Mad at you

Lure Module

"So are you really sure that you don't mind if I bring a friend with me tomorrow?" Jinyoung asked Mark.

Yesterday Jaebum asked him if he could join his and Mark's 'date' at least once, since he had plenty of pokémons that he needs to evolve and he wanted to use a lucky egg while evolving them, and at the same time he also wanted to catch pokémons using Mark's lure module. In that way he could gain lots of XP.

"Nope Jinyoungie, I don't mind. It's the third time that I'm saying this today."

"Okay, thank you. See you tomorrow." Jinyoung leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on Mark's cheek. When he backed away, he was afraid that maybe the kiss was too close to his lips, but since Mark didn't complain Jinyoung thought that he only imagined it.

After the day he first kissed Mark's cheek, Jinyoung noticed that it was very addicting, something difficult to stop once you started. So, the past days, he didn't refrain himself from giving Mark a kiss every time they met.

He wasn't afraid of doing that because he knew that Mark liked- ehm didn't mind it.

Jinyoung also kind of liked to kiss the older, but he always tried to convince himself that he was just very grateful because of the lure modules Mark used for him, and also because when someone would defeat his gym, Mark would regain it back for him.

He gained a lot of XP and pokécoins thanks to Mark.



The next day, when Jinyoung and Jaebum arrived in front of the bench, they saw that Mark was already there.

"Hey, Mark." Jinyoung said as he approached the guy.

"Jinyoung..." Mark said sweetly, unconsciously smiling.

Jinyoung was just about to kiss him, like their nearly daily routine, but he stopped and backed away as he remembered that they weren't alone.

Mark looked at him with a confused expression - maybe Jinyoung also saw some sign of hurt or maybe he imagined it - whatever it was, he decided to ignore it as he turned towards Jaebum, who took a place on the bench near Mark.

Jinyoung chuckled awkwardly before introducing the two boys to each other. "Mark, he's my best friend Jaebum. Jaebum, he's Mark."

Jaebum smiled and extended his arm towards Mark, but the boy just looked at him with a rather annoyed expression and Jinyoung started to feel a bit uneasy.

"Mark, I think that you should drop the lure module..." Jinyoung said, trying to set a more comfortable atmosphere.

"Yes.." Mark said softly before he started tapping on the screen of his phone.

Jinyoung sat beside his best friend - so Jaebum was between him and Mark - and took out his phone.

They played in silence for a while, but from Jinyoung's point of view the atmosphere was being more and more suffocating and he found it hard to bear. It wasn't like the others meetings with Mark at all.

And he didn't understand why it was like this, Mark has said that it was OK for Jinyoung to bring a friend. Then why now it seemed that he changed his mind?! He stole a fast glance at Mark, this boy really pissed him off. If he didn't want Jinyoung to bring someone, he could've just said so, instead of acting like this in front of Jaebum.

"Oh god there's a Pikachu here!" Jaebum suddenly shouted. "Look Junior, LOOK!!" He kept shouting as he shoved his phone in front of Jinyoung's face.

Jinyoung simply smiled, in other occasions he would've acted more excitedly, but right now his mind was filled with Mark's strange behaviour - he knew there was something wrong, and he was trying to figure out what. He hated to admit it, but Mark comes before any kind of Pokémon.

Seeing that Jinyoung wasn't feeling like screaming with him, Jaebum turned towards Mark and excitedly showed his phone to the guy. "Look Mark, a Pika-"

With a fast movement of his arm, Mark hit Jaebum's phone which fell on the ground.

"Mark why..." Jaebum was confused as he leaned down to pick his phone: the holes for the headphones and for the charger were full of dirt from the soil.

"Are you crazy?! Do you know how much is this phone??" His confusion turned into anger. "Yah, Jinyoung! I didn't know your so called friend was a crazy phone destructor. I swear, if it doesn't work anymore, I'll make you pay for it."

Jinyoung took his best friend's phone in his hands, observing it. "I'll help you clean it."

"You better do!" Jaebum got up as he started to make his way home. He didn't mean to act so harshly towards Jinyoung, he knew that it wasn't his fault if Mark was... He didn't even know if there was a word that could define him.

Jinyoung got up, too. He didn't even look back at Mark as he left the park with Jaebum.

This day wasn't meant to be like this, he thought that they would have fun catching pokémons together, but... It wasn't even close to what really happened.



After cleaning away the dirt from Jaebum's phone with a little vacuum cleaner that Jinyoung had at home, the two tried to put the headphones and the charger to ensure that everything was still working.

Luckily, Jaebum's phone hadn't been damaged in any way, but Jinyoung didn't know why Mark acted in that way yet. If he was annoyed by Jaebum's excited behaviour, he could just ignore him like he did when Jaebum wanted to shake hands or he could simply say 'stop it' or something like that.

"Are you thinking to come back to him tomorrow?" Jaebum asked.

Jinyoung nodded slowly, not surprising Jaebum at all.

"Jinyoung listen, I know that you're really addicted to Pokémon GO and that free lure modules are really comfortable, but that dude is crazy! Before meeting him, I thought that you two could make a cute couple or something, but after what happened today... I'm saying it as a friend, stay away from him."

Jinyoung hesitated for a second before speaking again. "It's not for the lure modules, it's just... I want to know why did he act in that way today. I swear, he's a very sweet guy and seeing him today completely shocked me! He was a totally different person, I want to meet him again because I want to make things clear."

"Why? Why do you care so much? It's not like you're friends with him for a long time. If it was me, I could understand, but him... He's just a crazy stranger in my eyes."

After that, Jinyoung decided that he was done. Jaebum was trying again to be his psychologist, and he didn't like it at all when his best friend was being like this.

"I'm tired, just go home. I'll go to sleep." Jinyoung attempted to make him leave his place.

"At half past six?!" Jaebum laughed.

"Aishh just go away JB, I want to rest."

"Okay, fine. I'll call you tomorrow and don't you dare to see this guy anymore." He said as he made his way towards the door, exiting after Jinyoung's "yea sure, bye".

Jinyoung looked at the clock on his living room's wall. It was really half past six. The lure module that Mark dropped was going to end in 10 minutes.

He knew that most of the fault - if not all - was Mark's, but at the same time he couldn't get mad at the boy and he badly wanted to see him again. Maybe Mark was still in the park, I mean... Would he really go away and waste his lure module?

Jinyoung quickly wore his shoes and put the keys along with his phone in his pocket, exiting his home and running towards the park.

When he arrived in front of the bench he was panting, and it was all useless since Mark wasn't there.

Jinyoung opened his Pokémon GO app and saw that the lure module was still active, and yet there was no Mark.

He also saw another thing. The gym in front of the park was red now, it meant that someone has defeated him. Jinyoung tapped on the screen to see who and he was surprised when he saw that it was none other than Mark.

He couldn't help but frown. He was genuinely confused. The past days Mark helped him to regain the gym when some random stranger would steal it and now it was him that has stolen it??

Why would Mark do this? Was he mad at Jinyoung?  If someone had the right to be mad, then it was him, not Mark.






A/N: I'm sorry for not updating for almost a month, but I wasn't really feeling like writing something... Anyway, the next chapter will be the last one! Hopefully I'll publish it soon ^^

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Chapter 5: Such a sweet story. I'm glad that everything worked out fine for them. Good thing that JaeBum decided to give Mark a second chance #BestCupidEver ^____^

Thank you for writing and uploading~~~~♡
Chapter 5: This is so sweet. It brightened up my day! Thank you. :)
esthieIgot7 #3
Chapter 5: really cute story! thank you! :)
Chapter 5: i can't stop smiling . . . huwaaa this is too adorable. Thank you so much author-nim . . .
2482 streak #5
Chapter 5: This was such a cute story! x] Loved the ending and go JB for being the catalyst that brought the two boys together. ^^ And that last bit made me giggle, haha. :)
seoul061896 #6
Chapter 5: Thank you authornim this is so cute and fluffy i really enjoyed reading it
JinyoungsMark #7
Chapter 5: Superrrr sweet kisses ending!! Love it soo much <3
Chapter 5: Ok altho i dont play this Pokémon Go thing but i really like this ... ^^ and i learn new things i guess (?). ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 4: Hiiiii~ how are you?is everything allright?
I know i never talk to you before but i really like this story so much..and i just want to make sure that you wont abandoned this story,,will you?i really hope that you will finish this story..i dont care about the time..just take the time as much as you need because i will you soon~ ^^,
Chapter 4: What's going on with Mark????
Was he that upset that he didn't receive a greeting kiss from JinYoung? Or was he jealouse because JaeBum and JinYoung are this close? Honestly, his reaction seems off. He better explain himself in the next chapter. He is a good guy. We all know that!

Thank you for writing and uploading~♡