
I Love The Window Washer

(2,872 words)

Key’s P.O.V.

The next day I quickly got ready for school, excited to see Jonghyun. I had carefully put two outfits together the night before, each depending on a certain type of weather. I had originally made one for sunny weather, but wondered what would happen if it turned out to be cloudy, or if it rained. The second outfit was crap, though.

Luckily it was sunny, and I slipped on the clothes with ease. I stood in front of the wall mirror and twisted my hips to the side, to make sure they fit my correctly. I admired the combination of colors and textures, they really blended in a nice way.

I went downstairs to see a nice breakfast lay out on the table, with a note propped up next to my plate. I picked it up and read it quickly, smiling throughout it. It was from my umma, just telling me to have a good day, and all that stuff. Normally she would be here to tell me herself, but when she’d fell into a coma last year, she hadn’t woken up.

Well, except for that one time to write all those notes that she wrote for me. The maid told me she wrote enough to last for three years. They always brought a smile to my face, as did the smell of lavender lightly placed in the house, for my umma smelled like the plant.

I ate quickly, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and exiting my house, locking the door behind me. I saw a familiar face exit his house across the street, and my jaw dropped open. The puppy face looked both ways, before crossing the street, staring at his feet the whole time. He looked up when he reached my side, and he seemed just as surprised.

“J-Jonghyun?” I finally managed to stutter out, and he broke into a grin. “Since when have you lived there?” I asked stupidly, and couldn’t help but also mirror his contagious expression. He took a few steps towards the general area of our school, and signalled for me to walk with him. I easily fell into step with his pace.

“I’ve lived there for four years, Key-ah.” He said, and I felt the warm feeling of his soft hand slip into my own again. I struggled not to break out into a full-fledged grin and blush, reminding myself it was all skinship. It was just skinship to him. “But I’ve never seen you before.” He mused.

“Maybe we just weren’t supposed to meet until now.” I toyed with the words, and saw him nod beside him. His hand retracted from mine then, and disappointment coursed through me. But then I felt his fingers slip between mine, and he clamped them down, entwining our fingers. All traces of letdown disappeared, and I felt elation drip through me as if administered by an IV. I could also feel a slight blush creep up my neck, but I didn’t let it reach my face.

“Well, I’m glad that fate finally decided we could see each other.” I could hear the smile in his voice, and he turned his head to me. His eyes almost stopped my heart dead right there. They seemed to be glowing with cuteness, deeply resembling a puppy.

“Me too.” I said, and couldn’t help but admire his outfit*. He looked extremely awesome in it. Oh god, what am I even saying. I haven’t even known this guy for a full day yet. Then his tongue lolled out of his mouth, and I saw a completely different side of the dino-puppy.

Oh my god, he was so y. There was a glint in his eye that I hadn’t seen before, a certain way that he held himself. It was now making my knees go weak underneath me, and I had to concentrate deeply on not falling to the ground while walking, or coming to a complete stop and staring after him, drooling.

And then he was the cute guy again, smiling and walking with a slight skip in his step. I wondered how he could change so quickly, and also realized that I liked both sides equally.

The cute one held the skinship, which I liked very dearly. It also was .. well, extremely cute. It made me want to seduce him and remove his innocence. Oh, god, that doesn’t sound right; I make it sound like he’s a kid and I’m a e. Even though he’d older. How confusing.

The utterly y side had me wanting him to seduce me, and made me want more. It made the ual frustration hidden in my hormones emerge and take over all of my senses. I wanted to feel him, touch him, hear him moan my name, taste him, and smell him. It made me feel dirty, but in well, in a good kind of way, you know?

“Kibum-ah~” My real name snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked; we were at school. I didn’t even notice until after the fact that he’d called me Kibum. Ew. How I hated that name. But his voice made it sound sweet and right, unlike even my umma ever did.

“Ne~?” But he didn’t get the opportunity to reply to me, as a flying tall boy came flying out of nowhere. I felt like growling as Seung wrenched Jonghyun’s hand from mine as he hugged him. My hand subconsciously clenched into a fist at my side. Oh, how I longed to punch that little twit right in the face.

“Seung-ah~” Jonghyun whined, and the cuteness of his tone distracted me from my homicidal thoughts. It brought the slightest smile to my face, and as the older boy backed up off of my Jonghyun, I relaxed, my shoulders falling. I hadn’t even realized I’d raised them at all.

“I missed you, my Jonghyunnie~” He exclaimed, grinning. I wanted to puke. What an ugly nickname for such a beautiful person. Jjong, Jjongie, Jongie, those types of pet names suited him better. I mean, this guy couldn’t even come up with something original; just added a syllable onto the end of his name. Pathetic.

I brushed my hair into its perfection position, sensing the awkwardness of my being there. Seung completely ignored me, and just kept grinning stupidly at the dino-puppy. I swallowed a dry lump of saliva, and it slid down my throat uncomfortably. But then Jonghyun was holding my hand again, as soon as I was done fixing my hair. He smiled at me, stopping my heart almost completely as he lifted it to his chest, near his heart.

It wasn’t close enough for me to feel it, but I could feel my own heart going a million miles a minute. I wished that he would just press it against the left side of his toned chest, so I could see if he too had a quickened heartbeat from the sentimental move. I saw from the corner of my eye a frown curve Seung’s lips downward. Do I detect jealousy? I smiled even more enthusiastically at Jonghyun just to annoy him. His brow furrowed.

My smile disappeared as Jonghyun laughed and turned to the jealous boy, standing on tiptoe. He planted a peck on Seung’s cheek, a smile and a blush spawning from the tender touch. What nerve. To stand here holding my hand, and kiss another boy. I struggled to remind myself it was just skinship. It. Was. Just. Skinship.

“Oh, Seung-yeobo~” Jjong teased. “Don’t be jealous, you know I love you~” He almost trilled, turning towards his pocket as he received a text or something. Still refusing to hold my hand, he extracted it from his pants. I snuck a glance at Seung, who looked hurt, in a way.

Seung’s P.O.V.

Damnit, Jonghyun. Why couldn’t you actually love me, the way I love you? Every time you say that, you break my heart into smaller and smaller pieces. You don’t know how I long for you to belong to me, to say those words with more meaning that skinship and friendship.

I was finally bearing up to confess, and you seemed yo be growing closer with me. And then this guy showed up and you went right back to square one. You haven’t even known him a day and you walk to school with him, holding hands the whole time. You even dare to kiss me on the cheek while holding his hand.

Damnit, Jonghyun. What do I have to do to get you to feel more than just friendship and skinship for me?

Key’s P.O.V.

“Oh~.” Jonghyun said, his eyes growing wide in a surprised expression. I cocked my head, wondering whatever on his phone was such a shock. “How did Haejin get my phone number?” He asked, and his head immediately lifted to look at me. I struggled to stifle laughter, grins, and smiles.

“W-Wasn’t me.” I stuttered, cursing in my mind for not being a good liar around him. He grinned devilishly, releasing my hand and turning his entire body to face me. His hands extended out towards me, his fingers wiggling at me. I took a step back too late, just as I realized what he was going to do.

I burst into uncontrollable giggles as he tickled me, trying to escape the shivers. Well, not really trying to escape. I was enjoying it immensely, and only made weak attempts to get away. I was glad I’d gone to the bathroom at home, or else I might have pissed myself right here and now.

“I-I’m s-s-s-sorry, Jjongiee~” I trailed out his new nickname, stuttering out the apology between laughs and trying out the dub. He stopped tickling me and kept grinning, cocking his head to the side questioningly. I kept grinning widely as well, the pleasureful and amusing shivers still running down my spine.

“Jjongie?” He questioned, obviously tasting out the new name in his mouth. He looked up into the blue sky, as if thinking about it. I worried that maybe he didn’t want me to call him anything special. Maybe he just wanted plain old Jonghyun. “I like it.” He looked back at me, and tackled me into a hug.

I laughed, my eyes closed as we collided softly onto the green grass. I opened my lids to see is face maybe 2 centimetres away. If I leaned up the tiniest bit, our lips would meet in an embrace. I blushed a deep, deep red at the thought, and he seemed to realize it at the same time, clambering off me with a slight pink flush to his face. Seung had mysteriously disappeared. I sat up, and Jonghyun cleared his throat uncomfortably.

I looked right into his eyes, not afraid to see the emotion in them. He was looking at the ground though, his hand on the back of his neck, his arm bent above his head. I wanted him to look at me, however. I wanted to see what kind of embarrassment and uncomfortableness he was feeling. He looked at me, and I struggled to read his puppy-like eyes.

I didn’t see anything special. He just looked uncomfortable with the situation. Damnit. I wished I could understand more. I wished he would open up to me, maybe. But nope, he just held my hand again and silently walked with me into the school.

“KEY!~” I heard an extremely high voice come from behind me, and braced myself a second before Haejin tackled me to the ground, laughing her off. I heard Jonghyun laughing at me as well, pointing at my face. Haejin also looked at my face and erupted into even more intense laughter. I immediately found my hair with my hand and fixed it from it’s ridiculous position. It had been almost spiked up, in an ugly way.

Disgruntled, I stood up and straightened out the wrinkles in my clothes. My attacker held out a hand to help her up, but I ignored it, my diva-tude kicking in. She sighed and got up herself, dusting her pretty dress off. I have to admit if I was her, I wouldn’t be caught in that thing, because it hugs ‘my’ hips a little wrong.

“Anyeong, Haejin.” I didn’t sound at all pleased to see her, but she was used to my cold greetings. She hugged me tightly, and then realized Jonghyun was there. She blushed, and tried to straighten out her dress again. He looked at me, as if trying to stifle laughter.

“Oh, uhm, hey, Key.” She said, and both of us looked back at her. She wasn’t looking at me though, her eyes were trailed on the other, older boy. I rolled my eyes, completely expecting it. “Hello, Jonghyun.” She bowed in respect to him, just enough so he could look into her dress and see her cleavage. He laughed.

“Sorry, Haejin-ah.” He smiled at her, and she cocked her head to the side, confused. Her black bob tilted along, just hanging there. “I walk on the other side of the fence.” Her jaw dropped at the same moment my eyes probably bulged out of my head. I quickly ‘put them back in’, and just nodded, as if I knew.

“Fine.” Haejin huffed, crossing her arms and pouting. She looked up at me, her brown eyes shining. “Key, you can have him.” Damnit. She can read me so easily, telling I liked him in a second. I struggled to keep the intense blush rising up my neck down, closing my eyes in embarrassment. I heard Jonghyun laugh again.

“So, Key,” He said, and I opened my eyes, feeling and smelling his peppermint breath on my face. He was maybe 2 centimetres away, causing me to lightly blush again. He was smirking, that little bastard. “You like me, hm?” He blinked slowly, cockily. I rolled my eyes.

“As if.” I lied through my teeth. His smirk didn’t disappear, he just leaned in towards my cheek and planted a kiss there. I couldn’t help the blush that immediately spread across my face from that spot, but I tried to tame it nevertheless as he pulled away from me, leaning back, still smirking.

“So that doesn’t mean anything to you?” He asked, cocking his head to the side. I noticed Haejin had disappeared off to somewhere, and the hallway was empty. I could make a move .. but I’d rather not embarrass myself. I shook my head, and a smirk of my own pulled at the corners of my lips.

“Even if it did, what’s it to you?” I asked, and was pleased to see him lose his confidence. He looked downwards, probably at his feet, a light blush creeping up his face. Then he looked up, but not at me, at someone behind me. I turned around, confused.

“S-Sorry, Teacher.” He stuttered in the honorific way, and I bowed as well to the teacher, incredibly embarrassed. Obviously, judging by her expression and Jonghyun’s reaction, she’d seen the .. the kiss. And then it kind of hit me. That he’d actually kissed me. Wow. That was fast.

“Don’t let it happen again.” She growled, and resided back into her classroom. I felt someone grab my hand and tug me away. Soon we were in a different hallway, and I looked up to see Seung standing there, looking stricken with grief. He looked years older, and I wondered what was wrong.

“Did he really kiss you?” He asked, his voice sounding extremely broken. He bit his lip, obviously nervous to hear the answer. I nodded, and he looked down at his feet, sighing. He looked back up at me, and his eyes looked empty, and he looked like the sadness person in the world. I shied away. “Then he obviously loves you more than he ever has anybody.” He murmured, and my eyebrow raised.

“What?” I asked, my heart rising in my chest. “Why? Are you serious?” I heard my voice get higher; I was about to fangirl. So embarrassing. He nodded, and then I heard Jonghyun’s voice calling my name. Obviously he was looking for me.

“I’ve been in love with him for three years, he’s never kissed me until today.” He said sadly, before disappearing down the hallway. I opened my mouth to say something, my hand reaching out, but he was already gone. Jonghyun entered the hallway from the other side, and grinned when he saw me.

“Where did you go, you stupid pabo?” He muttered, pulling me into a hug. I froze up, remembering Seung’s words. He .. loved .. me? What? I felt him pull out of the hug, still holding my shoulders. He eyed me uncomfortably, confused. “Something wrong, Kibummie~?” The nickname stirred me out of my stupor and I raised an eyebrow.

“Kibummie?” I asked, and he blushed furiously, letting go of my shoulders and looking down at the ground to his side. I smiled then, thinking about it. “Jjongie and Kibummie~” I trilled, and he looked up, the blush fading from his face and a grin replacing it.

Maybe he did like me that way. I don’t know. Seung might just be messing with my mind. I mean, who knows, right?


Ahahahahahah! -does a happy dance- It took me seven days, but I finally got through my damned writers' block on this story! XD It's longer than the first one, thank good~. Almost 3000 wordss~. And I'm starting to realize this will be a REALLY short story. =P If you want to read a longer one, I suggest you read my other fic. XD

Kay. So leave some comments please, they make my day every tiime~. :D AHAHAH /still happy I finally finished/

* This is what Jjong's wearing. (: ( )


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Shineegirl101 #1
love it!!!!!!! can't wait for the window washing scene ;D
kolmilyo #2
need you say more when JONGKEY is all over the wall!<br />
off course i'll subscribe.<br />
now . . .. . . .<br />
whataboutyou #3
update soon please :)
sounds really interesting. I will look forward to your next chapter.^^