Without Hesitation.

Prohibited Grounds


^Key's P.O.V.^


Again, it’s Christmas time.

And again, everyone around was immensely busy. As you can imagine, Christ’s birth wasn’t a petty affair. Especially for us.

I propped my chin on palm and sighed. Christmas time always made me thinking about people, their problems and short lives. They are racing around, usually aimlessly, their eyes covered up with money, work and so on.

I heard a whistling from behind me and I knew who it was from the beginning.

“Taemin?” I asked and he appeared next to me quicker than I expected “Aren’t you busy?” Taemin gave me that innocent smile of his and started bouncing from his heels to toes.

“Why are you asking?” Taemin cocked his head and blinked repeatedly. He always did a good job in acting as innocent as it was possible. I shrugged.

“Just curious”

“Key, don’t tell me that you are doing nothing again…”

Well, that was pretty much true. I didn’t like that whole Christmas work. I had better things to do.

“Like what?” Taemin asked, and I understood that my last thought had left my mouth. He fluttered his lashes and pouted a bit. I shrugged again. “Get some life, Key…” he sighed heavily, sat on the desk and crossed his legs. For some time we were quiet, his fingers playing with each other. “You know you have your job, yes?” I rolled my eyes. If I had to choose the most annoying, yet adorable person, it would definitely be Taemin. Of course, he was just caring.

“The government is busy enough. When I give myself some rest, they have one less person to check. It’s good for both sides, isn’t it?”

Taemin just inflated his cheeks comically like a child. I knew my way of thinking was right, like always. But he gave me that scolding glare and stood up.

“As you wish” he just waved his hand and went away. A smile caused by his cute behavior appeared on my face. I shifted all the papers laying on my desk and threw a simple wad of documents down on it. I casted an eye over the papers. There wasn’t many information because the person I had been observing lately acted pretty normal. I took it as a good sign. I closed the record and moved my fingertips along the name written in front of it. I relaxed in my armchair, shut my eyes and tapped my fingers on the desk. Bright as everything here. The walls were bright, furniture was bright, the door was bright. I had already got used to it, but I was more than sure that the majority of people would get sick after few minutes.

I left my armchair and went to the window (had I mentioned that the curtains were bright as well?). People were rushing, squeezing between each other, pressing boxes and bags to their chests, smile never leaving their faces. I found it amusing, since they were always so excited about giving and receiving gifts.

People stopped caring about religious sides of Christmas.

Which was sad.

I sat on the windowsill and pressed fingers to my temples, massaging them just a bit. I wasn’t in a mood to rush like others in our, you can say, company. There would be consequences, that was unavoidable. I couldn’t evade my work forever.   

The traffic was heavy and exceptionally dangerous. There was a lot of snow on the roads and they were slippery with ice on them. I moved my eyes from one person to another and finally I found the one whose documents were laying on my (bright) desk. He bumped into someone and bowed politely, shaking his head in apologize. I smiled subconsciously. There was something in him that made him special between those dozens of people racing on the street. I didn’t even know what he did, since it wasn’t contained in the documentation. I observed him while he was looking around and patting his pockets, checking if he hadn’t lost his wallet, I supposed.

The door slammed and I turned my head towards it.

“What now, Taemin?” I asked. He just went to my desk and put a pile of colourful papers on it.

“Your work. You should look at it, Key” his voice was forceful. I nodded and rolled my eyes, saying goodbye by simply waving my hand at him. With a sigh, he left my office. I turned back to the window and searched for him again, but it was almost impossible to find him in a crowd like that. My eyes registered him standing in front of the crosswalk, this time patting his jacket. His face was concentrated, his brow furrowed and it left me in that unpleasant misgiving. He took a step forward, paying more attention to his jacket pockets than the road.

My eyes widened. They landed on the car speeding towards that guy.

I had mere seconds to decide.

I should report about what I was going to do, but then, there just wasn’t time to even think about that.

It took me only seconds to appear beside him faster than I could imagine.

Cold weather and snow falling down on my body didn’t interfere me in dragging him away from the car. I had to close my eyes when it passed by, creating goosebumps on my arms and winnowing my carefully combed hair. When I looked down to check if he was alright, our eyes met for a second. I blinked repeatedly, seeing as much fear as admiration in them. I needed to move, because I just wasn’t allowed to do things like that, especially with so many people around. Not to mention that it was really hard, since he was staring at me with those chocolate eyes, creating clouds of steam when he was breathing so fast. Those were seconds, but it was enough. I disappeared from his side as quick as I was able to.

When I was back in my office, staring out the window, people were already around him, patting his back and shouting about his luck. And when a rather loud grunt reached my ears, I knew that I wasn’t as lucky as him. They already knew.

Honestly, I was in trouble.

Like hell.




Hello~ :3

It's Nickie :)

First chapters are always the hardest to write, aren't they? ^_^""

Well, I did my best, believe me, I was reading it and checking thousands of times... And I hope you like it :>

Here, since it's Key's chapter, I say goodbye in diva's style~

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keys-delicious-lips #1
Chapter 2: I really like this story and I'm excited for the next chapter :D fighting, author-nim! <3
Looking forward to this, and it was not boring! It just the beginning!!
Lunnsix #3
hope you will update soon^^! it looks interesting!
aiyaah~ sounds interesting~ *subscribes*
Woww... Key is angel, isn't he? Update soon! <3