I lured him

Lure Module

"The called number is unattainable." It was already the eleventh time that Mark heard that voice today.

He was sitting on the same bench he and Jinyoung used to sit on and he was realizing just now how childish was his reaction yesterday. He should've controlled himself more and don't do the things he has done.

Maybe it's too late to realize now, Mark thought as he pressed Jinyoung's contact on his phone once again. Maybe Jinyoung didn't want to see him anymore.

Now he didn't care anymore about the kiss that he didn't receive yesterday because he may not receive others in his life. He may not see Jinyoung's face anymore.

"The called number is unattainable." Mark pouted as he looked at the screen of his phone.

"Why are you doing this to me, Jinyoung..." He asked, even if no one could hear him. Or at least he thought.

"Try to text him if he isn't picking up your calls." Someone spoke.

Mark lifted his head up and his eyes met Jaebum's, Jinyoung's best friend.

"I did it already... but he isn't even receiving them." He hesitantly replied.

At this point Jaebum sat beside him on the bench with his hands in his hoodie's pockets, he turned his gaze towards the sky. Mark didn't know what was he supposed to do. Get up and go away? Pretend Jaebum wasn't there? Ask Jaebum about Jinyoung?

"Why did you do that?" He interrupted Mark's thoughts.

"What do you mean?" Mark asked, even if he knew what was Jaebum talking about.

"Why did you act in that way yesterday? What pissed you off exactly?" Jaebum turned around to look at him in the eyes and Mark had to lower his gaze in order to avoid Jaebum seeing the blush that was forming on his cheeks. How was he supposed to say the real reason to Jaebum?!

Mark bit his lower lip as he was watching the tip of his shoes, pretending that he didn't hear Jaebum's question.

"Mark... I'm trying to give you a second chance. Jinyoung told me that you're a good guy, but it doesn't seem at all." Jaebum spoke again, looking at Mark with concern.

Encouraged by what Jinyoung thought of him, Mark breathed deeply before speaking. "You know... Jinyoung used to kiss me every time we met, but yesterday he didn't because of you. So yeah, it was just that. Nothing more, nothing less."

Jaebum just stared in disbelief at Mark for a few moments while processing that Jinyoung has ki- "What?? He did what??" He shouted as he grabbed Mark's shoulders, forcing the boy to face him.

"Calm down, it was-"

"Don't tell me he kissed you on the lips!"

Mark widened his eyes and the blush made again its way to his cheeks before the boy blurted out a: "No!! Of course not!" God, how did he end in this situation...

"You better not lie to me! I swear I'll kill you- and Jinyoung, how could he not say this to his best friend?!" Jaebum loosened his grip on Mark's shoulders.

Only after a few seconds he was able to realize that this was indeed the reason behind Mark's behaviour. "Wait, did you... Were you pissed at me because Jinyoung... because he didn't kiss you in front of me?"

Mark shifted uncomfortably on the bench, thinking of a way to make it less embarrassing for him. "It was his way to pay me for the lure modules, don't tell me you thought they were free? He didn't pay yesterday, so obviously I was pissed off. And I thought he didn't pay me because you were there, so yeah, that's what happened."

Jaebum looked at him as if saying 'dude WTF' and Mark tried to fight the urge to look down at his shoes again.

"That's the weirdest thing I have ever heard." Jaebum began. "Do you like Jinyoung or something?"

Mark sighed. "I do... I like Jinyoung." He finally gave in because he really couldn't afford lying anymore, he just wanted to meet Jinyoung and apologise to him.

Jaebum seemed surprised for a second, but then a small smile appeared on his face. "Oh... I'll talk to Jinyoung, then. I'll tell him that you were trying to contact him. See you."

The boy got up in a swiftly move, but before he could walk away Mark grabbed his wrist. "Can you not tell him about the last part?"

Jaebum just smiled again before freeing his wrist and walking away.




Jinyoung had his shift at the cafeteria when Jaebum bursted in, as always.

"Do I make the usual coffee?" Jinyoung asked his friend after greeting him with a smile.

Despite the other times, Jaebum shook his head and Jinyoung frowned. "Why did you come here, then?"

"You need to meet Mark, he called you many times."

Jinyoung's frown intensified. "What... Weren't you the one who told me that I mustn't meet him anymore? Anyway I left my phone at home because it was discharged since I had forgotten to recharge it last night."

"I've changed my mind! He's so..." He was about to say cheesy, but he wasn't sure if it would be a compliment. "Sweet. I mean, you were right. He's such a sweet guy."

"Did you hit your head or something?" Jinyoung asked, almost amused by his friend's complete change of thoughts.

"Aishh I didn't!! I'm dead serious."

"Yeah as if. Anyway I'm at work now, I can't just leave and meet Mark." Jinyoung wasn't going to meet Mark, not now. Not today. Maybe not even this week. He had the right to be mad at the boy.

"He said that he was pissed off because you didn't kiss him yesterday." Jaebum tried again, desperate to get Jinyoung out of there and push him in Mark's arms. He didn't know why was he so eager about that whole situation, but he knew for sure that he'll have a lot of fun teasing the two of them when they'll get together.

It's useless to say that Jinyoung blushed as soon as Jaebum's words reached his ears. "I'm..." The boy tried to justify himself, but nothing came off of his mouth.

"Your shift ends in fifteen minutes, your boss won't be mad if you leave now!" Jaebum tried once again to encourage his friend.

"Where is him?" Jinyoung asked as he was already removing his work uniform.




While walking to reach the park, Jinyoung couldn't help but think about what Jaebum has said to him.

"He was pissed off because I didn't kiss him..." He murmurs, recalling his best friend's words.

The single thought of that set off butterflies in his stomach and it really seemed too beautiful to be true. But why on earth should JB lie to him about something like that?

When he spotted the familiar fountain and the bench in front of it, his heart almost skipped a beat. Mark was there, like the first day they met. With a white cap on his head and his phone in his hands, the only difference was that he seemed less happy.

He slowly approached the guy, who looked up as Jinyoung stepped on a branch, breaking it in two.

"Jinyoung!" Mark stood up.

"Hey, Mark." Jinyoung sheepishly said. "Jaebum told me that you tried to call me? I'm sorry but I had left my phone at home so I couldn't answer."

"Uh... Yeah don't worry."

"So? What did you want to say?"

"I j-just wanted to... apologise. I'm sorry for the way I acted in front of Jaebum yesterday, I won't ever do that again. Just please don't be mad at me, I don't want our friendship to finish because of that." Mark said while approaching Jinyoung more.

Jinyoung felt bad for a moment, not realizing until then how Mark was really feeling. Yes, he was a little angry with the boy, but not that angry as to quit their friendship.

"You're making it more dramatic than it actually is. Anyway I forgive you, Mark. But... Can you say me why did you act like that?" Call him a er, but he craved to hear that from Mark's mouth so badly.

Mark didn't seem surprised by the question at all. "Because when you introduced Jaebum to me you said 'this is my best friend Jaebum', but when you introduced me to him you only said 'this is Mark'. I mean, I'm not your dog or something. You could've at least say 'this is my friend Mark'. I know it's so cliché, but I really care about these details."

Jinyoung frowned, his previous smile fading away, not expecting this answer. "Oh... I-I'm sorry..."

"Nope you don't have to say sorry! I was so mean to you, I... stole your gym. But don't be mad! I'll give it back to you, okay?" Mark said, finally feeling a little more comfortable.

"Uhm don't worry, it's ok."

"Did I say something wrong?" Mark asked, searching for Jinyoung's eyes.

"It's just that... You talked to Jaebum before, didn't you? Well, he...said me something different, I'm just wondering who's lying," Jinyoung revealed.

"Oh god... Has he told you about the kiss tingy?" Mark carefully asked, uselessly trying not to blush.

"So it's you who lied!!"

"Come on try to understand me! God, it's so embarrassing. How was I supposed to..." Mark stopped, realizing that he told Jaebum also that he likes Jinyoung. "Has... Has Jaebum told you also something else?"

What could be Mark still hiding? "Yes, he also told me about that." Jinyoung decided to try his luck, maybe Mark's gonna reveal this something else.

The boy lowered his head. "Oh my... I've told him to not... Look Jinyoung, I'm not going to lie anymore. What Jaebum has told you is the truth, I like you, but I'm-"

"You what?!" Jinyoung interrupted Mark, his own cheeks now flushing.

Mark raised his head at Jinyoung's surprised tone. "Ha-hasn't Jaebum told you?"

"Well I... I lied, okay? It was my revenge for you lying before." Jinyoung crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"You're so mean... Why do I always have to be the embarrassed one..." Mark covered his face with his hands.

"You don't have to be embarrassed because..." Jinyoung took Mark's hands in his and removed them from his face, just to look in his eyes. "I like you, too." He whispered, not trusting himself enough to say this out loud.

Mark took that as a permission to kiss him, putting his lips on Jinyoung's quickly as if the boy could change his mind in any second.

"Ouch!" Jinyoung exclaimed as he backed away from the kiss, rubbing his forehead. "Take off that stupid cap." He didn't wait for Mark's reaction and just shoved the cap on the ground.

"I'm sorry." Mark chuckled. "I've just ruined our first kiss."

"Let's pretend it didn't happen." Jinyoung put his hands around Mark's neck and pulled him in an other kiss.

Mark's arms found their way around Jinyoung's waist, carefully holding him while his lips sweetly kissed Jinyoung's.

"I like you. So much." Mark said when they pulled back, then he started giggling.

"What are you laughing for?" Jinyoung asked, brows raised in curiosity.

"It's just... When people will ask me how I met my boyfriend, I'll answer with an 'I lured him with a lure module'. Doesn't it sound funny?" Mark caressed Jinyoung's cheeks while looking at him tenderly.

Jinyoung laughed, finding it amusing just as Mark does. Though he couldn't help the blush on his cheeks, he was Mark's boyfriend now.





"Anyway you still have to give me back my gym."

"Only after one hundred kisses."




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Chapter 5: Such a sweet story. I'm glad that everything worked out fine for them. Good thing that JaeBum decided to give Mark a second chance #BestCupidEver ^____^

Thank you for writing and uploading~~~~♡
Chapter 5: This is so sweet. It brightened up my day! Thank you. :)
esthieIgot7 #3
Chapter 5: really cute story! thank you! :)
Chapter 5: i can't stop smiling . . . huwaaa this is too adorable. Thank you so much author-nim . . .
2482 streak #5
Chapter 5: This was such a cute story! x] Loved the ending and go JB for being the catalyst that brought the two boys together. ^^ And that last bit made me giggle, haha. :)
seoul061896 #6
Chapter 5: Thank you authornim this is so cute and fluffy i really enjoyed reading it
JinyoungsMark #7
Chapter 5: Superrrr sweet kisses ending!! Love it soo much <3
Chapter 5: Ok altho i dont play this Pokémon Go thing but i really like this ... ^^ and i learn new things i guess (?). ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 4: Hiiiii~ how are you?is everything allright?
I know i never talk to you before but i really like this story so much..and i just want to make sure that you wont abandoned this story,,will you?i really hope that you will finish this story..i dont care about the time..just take the time as much as you need because i will wait..so...see you soon~ ^^,
Chapter 4: What's going on with Mark????
Was he that upset that he didn't receive a greeting kiss from JinYoung? Or was he jealouse because JaeBum and JinYoung are this close? Honestly, his reaction seems off. He better explain himself in the next chapter. He is a good guy. We all know that!

Thank you for writing and uploading~♡