Oreo Vanilla Float

Orange Tiramisu

A/N: All pictures are credited to the owners. Most are found on the internet and are just random....

To people who are using phones, the pictures might look a bit squashed so please turn landscape since it'll be better...

And sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes...

Now...I'll stop disturbing you and let you get reading...bye..^_^

 Jimin slowly opened his droopy eyes and rubbed them. The sunshine escaped through the curtains, so that it shined on Jimin's orange hair, making him look like an angel.

It would have been a perfectly peaceful morning if it weren't for Taehyung jumping on to his bed and landing on Jimin's stomach, and smashing a pillow on his face. 

"WAKE UP, JIMINNIE!!" Taehyung screamed in Jimin's ear.

"I'm already awake, TaeTae.... You didn't have to jump on me." Jimin said while rubbing his stomach.

"Hehe...sooooorrry.." Taehyung apologised.

Jimin scanned the room and realisation hit him. "Wait.....HOW DID YOU GET IN MY ROOM TAE?" 

"I may have picked the lock or not..." Taehyung said while fidgeting with his fingers and looking down on to the bed.

"Unbelievable...this has been the third time this week, the 15th time this month and..."Jimim paused while counting off his fingers."....the 157th time this year." Jimin successfully said. 

"Yeah...but.." Taehyung attempted to argue back.

"But what?" Jimin said and crossing his arms. His glare said "this-better-be-a-good-answer"

"I just love you so much I want to see you every day, every minute and every second." Taehyung said and gave Jimin a fluffy back hug.

Jimin felt his face heating up and stuttered,"O-okay..I f-forgive y-you...T-taeTae.." 

"Yay!" Taehyung shouted, almost making Jimin go deaf. Taehyung pecked Jimin on his red cheek and was suddenly interrupted by a creaking at the door.

Jungkook entered with his messy hair, that meant he had just woken up. 

"What's all the noise, big brother?" Jungkook asked, while scratching his head. "Ooh...are you guys ing each other already? It's only the morning...jeez...so desperate.." Jungkook said in a teasing tone.

"Shut up, you little Kookie.." Jimin said while glaring at him.

"I can't believe you left me out...let me join too!" Jungkook said and jumped on to the bed, with them. Kookie hugged Tae and lay his head on his shoulder.

"Hey! Don't touch my boyfriend!" Jimin yelled at Kookie. 

"It's only a hug, hyung..and plus, you guys are so warm." Jungkookie complained. 

Taehyung patted Kookie on the head. "Aww....Jungkookie is so cute in the morning..." 

Jimin looked extremely angry. "Huuuuhh...Does TaeTae not care about me anymore?" Jimin said with adorable puppy eyes.

Taehyung pinched Jimin's cheeks. "Hehe...is Jiminnie jealous?"

Jungkook looked like he was about to puke at the scene of the couple flirting with each other.

"Oh! By the way, Jimin-ah, today is-" Jungkook began to say but was cutted off by Taehyung kicking him in the stomach.

Taehyung whispered in Jungkook's ear so that only he could hear,"Shut up about it. Don't say it yet!" Jungkook looked confused but nodded his head.

"Let's go Jiminnie.." Taehyung pulled him out of bed. 

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked.

"You'll see......"

Taehyung dragged Jimin inside the small café near the beach. The café was famous for all of its delicious, creative and beautiful desserts, cakes, drinks and pastries. It was a bakery and a café at the same time. It was called Bangtan Bakery... It was a place that Jin and Jimin will always go to and gobble endless food for hours. The staff were so used to the gang of friends that they had all memorised the drinks they usually get.



The waiter put down the Oreo Vanilla Latte and the Gelato Float. The sound of slurping noises immediately came as they dived into their drinks. They hadn't eaten breakfast. As Jimin scooped up the last bit of his ice cream, a ice cream moustache had formed around his mouth. Taehyung immediately giggled and pointed at Jimin's mouth.

"What's so funny?" Jimin asked with a confused face.

"This..." Taehyung leaned in next to Jimin's face and Jimin immediately thought,"Oh...he is going to kiss me...he is going to kiss me..." but was disappointed as Taehyung used his finger to wipe off the ice cream and it into his mouth. "At least it was an indirect kiss..."Jimin thought. However, Jimin had accidentally said this out loud. Taehyung blushed and was about to say something, but was interrupted by the waitress giving them their order, their favourite cupcakes.

The orange one was Jimin's, which matched his orange hair, and the tiramisu cupcake was for Tae. Taehyung sprinkled the heart shaped sprinkles on the fresh icing and added a sparkler on top of each one. 

"Cute cupcakes...just like you <3" Taehyung said while he gave the orange cupcake to him.

"Th-thank y-you..." Jimin stuttered and reached for the cupcake. As he grabbed the orange cupcake, he felt Taehyung's hand brush on his, making him blush.

(A/N: This really cute pic is by refrainbow from tumblr. All credits go to refrainbow. In my opinion, I'll choose Kookie's cupcake...lol)

As Jimin and Taehyung ate their cupcakes, they were oblivious to the small crowd of people who were spying on them.

"What do you think they are doing, hyung?" Jungkook asked as he slurped his fruit tea and peeked above the menu. 

"Isn't it obvious. They are flirting." Jin replied back while he the icing off his caramel cupcake.

"But why isn't Tae screaming in Jimin's ear? You know what day it's today..." J-Hope said as he gobbled on his matcha cupcake.

"It's too quiet. Taehyung is definitely planning something." Rap Mon said behind the menu. 

"You look more suspicious if all of you are hiding behind you menus like that..." Suga said, who was the only one not hiding from any menus. He was silently eating his affogato and sneakily drank some of Namjoon's Passion Fruit Tea Lemonade.

(A/N: Credits to @btsaesthetic on Twitter. This is the others spying on VMin.)

(A/N: And here is Suga who doesn't give a ...)

 "Umm...Tae, why did u bring me to Bangtan Bakery..?" Jimin mumbled as he munched on his cupcake. 

"No particular reason...have you finished, yet? Ok..let's go..." Taehyung dragged Jimin, once again, out of his seat. 

"Aah...where are we going, Tae?" 

"Just wait..." Taehyung answered.

A few minutes later...

"We're here!" Taehyung smiled his wide box smile and waved his hand to the park that was full of cherry blossom trees and the butterflies weaved in and out of the petals. The birds chirped their songs and the strong smell of lavender, roses and violets could be smelled.

"The park...?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah... I wanted to show you something..." Taehyung said and held Jimin's hand and walked through the gate. Jimin blushed at the warmth of Taehyung's hand and squeezed tighter. 

The dogs barked as their owners pulled them along and families were having picnics at the park. The children ran about and blew bubbles towards the sky. Jimin loved bubbles and couldn't help himself and asked one of the kids if he could blow some bubbles too.

They trodden in deeper to the heart of the park and stumbled on every twig or rock. As Taehyung led Jimin to wherever it was, a sense of familiarity tingled in Jimin's memories.

"Do I know this place, Tae....?" Jimin asked and mentally looked back at all his memories.

Taehyung laughed and didn't say anything.

They turned left and entered through the trees. They ran in deeper until no one could see them. Even Jin and the others couldn't spy on them anymore. 

Finally Jimin clicked his fingers and remembered,"I know! This is where Hedwig's Post is.." 

"Correct!" Taehyung said and ruffled Jimin's hair, making Jimin blush at the friction. They stood next to a gigantic tree, which had many twigs and blooms of leaves. A old swing hanged from one of the branches and swayed along with the wind. The wind also blew and danced around the leaves.

"We haven't played on this swing in ages." Jimin said as he grabbed one of the ropes on the swing.

"Then let's play on it now!" Taehyung shouted and sat on the swing and began to push off from the ground. Jimin sat in the grass while Taehyung rose up and down on the swing. His emerald-brown hair flying as he squealed when he went higher and higher. 

"Come on Jimin." Taehyung managed to say as he went even more higher."Please push me, oppa..." He said, with his puppy dog eyes. Jimin was defeated, he couldn't resist Taehyung's aegyo, especially if he used "oppa". 

"Fine then..."Jimin said and rolled his eyes but he was internally cooing over the younger's cuteness. Jimin went behind the swing and began to push Taehyung as high up as he can. 

"Ooh...I think I can see over the treetops.." Taehyung exaggerated,"Yes, work them arm muscles, oppa...use all that strength of yours." Jimin almost knocked himself out when he lost grasp of the swing, since  he realised Taehyung was looking at his arms and used "oppa" again. Taehyung laughed and smiled at how cute Jimin looked shocked.

Taehyung finally landed his two feet on the ground again and began to reach on his tip toes to the other side of the tree. He brushed a part of leaves, revealing a medium sized hole in the tree. 

"Hedwig's post" was a place where Jimin and Taehyung hid their notes for each other. They found it when they were exploring the forest in the large park, and was definitely not bunking school. The reason why they called it "Hedwig's Post" was because they treated the hole like a personal postbox and was also hardcore Harry Potter fans. Another reason why they loved each other.

The hole showed a little bit of of a rectangular object.

"What's in there, Tae?" Jimin asked and stood on his tippy-toes to see but was now where near enough to see through the hole.

Taehyung laughed and said,"Looks like you haven't grown at all, Jiminnie." 

"Shut up, Tae..." Jimin said and angrily pouted. 

"Ok, ok...I'll pick you up." Before Jimin could argue back, Taehyung had lifted Jimin off the ground and hugged Jimin's legs to his waist.


"Put me down, Tae!" Jimin shouted and kicked at Jimin's back. Jimin's cheek flushed red and was obviously embarrassed. 

"Ow...Jiminnie-ah, stop kicking me. Just look what's in the post." Taehyung moaned. 

Jimin peeked through the hole and found a huge box that was patterned with gold at the edge. He took it out and let Taehyung look at it.

"What is it, Tae?" Jimin asked.

"You'll find out in a minute...but first let's go..." Taehyung walked out of the forest, with Jimin still on his back. Jimin hanged his arms around Taehyung's neck, holding the box tightly. They walked towards the park's gate and they didn't seem to care about the people staring at them. They certainly didn't notice Jungkook and the others following them. It was hard to see them, anyway. After all, they were hiding in a big bush. 

"What do you think they did in the forest?" J-Hope asked.

"I bet they ed in there." Jungkook suggested. 

"Watch that mouth of yours, Kookie!" Jin said, hitting Jungkook on the head.

"Ow! Eomma...I was just speaking out my thought..."

"What was Jimin holding?"Rap Monster wondered,"Ouch! Hoseok, you elbowed me in the ribs!"

"Sorry...but Jungkook keeps moving.." Hoseok replied.

"It's not my fault....Jin hit my head...and it rrealllly hurts..." Jungkook moaned as he rubbed his injured head.

"Will you guys be quiet? Look...they're leaving the park." Jin said while putting a elegant finger to his lips. 

Suga was half-sleeping on a chair, next to the bush that they were hiding in. "You guys are attracting attention,"Suga said with a lazy voice and his eyes closed,"You better come out if you don't want to explain why you are stalking someone."

(Suga half sleeping)

"Suga's right...let's follow them." Rap Mon said and leaded them to exit out the bush and to stalk wherever Jimin and V was going to....

 Tae and Jimin entered the town again and passed Bangtan Bakery. The smell of the salty sea and the whaling of seagulls came nearer, as they stepped on to the sandy beach.

Taehyung dropped Jimin down and they started walking together along the sea.

"You can open it now..." Taehyung said after 5 minutes. They sat down on the sand and let the hot sand burn their feet. The sea water went up to grab at their feet and retreated back down again. Taehyung hugged Jimin's arm and lay his head on top of Jimin's shoulder. He tangled his fingers to Jimin's finger and held his hand tightly.

Jimin slowly opened the box, excepting it to be one of Taehyung's prank inside. But what was unraveled was pictures, photos, and letters that represented their memories. A pink Polaroid camera that they had stolen from Jin hyung laid at the top left corner of the box. Jimin took the photos one by one and felt the memories that were caged in each photo be relived in his mind. 

In the middle of the whirlwind of photos, sat a new letter. It was blue and had fancy gold patterns at the edges. "Park Jimin" was engraved on top of the letter. A sticker of a sparkly flower was stuck on the end. 

"What is this, Tae?" Jimin asked, taking out the letter from the box. 

"Open it..." Taehyung said, with his arms stills intertwined into Jimin's arms.

Jimin took off the sticker and took a matching blue paper out. He started to read it:

To Jiminnie <333,

Before I say anything else, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! A year has already passed and you still haven't grown taller....hehe

It felt like just yesterday that I confessed to you. I feel a bit silly that I was so nervous when I did it. Because we were meant to be for each other. 

I know I said this for infinity times but...

I love you Park Jimin and I love you for who you are. I love you for all of your perfections and I love you for all of your flaws.

You curse at how you're not a talented person or that you're not special.. but you're wrong. Even if I will always agree with you and take your side, I know you are the most perfect human being, God has ever made. That you are the most talented dancer that people inspire to be. And that you are the most special person in my life. You are mine and I belong to you. If I could find the words to describe how such a beautiful and kind heart you hold, I'll use it. Because Jimin....your existence makes me smile and you have become a part of me. Without your soul...I won't be a whole...

And now that your birthday is today, and you probably forgot today was October 13th, please understand that you are an amazing person and I want you to live life more colourfully..

Look at all of the memories and photos of me and you and know that your personality and who you are already what makes everyone love you....

Happy Birthday, Jiminnie  <3


Tears started to fall off Jimin's face. He had never read anything so sweet before in his life. Taehyung used his thumb to wipe away the pearly drops of water and drew circles on his back. 

Jimin began to stutter,"T-thank y-you, T-tae...f-for al-always being h-here f-for m-me...."

Taehyung lifted Jimin's chin up and looked him in the eye. "Don't cry, Jiminnie-ah..You know I'll never leave your side." Taehyung held his face and kissed him on the lips. Jimin was surprised at first but had soon adjusted and kissed Taehyung back. Taehyung Jimin's bottom lip and Jimin tensed at the action. Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and returned another kiss to Taehyung. Jimin finally broke away when he needed to breathe for air. Jimin now put his arms around Taehyung's waist and gave him a tight hug and whispered,"I love you too, TaeTae.."

Taehyung ruffled Jimin's orange hair, in reply, and smelled the sweet scent that he possessed. They sat there just staring  at the sunset. The sun's orange and pink rays coloured the sea. They sat in embrace and silence. 

Not far away...Rap Mon and the others were watching them under a huge umbrella. 

"The day's going to end soon...should we tell them to come back home?" Rap Mon asked. 

"No...we have to give them their privacy. Let's go..." Suga commanded them. 

"But I was going to bake Jimin a cake.." Jin whined.

"And we was going to have a party.." Jungkook moaned.

"Yeah...we wanted to surprise them.." J-Hope complained. 

"Shut up! We're going!" Suga shouted and gave them the death glare. They immediately ran out of the beach. No one ever makes Suga angry.


Now that they were gone, Jimin and V were the only ones left at the beach. A few silent minutes had passed before anyone spoke.


"Yes, Tae?"

"Just saying but...you taste like Orange Tiramisu cupcakes..."


A/N: Heeelllooo! Thank you for reading this fluffy one shot! Pls comment because I like reading them. ^_^

This present is dedicated to pikapandalien    <333

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love u!! ^_^




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Chapter 1: OMG!! I love this story sooo much! This is the best amazing fluffiest sweetest oneshot ever i ever read! You wrote Vmin soo beautifully and cute.. and with how another bangtan members was stalking Vmin (and yoongi as a swag grampa) ^^
I really love all the pics and gifs tht you put.. it was really precious! (for me! of course bcoz i'm vmin trash and i love them too much!)
Thank you..thank you for this amazing story! <3 <3 <3 i hope you can write another Vmin story(if you're not busy) ;)
Pikapandalien #2
Pikapandalien #3
Oh my god I already love it and THE IMAGINE THO OH MY GAWD I thought I will die
Thank you so so so much I love you ♡