Chapter 3


Mid-April 2010


Junior High 3



Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Ring!!!


Finally class is over and nice to meet you, Lunch! Eunji took out her lunchbox she prepared herself in the morning since no one would make one for her. She then quickly took out her wallet and passed five thousand won to Seunghoon before he left.


"Buy me orange juice"

Seunghoon rolled his eyes, "I'm not your slave."

"Just buy it for me, please~~" Eunji said with the aegyo voice.

"Besides i'm gonna play basketball, I won't be back in a minute."

"Just buy it."

Seunghoon sighed and plainly said okay then left.

"Yeay!!" Eunji smiled.


Their school lunch break time was an hour. Then, they would continue their noon classes, and class would be dismissed at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. So, during this one hour break time, besides eating lunch, students would be seen doing a lot of things. Some of them were playing sports, some were playing phones, watching their idols, some were singing and dancing in the class, some were playing chalks, some of them even played hide-and-seek, some of them were also sleeping, and some of them even still brain storming themselves by actually studying.


Eunji was found sitting on her chair while playing her phone and headphone on. Everybody knew what she's doing, she was catching up the drama that she hadn't watch. During lunch time, Eunji would mostly watched drama or jamming the new kpop songs or if she was not in a lazy mode, she would do her homework, yes her future is still the most important thing to her.


In the middle of the peak scene of the drama, someone unplug her headphone.


"What the?!" She scoffed.

It's Seunghoon, but he was not alone. Behind him there were the playful Song Minho who was Bomi's seatmate and class-next-door Kim Jinwoo and Nam Taehyun.

Seunghoon passed the orange juice to her as he said, "Eunji-ya"

She had a sip of her juice before saying anything, "What?? By the way, what are you all doing here?" Still confused why would Jinwoo and Taehyun come along with them. Sure, they're close friends since elementary, but it's odd for now that the four of them abruptly came to find her. Plus, they were four not five. Of course he won't come, he has no reason to come at the first place.


"We're here to deliver you a bad news." Said Minho.

"What bad news?"

The four of them sighed, Seunghoon then said, "Seungyoon is going to move for high school..."

"To be more specific, he's going to move to Seoul." Added Taehyun.

"Move? Seoul?" Eunji was so shocked, Seungyoon is going to move to Seoul, that's impossible. "But why?"

"His parents are going to move there." Minho explained.

"Plus, he himself also thinks that it will be a great opportunity to improve himself in the capital city." Jinwoo continued.


Eunji was left speechless for a while. Seungyoon never told her anything. Although they were no longer having a special relationship, but they still mantained a healthy relationship. They still texted each other, they still say hi to each other. However, actually she was expecting this to happen for she knew the latter's dream and passion. But then, not as fast as this.


"So, Eunji-ya" Seunghoon called, "we have a favor."

"What favor?" Said Eunji as she faced them, "wait, don't tell me..."

"Yes, could you please persuade him not to go?" He continued

"You know, even though his parents also going to move, he could always live at my place, I'm his cousin at the first place." Seunghoon explained, the rest three nodded.

Right, I forgot that he is Seungyoon's cousin, Eunji chuckled plainly, "Guys, it's not that easy okay? You guys also know what kind of person is he. Then, who am I at the first place? And if he moves for his future, then I don't have anything to say too, I don't want to be a block to his future, I'm not that selfish." She sighed, "so, I guess I can't.... stop him. I'm sorry."


The four of them put a disbelief kind of face to her. They were still so persistent about that telling her that Seungyoon would always listen to her words. Throughout the following classes, Eunji couldn't even digest what the teachers taught, her thoughts were all focused on the guy next door. Should I ask him about this or not?



Noon classes has ended, every students was so eager going back home, but not for Eunji. She was so afraid to bump into Seungyoon. Since the two will take the same bus route, although they didn't live at the same neighbourhood, but there was just 1 stop gap, Eunji's first.


Bomi has waited for her in front of the class. Eunji walked slowly, hoping that she would not meet Seungyoon in front of the class or gate or everywhere. Bomi noticed her best friend acting weirdly then she asked what's wrong. Because Eunji couldn't lie to her one and only best friend, she then spilled it all as they walked to the school gate.


She managed to tell Bomi even before they arrived at the school gate. When they arrived in front of the school gate. Bomi asked a question, "Do you still have some feelings for him?" Eunji was about to answer her, but Bomi quickly cut her, "Don't say no yet. Think about it first. I know that you still have something for him and it's so obvious that he still felt the same way too. And okay, I know that you're thinking about his future. But, the question is on you, are you ready to send him off?"


Eunji was left speechless once again, well she admits that she still love him but at the same time she's not sure of herself too. Bomi told Eunji to think about it again, after she settled her mind, she then suggested her to ask Seungyoon. They then go separate ways. Eunji walked to the bus station and just been surprised by the no other than Kang Seungyoon himself. He was with his classmates standing, one of his classmates recognised her and called her. Seungyoon turned and as soon as he saw her, he quickly pinched her chubby cheeks, a habit that he had been doing since the first time they met.


"You're late today." Asked Seungyoon.

"Uhh?" Eunji tried her best not to stutter, "Ye-yeah, you know gossiping with Bomi first."

"Girls forever and always."


As they entered the bus, Eunji found out that there were only the two of them, others are not taking the same bus. It's gonna be awkward for sure, Eunji thought. They sat together at the vacant sit at the back side. Seungyoon started the conversation by asking her the basic questions like, have you eaten, what you got for lunch, how's biology today, how about math, and goes on. Never once they brought out the "moving" topic. Then when the bus had almost arrived at Eunji neighbourhood bus stop, Seungyoon said, "Tonight, make sure that you have your phone on, okay?" Eunji was about to ask why, but she couldn't help but to immediately comply, since the bus has stopped at her neighbourhood.


That night after showering, Eunji stared at her phone the whole time. Even though she was doing her homework but she couldn't take her eyes off of her phone.

Then, not long after that, her phone vibrated on the table, making her felt surprised too.



It's Seunghoon.





You have to stop Seungyoon okay? No matter what!

He will definitely listen to you, if you say don't, he'll definitely not go


Eunji sighed and replied



I don't know..

I'll think about it but I don't promise anything okay



Just pleaseee jebal~~~






Eunji just read the message without replying him. Not long after that, her phone vibrated. It's him, Seungyoon.






What are you doing? Have you eaten yet?



I'm doing some homework and i just ate. How about you? :D



Me too hahaha

You know there's something I want to talk with you..


Eunji gulped and replied. She felt so nervous, she didn't even know why.



What is it?




Going to move

To Seoul...



She felt a pang in her heart and didn't even know why. She exactly had known the news from the other four boys, but still when Seungyoon said it himself, she felt something weird. It's hurt inside. She imagined the other three years of high school without seeing him again. Well, she definitely had ended everything between them but seeing him every day at school was enough, she's happy with that and also sorry for him at the same time.



Seoul? Wae?

When will you move there?



She also wrote Do you really have to go there? But erased it immediately.




Just that, my parents gonna move there so, i have no choice too..

According to my parents' plan, we're going to move next summer before high school start



But why?

All of your friends, especially Hoon, Minho, Jinwoo and Tae will be sad if you move that far.

Me too, but she deleted that.





But what? Eunji thought


But Eunji-ya..

If you tell me not to go..

Then i won't go..



What?!?! Please don't put me on this position, you jerk!

The one thing that Eunji really hate is that she has to decide a final decision. It's okay if it's for herself, since if there's something wrong in the future, she will blame only herself. However, she really hate if the decision that she made is for another person. She doesn't want to be blamed for any consequences that's going to happen in the future.




But why me?

It's your life, your choice



Why you? Nothing but... seriously, if you tell me not to go then I won't go



But, why me decide?

Seungyoon, this is about your future too, you know

Seoul is a great place to build your dreams, there's gonna have more chances there and I don't want to be a block for your future



Well, the things that you said are true but all of my friends are here and in Seoul there's no one I know..



Well, if you really want to improve yourself then go. Seoul is a great place and you'll absolutely get a lot more chances to develop your skill




I get it :)



Well done Jung Eunji you have ruined everything, congratulations!



But at least she thought it will be good for his future, she didn't want to be a selfish person anymore.


June 25, 2016

Busan High School (Class of 2013)

Senior 3 Class 3 Small Reunion


She coolly laughed, "Wait, you really didn't know the reason why? I thought you know."

"Tell me why, i have no idea at all." Said him while smiling back at her.


Eunji then replied coolly, even though she was so embarassed by the question, "It just that, I wanted to better person, that's why I didn't want to stop you. And oh, you today could attend SNU is also because of me didn't stop you that time."


Seunghoon laughed and nodded, "Okay, okay, I know now, Gomawoyoo"



After the rolling bottle game ended with Minho taking a dare challenge, and ended up giving a peck on Bomi's cheek, everybody has known that there was something between them since school days. They just hope that they can hopefully go public as fast as they can. Then, all of them gathered together to take a squad selfie.


Seungyoon immediately approached Eunji who were still talking with Namjoo and Chorong at the corner of the table.



Eunji then turned to the voice that called her, "Oh! Kang Seungyoon! Wae?"

The rest of the girls smirked, "ya ya ya girls, we better go now~~"

Eunji tried to stop them but the three of them quickly ran to the other place.

Seungyoon chuckled seeing the girls, "Eunji-ya"

"Ne? Is there anything you want to talk to me?" Asked Eunji innocently.

"Come with me, I'll drive you home." Offered Seungyoon.

"It's been a long time since the two of us met each other." Continued Seunghoon.

Eunji hesitated at first by saying, "But... I'm going home with Bomi."

Seungyoon could be seen slightly pouted, he then shouted Bomi, "Ya Yoon Bomi!! Is it okay if you go home alone? I want to borrow Eunji."

Bomi then replied, "Yes of course! I still have him by the way." She said as she pointed at Minho.


"So, wanna go with me? I'll protect you just like when we were in school days." Said Seungyoon as he smiled and strech both of his arms make a protecting kind of pose.



At that time, Eunji seems to be worried. His invitation is unexpected, and Eunji feels that something unexpected will happen too. She hopes that she doesn't make the wrong the decision for this. No regret, Jung Eunji.



"Okay then." Said Eunji smiling as she slightly smack Seungyoon for being too over about the protecting gesture.


"So, it's still early, why don't we go for a walk for a while?" Said Seungyoon.

"We're not going home?"

"Oh please Eunji, we're not even in high school anymore, we're adult now."

"But I love my house so much, especially my bed."

"You are definitely a pig you know. Let's go to the park then?"


"No but!! Kaja!!"


When Seungyoon grabbed her hand with a bright smile on his face, that time, that moment her heart skipped a beat. It's been long time since she never felt those weird emotions again.


Chapter 3 updated!!!

Please forgive me for every mistakes that I make, and Thank you so much for the one who subscribed!!

So, Enjoy!! Feel free to comment and subscribe~~

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Chapter 1 and 2 are edited, sorry for the stupid mistakes guys :'( i'm just a beginner


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Chapter 3: I like this..
rongChoxxi #2
Chapter 2: This is great author-nim I really ship the both of them.update soon =)
blossomcherry83 #3
Chapter 2: I like your story please update thanks