.




- "Do you still try to convince him, hyung?" – Mark asked, a first year Gryffindor.

- "He is like my soul mate, Mark. You would not understand."- Jaehyun sighed into his pillow.

There was no one in the tower, it was dinnertime and Jaehyun was not hungry, Mark was trying to cheer him up but hunger was stronger.

- "I'll get something to eat, hyung. Do not do anything stupid please. "

He is Jung Jaehyun, Gryffindor Quidditch team’s beater, most of the time applied student and nice to everbody. He was not able to do something stupid, of course that does not include following some guy everywhere, to him that guy looked like a god, someone so perfect and adorable with their protruding front teeth that made him look like a rabbit, it made him feel like to hug him and never let go.

Jaehyun certainly was stupid, but stupidly in love.

What should he do? Confess his love? Well that was more than clear he saved a bun the day he arrived at breakfast later than usual! He was desperate.

Maybe he should do like the romance movies that his mother likes to watch, those where the couple ends up kissing in the rain (which would not be bad).

The boy was not obsessed, do not get him wrong. He's just very very much in love and that made him do things without thinking.

He was determined to do something completely cliché and 'calculated'. He was going to write a letter to the red-headed where he would express his feelings and wait for his reaction the following morning.

All an expert in love.


Dear hyung


My lucky rabbit


This would not be as easy as he thought.



I feel nervous as I write this letter, it’s just that it is getting more impossible to be close to you and it hurts me. Let’s get this straight: I’m not and I like you, really, a lot. I love all of you, the way you laugh, talk and even get angry. You're just perfect and adorable ... like a bunny. I think you already realize my feelings and I'm sure I've been very clear with my actions but I think it were not the best.

Would you go out with me?

If you reject me, please be gentle ... senpai. Remember, I'm younger than you :3

Jung Jaehyun


After writing he searched among his roommate’s stuff hoping to find something decent for confession. He finally found a red envelope, it looked perfect so without wasting time he sent it with his owl. Once Mark arrived with the promised food he did not mention what he did and thanked him for his concern before sending him to his room.

Waiting until the next day was making him anxious, what will happen? What if he doesn’t like the letter? If he doesn’t like the color red? No, he should not think about negative things. Being positive always lead to great things, his mother always said. Jaehyun went to bed, turned off the lights and closed his eyes without wondering why his roommate still had not returned. It did not matter, tomorrow would be a great day.





Christmas holidays were two days apart, adrenalin run through his whole body, he kept looking at the Ravenclaw’s table carefully. Doyoung was chatting with his friends at breakfast, on the other hand, Jaehyun felt as if his heart would explode any minute. Owls made their entrance with the correspondence and so was the long-awaited moment has come. His eyes kept seeing that table, no caring if he was acting strange.

- "Oh, Doyoung received a howler!" – It was heard from the other table.

A howler? Who would send such a letter? They were horrendous, the way they expressed the message and that horrible ... red envelope.



His dignity, his feelings. He could not let the whole school hear how he feels about Doyoung, at least not like that. For the love of Merlin, his school life would be completely ruined, even more if he gets rejected. Jaehyun called him Bunny! He had to get it back!


- "To my knowledge I have not gotten into any trouble..." - sighed Doyoung - "I'll open it later."

- "That's not an option Doyoung." - Said Kun - "You know what happens if you do not open at the time when it is received, it will explode and be a thousand times worse. Who sent it to you?"

He was so stupid he did not think to put a sender on the envelope, Jaehyun slowly rose from his seat and decided to approach the other. He would use a spell to remove the card from the other, he just needed to be a little closer…

- "Open it now, it’s better than it to explode out of nowhere." - Johnny Intervened.

Doyoung did not feel safe, but did not want the letter explode in the middle of some class. He thought about all sorts of possibilities, if he opened it during breakfast, all Hogwarts will listen the message, but he had no time to go to his room; the letter should have be sent the day before so it was risky to keep it close. What if he destroys it? That seemed like a good option, but he would not get to know what it says, maybe it was something important ... in a Howler, 'yeah right'. This was bothering him, if indeed it was one of his relatives who just wanted to nag about silly things he would be ridiculed. He couldn’t stay there, so he picked his things up and walked towards the Great Halls’ door.

- "Wait ..." - Jaehyun intersected him - "Y-You can’t take that."

- "Sure I can, it's mine." - He said and walked away.

Doyoung started running and Jaehyun didn’t waste time and chased him. The younger had better physical condition than the other so he reached DoYoung in just seconds.

- "Give me the letter." - He tackled him.

- "Let me go you crazy! Wingaridium Leviosa! "- he pointed to Jaehyun with his wand and levitated him to a height of about two meters; however, the other already had his letter. - "Give it back!"

- "Expelliarmus!" – DoYoung’s wand flew away, which broke the spell almost causing Jaehyun to hit the floor if it had not been for Seungcheol who ran towards them as he descended the Gryffindor. - "Are you okay Jaehyun?"

- "Y-Yes hyung, I'm fine." – He replied with the letter between his hands.

- "Give me my letter!" - Doyoung wasted no time to get closer to the third year.

- "Stop right there." - Ordered the prefect. - "100 points from Ravenclaw for using magic against another student and you have to clean cauldrons for a week."

- "But you do not understand. He has something that belongs to me. "- He tried to defend himself while glaring at Jaehyun

- "Sorry, hyung." - He ducked his head and tore the letter into pieces. It was very late, in both senses, his class had already started and it was more than sure that Doyoung hated him much more than he imagined.

- "50 points from Gryffindor, for what you just did." – Seungcheol was getting annoyed and it was only the morning - "Doyoung follow me, we have to talk to Johnny about what just happened."

The ravenclaw picked up his wand and followed the prefect, fists were clenched and his body tensed. If it had not been for that idiot, he would have known what was in that letter and would not be punished.

He hated him so much.

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sogol_hmh #1
Chapter 2: Please
We need part 3 :(
Chapter 2: Part ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
Chapter 2: Yes chapter3 plisss
Chapter 1: Are you a god? Omg. Dojae and Hogwarts!au literally is the best thing i've seen today. And omg the Howler :D too bad it's not opened right there and then because well if so, we can see a super embarassed jaehyun and he's totally doomed. Anyway how could doyoung not realize jae's feeling like the poor boy wait him the whole day and save him a bun (awww that's sweet). And now i think doyoung hates jaehyun so much xD

Please do a second chapter for this. I really like this story :)
Chapter 1: please please please pleaseeee write the second chapter~
Tweety189 #6
Chapter 1: OMG!!! You don't know how happy I am reading this as a Potterhead and a Dojae trash. I lol-ed so hard at the confessing through a Howler part, I somehow imagined it to be like saying "bubbles" angrily :D Poor Jaehyun, he has to try harder next time cuz he just got on Doyoung's bad side :(( I'm actually in the middle of writing a Harry Potter/Hogwarts AU Dojae fic myself which also includes Jaehyun being madly inlove with senior Doyoung and Mark being a trusty friend (coincidence?:)) but I'm probably not going to post it any time soon cuz my writing is horendously awful lol. Oh and my bby Seungcheol is here too! I mean can this fic gets anymore perfect??? Well the only way to find out is through the second part so please update soon ok ^.^
And please write second chapter! :)
Chapter 1: Your fic has cool plot! I like Hogwart and NTC so this fic is definitely for me~ Good job ^^