Chapter 2

Prohibited Grounds


Even though one day had passed since that car nearly killed me, I still felt benumbed when I finally reached my apartment, unlocking it and stepping through the front door. Ignoring my flatmate’s comment about me being late, I dropped my jacket and went straight to my room. I collapsed on my bed and closed my eyes.
What happened the day before still seemed like a dream or some fantasy of a madman.

Right after I got home I had told Minho about the incident, but I knew beforehand that he wouldn’t believe me. And he really didn’t. As often as I tried to convince him, that there was that strange boy rescuing me and disappearing right after, he would shake his head at my words and tell me that I imagined things.


But I knew it had happened.
I had seen him. I had looked deep into his mesmerizing eyes and felt his strong grip around my body as he pulled me away from the busy traffic that had almost killed me. And then suddenly he had disappeared and the world started moving again.

However the longer I tried to remember his face now the less I could recall his features until the memory seemed just like a blurry illusion.

Shaking my head at my own thoughts, I finally stood up again and decided to shower before changing into more casual clothes.

Minho sat in the livingroom and briefly lifted his head, but continued reading his book then, not paying any attention to the switched on TV.
It was kinda unfair that he was home earlier than me though his job in the media should have kept him busy.

Quickly I washed the dirt and sweat from the day off of my body and left the bathroom with just my black tracksuit pants on and a towel hanging loosely around my neck.

A quiet groan left my lips and I fell onto the sofa next to my flatmate, rubbing my wet hair with the towel.

„You will catch a cold“, Minho said dryly and I stared at him for a moment, lifting a brow.


„Shut up.“, I responded equally emotionless.

Even though he was quite younger than me, he always mothered me. One of his traits I didn’t know about before moving in with him.
But it was endurable and we got along as always.


Exhausted I fell into the cushions and stared at the TV, not really realizing anything.
Minho finally put away his book and looked at me.


„I cooked. Thought you would be hungry too, so I left something for you in the fridge.“

I grinned thankfully. „Okay, cool. Thanks.“­­

He nodded, stood up and went to his room. „Don’t fall asleep in front of the TV.“ Closing his door he left me by myself.

I stuck my tongue out childishly as a reply though he wouldn’t see it and lay down on the couch completely. Tired I closed my eyes for a second to let my eyes enjoy the darkness and relax my stressed body.
If somebody had told me before that being an estate agent would be that stressful and tiring, I would’ve accepted my mothers request of studying something before actually looking for a job.

Without noticing I slipped into unconciousness and fell completely asleep.



„I knew you wouldn’t listen to me.“, a dozy, hoarse voice woke me and I groaned annoyed.
„Shut up.“, I managed to answer still half asleep, my words followed by loud sneezing.

Minho looked at my still bare chest and sighed soundlessly.

I cursed him for being right after all and I cursed myself for not acting on his advice.

Lightly snuffling I stood up wearily and a cold shiver ran down my spine. Freezing I finally went into my room to change into work clothes.

„!! Why didn’t you wake me earlier???“, I shouted through the flat to my roommate as soon as I noticed the time. I was horribly late.

Hurrying I stumbled through the rooms, inhaling the air filled with delicious smells from Minhos breakfast cooking. Sadly I had absolutely no time to enjoy eating with him.


“Have fun today.“, he smirked lightly and threw over an apple and tissues.
I saluted and grinned sheepishly. Maybe his overflowing motherly instincts weren’t so bad after all.


As fast as I could, I grabbed my scarf and slammed the door behind me, jumping the few stairs down to the street and sliding into my car.
Fortunately I knew some roads to my office without too many traffic lights and arrived just 5 minutes late.

Still panicking I almost flew out of my car and into my office.

“Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m Kim Jonghyun, your real estate agent. I’m terribly sorry that I’m late. Please pardon me.“, I rattled through my self-introduction without looking up while bowing in front of my client as soon as I was aware of his presence in front of my door.


Slowly I lifted my head when there was no reply at all, staring right into the brown eyes of a feminine looking guy who seemed quite annoyed by my brisk lively manner.
The dark hazel hair framed his drop-dead gorgeous face and he lightly bit his pinkish heart-shaped lips impatiently. I forced myself to stop staring.

“Kim Kibum. Nice to meet you.“, he answered finally in a harsh voice, causing me to swallow thickly.
I tried to retain my composure and opened the door for him, revealing my neat office.


 “Please step in.“

He followed me and sat down noiselessly. Suppressing a sigh I sank onto my chair and looked at him expectantly.

„I didn’t receive any information regarding the type of domicile you’re looking for..“, I began carefully, „that’s why I couldn’t look for anything yet. But maybe you can tell me more about your wishes and ideas and I’ll search for something appropriate immediately..?“

My counterpart beheld me scrutinizing and I furrowed my brows, somehow experiencing a strange deja vu at that very moment.

I didn’t know why, since I was absolutely sure that I had never met him before, but I couldn’t shake off that odd feeling.
There was something in his eyes, in the way he looked at me, that seemed familiar.




Heeyyyy. it's Dino-time :D 

Yaaaay. Finally finished my first chapter. 
I'm terribly sorry that it took me so long D: 

hope u all enjoyed it... cause.. honestly speaking, I don't think it's very good.. seems quite boring and nothing happens OTL i'm sorry.. 


I'll do better from now on >____< 

u know I will >D

well.. have some diva-ness: 



and some dino-ness :DDD





okay, bye now. enough spam :D 


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keys-delicious-lips #1
Chapter 2: I really like this story and I'm excited for the next chapter :D fighting, author-nim! <3
Looking forward to this, and it was not boring! It just the beginning!!
Lunnsix #3
hope you will update soon^^! it looks interesting!
aiyaah~ sounds interesting~ *subscribes*
Woww... Key is angel, isn't he? Update soon! <3