
I Love The Window Washer

(2,274 words)

Key’s P.O.V.

I sighed, and tried to tune out Haejin’s babble. She was going on and on about some guy that she’d met the day before, and how hot he was, and how they totally connected. From what I’d heard, he was probably a self-centered jerk who didn’t want to have anything to do with her.

“Haejin.” I stopped her mid-sentence, and turned to face the girl. She looked up at me, her big eyes shining in the light. Her black hair bounced as she tilted her head to the side, the bob cut shaping to her face perfectly. “Jjongjah or whatever the hell his name is isn’t interested in you.”

“Awh. That .” She crossed her arms and sat back in her chair, pouting. Me and Lee Haejin had been friends since our first year of school, and she knew when to trust me. And with guys, I knew a lot. Mostly because I was one, and I’d had quite a lot of boyfriends.

“Alright, alright, class.” The teacher attempted to calm our class down, failing miserably as they continued to yell and throw things. The teacher was new, and didn’t know how to do it. You had to smack something or someone, which always shut up the group of idiots and the girly girls. Instead, he yelled. “SHUT THE HELL UP!” Everybody stared at him, quiet.

“Thank you.” He said, and began to write his name on the board. “Call me Mr. Choi, nothing else.” He stated, spinning back around to face us when he finished scraping the chalk against the board. “In this class, I will not tolerate any talking, unless I allow you to speak.” Everyone glanced at each other uneasily. I leaned over to talk into Haejin’s ear.

“This is not going to be a fun year.” I muttered, and she nodded her head, agreeing. I looked back up to the front, where the teacher was leaned over, looking at something on his desk. He straightened back up, glaring straight at me. Oh, .

“Kim Kibum, is it?” When I nodded, Mr. Choi raised his arm to point towards the door. “You can spend the rest of class outside, I think. I expect you to be there when class is over.” I stood up and casually walked out of the classroom. The teacher turned around again, to write the rule on the board. I flicked a tack that had been in my pocket at him, and closed the door. As soon as it shut, I heard the class erupt into laughter as the stabbed the grumpy old man in the .

I sat against the wall, my knees pulled up to my chest. A yell distracted me from my thoughts, which had started to drift towards my last boyfriend, that white hottie. A boy was standing outside his classroom, and a teacher was screaming right in his face.

“HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK IN CLASS, MR. KIM JONGHYUN?” She barked, and the name rung a bell. Wasn’t that the guy that Haejin was raving about? The one who was totally into her? Ha. He didn’t even look worth the time from this angle. He nodded, and she closed the door in his face.

He turned around, and my thoughts completely changed. His face was almost like a puppy’s, but at the same time resembled an extremely cute dinosaur. His expression looked completely baffled, but it looked so hot on him. I could slightly see his abs through his shirt, and his muscular arms were exposed through a muscle shirt and black leather vest.

Jonghyun-sshi’s eyes met mine, and I smiled, waving him over. He shrugged, and came to sit in front of me, cross-legged. The sitting position brought back memories from when I was really young. Now that he was closer, I could see him clearer, and it only made him more attractive. He was smiling now, as well. My heart might as well stop dead.

“Anyeonghaseyo.” I greeted respectively, bowing a little. “I’m Kim Kibum. But don’t call me that.” The last statement was almost cold. He looked confused. “Call me, Key, please.”

“Oh. I’m Kim Jonghyun.” The puppy just said his name simply, but his voice made my toes curl in excitement. It was nothing like I’d imagined. It was much .. well, must I say it? It was way ier than anything I’d dreamed it would be. I could have squealed like a fangirl, if it wasn’t so out of character.

“I know. Haejin-ah told me all about you this morning.” I said, and he raised an eyebrow. I sighed, ready to get out a picture of her to refresh his memory.

“Haejin-ah ... Oh, you mean that girl who kept pestering me and grabbing my jacket?” Jonghyun-sshi asked, and I laughed loudly, my head and upper body falling forwards. It was exactly as I’d imagined it; he wasn’t into her. I rested back up against the wall again, and nodded.

“Hey! Jonghyun-sshi!” A deep voice called from down the hall. Both of our heads snapped to the calling of his name. Another boy was standing there, with deep black hair that just barely ran past his ears and a towering frame. Jjong got up beside me, grinning. I pursed my lips, unhappy.

“Ah, Seung-hyung!” He fell into the taller boy’s arms, and I just sat there awkwardly for a few seconds, before regaining myself and standing up as well. I glanced into the classroom, but nobody was looking for me. However, I pretended that I wanted to go back in, however much I didn’t. I saw from the corner of my eye that Seung, whoever he was, had put his lips on the top of the dino-puppy’s head. Well, that explains a lot.

“Ah, Key-hyung, this is Lee Seung.” I didn’t turn around when he spoke, a bit annoyed. I thought maybe .. ugh. Never mind. But Jonghyun then tapped on my shoulder, and I spun to face him. And his face was right there, maybe an inch away.

“Hello.” I said dryly, not bothering to bow to the older boy. He didn’t seem to mind, and just smiled back at me. Jonghyun stepped back, and they stood also maybe an inch apart. I warped my expression into one that looked extremely bored with the situation, because frankly, now that I knew Jonghyun was taken, I didn’t really want to watch him be all lovey-dovey.

Because I might have let my heart decide it liked somebody before I myself was even ready. And of course it would have to be somebody with a boyfriend. Like, damn. The bell rang then, distracting me from my thoughts. I sighed, reaching into my pocket to get my phone and check the time and what class I had next. But it wasn’t there.

Jonghyun had it, and was pressing some buttons. He then flipped it around, smiled stunningly, and the flash went off. He checked the screen, pressed another button, and handed it back to me before I could do anything. He smiled at me, his expression resembling a puppy again. I quickly looked at the screen, to see the words ‘contact saved’ before it went back to my home screen.

“Call me sometime.” His smile turned into a full out grin, as Seung started to tug him away. His arm reached out, as if to grab me, but he was too far, and the older boy had a good grip on him. So he just waved, and I waved goodbye sheepishly as well.

Mr. Choi then grabbed my shoulder and yanked me inside the classroom. When he let go, my hand automatically went to the fabric, hoping he didn’t stretch it. His face looked stern, as I determined that the cloth wasn’t warped in any way.

“Mr. Kim Kibum.” He started to say, but I shook my head.

“It’s Key.” I stated simply, not at all afraid of the teacher. He might act like he was the big boss and stuff, but the worst he could do was send me out in the hall? Please.

“Okay. Mister, uh, Key. I saw you talking to Miss Haejin today. Why?” He asked, and I wondered if I should answer truthfully. I mean, it would probably land me a detention, and Jonghyun-sshi had asked me to call him. I should probably do that right after school.

“I was just asking her what she thought about my new shoes.” I had, actually, got some new shoes the day before. Of course, Haejin was shopping with me, but he needn’t know that, right? He pursed his lips before nodding, indicating I could leave.

My next class was boring, boring, boring. I didn’t know anybody well enough in the class to talk to them. My thoughts were all mostly on Jonghyun, and that stupid Seung boy. I wondered how they met, and if they were doing okay in their relationship. The teacher had to hit me a few times to get me to pay attention, but I didn’t care. My umma made me study all this stuff last year.

The bell rang for the last time until Tuesday; for the long weekend. A few idiots cheered, and I rolled my eyes, exiting the classroom calmly and casually. I strutted a few steps before a flying projectile knocked me over onto the ground. What the ? It was obviously a person, but they were much shorter than me, and the only person I know who would do this would be Haejin. And as my attacker stood up, I knew that he wasn’t Haejin.

“Ahaha, Key! You should have seen your face!” Jonghyun was buckled over in laughter, his hair untidy and messy from the fall. I couldn’t help but grin as well, standing up. I lightly hit him, still smiling.

“That hurt, you pabo!” I said, stretching out the last syllable. It didn’t falter his laughter, which eventually faltered out. Then he just smiled at me, and started to walk. I walked alongside him, and his hand slipped into mine, causing a blush to erupt on my face. He didn’t see it, and his thumb just kept tracing circles on my palm.

“We should do something today, Kibum-ah.” I didn’t mind him using my full name, it sounded like music in his sweet voice. With anyone else I would have been all over them by now. I hate it when people call me by my real name. Key sounds so much better, don’t you think?

“Well, what do you want to do?” I asked, and before he could answer, that twit Seung swung around the corner and almost tackled Jonghyun into a hug. Damnit. This guy was really getting to be annoying. He picked up the dino-puppy and spun him around. When he put him down, both were laughing joyfully. I pretended to smile as well, maybe a bit weakly.

“Well, why don’t we go to the new café that just opened up down the street?” Jjong said, answering me. Then he looked at Seung. “And now that Seung-hyung is here, we’ll be a trio.” He grinned, looking back at me. Despite the anger and slight disappointment bubbling in my stomach, I mirrored his expression and nodded.

Seung walked alongside Jonghyun and held his hand confidently. The dino-puppy sadly didn’t try to hold mine again. I couldn’t help but feel incredibly jealous of the stupid tall boy. We soon reached the café, and Seung and Jonghyun sat down next to each other. I took the loner seat on the other side of the table.

“Come on, Jonghyun-ah, let’s go order some food.” Seung said, smiling at the boy next to him. Jjong looked at me, and I nodded and smiled, so he smiled as well and left with the older boy up to the counter. When they were out of sight, I let my head fall onto the table, groaning. Why had I even agreed to come?

Those two would probably act all in love and stuff, and I would be forced to sit and watch. I would have to try and hide my feelings and .. ah, crap. I’m so stupid. When Seung goes to the washroom, or something, I’ll just tell Jonghyun. Simple. Unless .. unless Seung brought Jonghyun to the bathroom with him. That ruined my plan. Damnit.

“They won’t serve us because apparently us holding hands makes us sinners and followers of the devil or something.” Jonghyun said, sitting back in his seat and rolling his eyes. I scoffed. I knew way too many people who refused to serve gay people. “It’s so dumb, too. I mean, me and Seung aren’t even together that way. We’re just friends.”

My heart stopped completely, if not exploded. Joy and pure elation coursed through my body as I struggled to keep the grin off my face. He wasn’t taken. Which meant that I might be able to take him. I completely zoned out, imagining situations in which I could capture his heart.

“Key ... Key? You still with us?” Jonghyun asked, one hand waving in front of my face. The other slipped into my left hand, which snapped me back to reality. I smiled at him, mouthing ‘sorry.’ He smiled back. “Yeah, I mean, I’m just really big on skinship.” He shrugged. “And I guess Seung learned from me.” He laughed, and I chuckled along.

Maybe the day wouldn’t be so bad. I mean, now that I know it’s just skinship. Maybe he’ll get into some skinship with me, too. I smiled wider at the thought, enjoying my thoughts. 

Kyaah~ Chapter one is up. (: Nothing about er, window washers has come into the story yet. XD I really didn't write that much. =.=" I'm feeling so baad. But ~ this is just a basic Jongkey story. Nothing too special. No real plot to it. XD I'm just writing as I go. I only have one scene in mind that I really want  to do. :D The window-washing scene, of course. XD


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Shineegirl101 #1
love it!!!!!!! can't wait for the window washing scene ;D
kolmilyo #2
need you say more when JONGKEY is all over the wall!<br />
off course i'll subscribe.<br />
now . . .. . . .<br />
whataboutyou #3
update soon please :)
sounds really interesting. I will look forward to your next chapter.^^