let's study together

if i could talk again would i say : i ... love you !!

taemin POV ;

after that day father let me enter the room when ever I want , he said if she talk he will be proud of me , he but all his faith on me now , and I can’t let him be disappointed ..

beside I want to help sulli too , I want to get her out from her dark world , make her feel of everything around her .

after I finish school I said good bye to my friends and rushed to the hospital , I opened sulli’s room and look at her with a big smile ,

“ hi sulli , I get back from school “

I said that and set on father seat , then I toke out my books I have exam tomorrow so I have to study ,

“ sorry sulli , but I have exam tomorrow “

She look at me and nodded then lie her head against the wall , I smiled and opened my book , it’s not that hard actually I’m the 1st student in my school I always get high marks so this exam is nothing to me , in any case I have to study right !

I take a look at her she was looking at me silently , I bet she feel bored .

“ let’s study together “

I know it’s not a good idea she wont understand anything I mean she stop going to school sense that day , she stood and walk to her seat , she look at my books all around the table .

‘ okay lets start with math “

She nodded and I opened the book and start teaching her my exam and she just nodded whenever I end my sentence ..

I’m wondering if she understand what I’m teaching to her , so I pick a easy question .. for me ..

 “ can you solve this one ! “

I turn the book to her and point to the question , she nodded and take the panicle from my hand then start to solve the question  , when she end the turn the book to me and wait for my answer ..

I was shocked I mean it’s the right answer even if she solve it in other way , I look at her surprise but she give me a worried look like she’s saying .. what ! it’s wrong ?

“ yah ! you really good “

She smiled quietly this is the second time I saw her smiling on this way even though we spent a week together ..

When I saw her smile I feel like the happiest person in the world , it’s like I’m doing a good job in helping her .

I start to study by teaching her , trust me it’s work , it’s make it move easier and she learned fast .. if she wasn’t like this she will be a  successful person .

I look at my watch it’s almost 5pm I promised seohyun I will pick her up from singing class .. I put all my books on my bag ..

“ sulli-ah I’m leaving .. I promised my friend that I will meet her now “

I stood and went to the door , I turn my head and look at her again ..

“ see you tomorrow .. friend

I make sure to let the “ friend “ word be clear , I want her to feel like there is someone holding her back and that one is me .. I get out from the room to find my father watching us as usual ..

“ did she respond to you ? “

I nodded , he was looking at sulli who still setting on that seat , looking down ..

“ she’s learning very fast , she can be a successful person if she get out from her dark world “

I wasn’t mean anything wrong by that what I meant is , she leave in her dark world away from others ..

“ taemin , I think after all that 5 years trying with her .. my work was nothing with what you did .. I was wrong when I told you to wait , cuz I knew after seeing you with her that she was need someone in her age , understand her like you .. it’s depend on you now make me proud son “

Father put his hand on my shoulder and give me a warm smile ..

‘ I will dad “

I smiled back and went out to seohyun in the studio where she take her lessons ..


Seohyun POV ;

I finish my lesson and went out the studio waiting for taemin , he said he will pick me up but where is he! ..

Taemin is not that kind of person who forget they date , .. oh there is he still in school uniform ..

“ you still in school uniform you know ! “

I said pointing at him , he look at his clothes then smile at me ..

“ I was busy so I forget to change “

Okay maybe he’s right , I don’t know anything about him except that his father lee kangta have a hospital and he is a psychiatrist that’s all .

“ okay let’s go now “

He said and smile I follow him , we where talking all the way to my house , when we arrived I said good bye to him and enter the house .


Taemin POV :

Seohyun is my best friend sense kindergarten , she’s really kind girl and careful , I’m so glad I have her as friend beside she have a boyfriend called kyuhyun he’s my friend too .

I went back to the hospital yeah father well sleep over for today I don’t know why but I’m sure it’s about sulli .

I well stay here to midnight till teayeon noona finish her work , cuz I well went with her to her apartment , she live with her big brother heechul .

Anyway I set on my father office alone while he and teayeon went to sulli’s room , okay this is the right time I will look at father files .. I always want to do that but I don’t have the right time to do it ..

I take out 5 files there’s a lot of files here but I can’t read it all in one time ..

Okay the first is lee onew , he was 18 when he first came to father hospital , his problem is he had a nightmare about ; he’s died and Victoria I think she’s his girlfriend .. anyway Victoria holding a baby on her hand look like him and he’s smiling while everyone in crying ..

Okay this is creepy , the second is krystal jung wait I know her she’s in my school , she was 8 years old when she first came to father hospital her problem is she was have a sister called Jessica and she died in car accident , so krystal start to talk to her self calling Jessica name .


Teayeon POV ;

I was setting on the chair out of sulli’s room as usual , she’s sleeping and Mrs. Lee setting on his seat looking at her ..

Her body start shaking and she’s sweating , she was about to fall on the ground but Mrs. Lee hold her , she push his hand away and covered her self by the white blanket crying hard .

She was sitting with her back against the wall and hiding her face by her knee ,

“ sulli it’s me Mrs.lee don’t be afraid “

Mrs. Lee try to hold her hand make her feel safe but she was like ‘ please let me alone ‘ so Mrs. Lee turn his head to me asking me to bring taemin to help him .

I went to his office , when I opened the door I find taemin reading his father files ..

“ yah ! if Mrs. Lee know  , you’ll be died “

He immediately ratter the files in the disk and look at me with innocent look ..

“ he won’t know if you didn’t tell him “

So he asking for my help know ..

“ fine I won’t tell him , just follow me your father need your help “


Taemin POV ;

So teayeon said father need my help , when I enter the room I saw sulli’s crying ..

“ what happened ? “

I asked father who was waiting for me out of sulli’s room ..

“ she had a nightmare , go there and make her stop crying “

I did as I told , I entered the room and set beside her on the bed , what I have to do know ?

I turn my head to look at father then I back to look at sulli who still crying hiding her self by the blanket ,

“ sulli-ah .. it’s me your friend taemin .. don’t worry “

She show me her red eyes , she’s afraid I can see that on her eyes ..

“ come here , I won’t hurt you , you know friends don’t hurt each other “

I said while I’m pointing to her to set beside me , but she just look at me still crying ..

“ you want me to come to you ! “

She shook her head with innocent look ,

“ then come and set here beside me “

Few minute and she slowly came and set beside me looking at her feet , I smiled looking at her she’s look like a kid .. cute kid ..

I raised my hand and wipe her tears , she was surprise looking at me wiping her tears ..

“ you had a nightmare ! “

She nodded while looking at me .

“ and what was the dream about ? “

Her eyes start getting teary , then she looked at the ground again and start crying , oh no I wasn’t mean to make her cry again , I hold her chin making her looking at me , but she pushed my hand away and cover her self by the blanket again .

Why she make me feel like I’m a bad guy ! , I looked at my father who give me a sign to came out , I get out from her room and look at her she was lying on the bed crying hard ,

“ she start crying again when I asked her what was that nightmare about “

I said while looking at my father ..

“ okay son , go home with teayeon now “

He give me a smile , I walked to the door ..

“ good night dad “

Then I leave the hospital along with teayeon noona who take me to her apartment ..




hi guys ..

you know i love you right ? hehe ..

anyway please am dying to see your comment :'(

please don't make me disapointed ..

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mypreciouskc #1
Chapter 3: can you do this story faster plsss....
<3 update naoo . :3
Awh he likes her ! I like this story dear ;-) but try to improve your english, i mean even me , im not really that excellent in english cause its not my first language, but ill try hard. And so do you. Everything was fine, just there's few words that you spell it wrong. Anyway , the fic was great :-) keep it up!