Guilty As Charged

On the Pulse

Sehun was tapping his fingers agitatedly on the floor as everyone settled down around him, buzzing away. To his left Kystal and Taemin were talking animatedly, and to his right Hyoyeon was texting away furiously on her phone. Ten and Johnny were behind him, playing some kind of weird thumb game. That meant everyone was already gathered, except for Yixing and Jongin.

Where are they?


Sehun jolted as Hyoyeon nudged his arm. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice she had actually called out to him.

"What's up with you? You seem nervous."

Sehun tried to feign nonchalance, or perhaps ignorance, as he chuckled and shook his head.

"Just thinking about some classwork."

"Oh, I thought it was more to do with the weird text we got. Any idea what this could be about?"

Sehun shook his head, knowing what text she was talking about but more importantly, indeed knowing what it was about. The text flashed in his mind again, making his heart race once more.

Leader Yixing: Everyone to gather in the dance studio this afternoon by 4. No practice, but emergency situation. All attendance required. Thank you.

"No idea, sounds serious though."

Hyoyeon nodded, biting her lip. She looked like she had more to say, but before she could say anything, the door opened and Yixing walked in with Jongin behind him.

Why was Jongin with him?

"Hey everyone, thanks for gathering today despite the short notice. There's been an incident and I needed all of you to be here."

Everyone quietened down and was now all ears, Sehun especially. His legs were folded and his back was straight, his fingers still tapping but now on his knees instead of on the floor. Jongin sat down in front of him, which frustrated Sehun as he really wanted to see his expression as this whole thing unfolded. 

When he walked in with Yixing, he seemed rather calm though.

"Right, I'll get right to it. There's been a theft of our club funds from our safe."

Everyone broke out into shocked murmurs, including some 'what the hell', 'oh ' and 'oh my god'. Sehun tried to act shocked as well, though acting was never really his forte, so he ended up just awkwardly rubbing his mouth.

"Now I know it's quite a serious allegation, but you must understand that the first suspects we'd turn to would be the club members of course. You guys know where the safe is and have access to it. I don't know how the code was found out, but it was and the money went missing. Now, I have some good news and some bad news."

Sehun took a deep breath, hoping his suspicions about what was going to happen next were correct. 

"Bad news is, all of you are suspects in this very serious offence that could lead to termination from the team."


"Good news is, we have actually found the stolen money."


Sehun was unable to mask his expression of utter bewilderment as Yixing mentioned the last part. He glanced at the back of Jongin's head, desperately wishing to see his expression as he tried to make sense of the 'good news'.

That...that's not possible...

"Thanks to our newest recruit Jongin, we recovered the stolen money. He found it discarded outside the studio yesterday, in an envelope labelled 'dance club funds'. So that just goes to show whichever one of you tried to steal the money did an utterly horrible job."

Found it?


Sehun continued staring at the back of Jongin's head in utter shock, when suddenly Jongin turned his head ever so slightly, not fully looking at Sehun but just enough to make it obvious he knew Sehun was staring at him.

And that was when Sehun caught a hint of a smirk on the corner of his lips.


"Hey man!"

Sehun swung his arm around Jongin's shoulder from the back, startling Jongin to say the least.

For weeks, Sehun had been consistently trying to talk to Jongin and get friendly with him. He had offered to sit with him during lunch numerous times, practice the routine with him and even help him with getting orientated with college.

At first Jongin found it rather weird, especially since he had heard so much about the infamous Dance King Oh Sehun's cold personality. He just figured Sehun was trying to become buddies with the new 'It' boy since he was all about keeping up appearances and reputations.

Still, he wasn't going to deny it felt nice having someone chase after him like that. Starting college was hard, and having a senior (and someone with such a huge status at that) being so willing to help him out and befriend him made Jongin rather happy. 

He wouldn't mind being friends with Oh Sehun at all; the guy was a freaking legend.

"Where ya heading?" 

"Dance studio, my classes finished for the day and I had some spare time so I thought I'd work on the routine."

Sehun chuckled, squeezing Jongin's shoulder.

"You seem to spend every other second in the dance studio. I like that. You're like me. Well, you wouldn't mind me crashing your session again right?"

"No not at all! It's always great training with you, I learn so much."

Sehun laughed again, and so did Jongin as they both merrily entered the studio.

They practiced for about an hour, both of them giving their all and amping up the intensity as time went by. Sehun finally called for a short break as they were both drenched in sweat and panting uncontrollably.

Jongin loved that though.

He loved having private dance sessions with Sehun. Not only was he so inspired by how good Sehun was, he loved how Sehun pushed him to stretch his limits and strive to become an even better dancer. He loved how intense their sessions were, how his heart raced as he tested his boundaries and gave his everything in every move. 

"Hey, I don't have my towel with me and my legs are really sore. Do you mind heading to the back room and grabbing me a spare towel?"

Sehun was currently on the floor, rubbing his ankle and looking up at Jongin through his sweaty fringe. His face was glistening with sweat, and it was no question that in that moment, Sehun looked hot as . Period.


Jongin took a large gulp of his water before heading for the back entrance door, rotating his shoulders as he walked. As he opened the door, he realised that he actually did not know where the towels were kept in the back room, so he turned to ask Sehun.

And that was when he saw Sehun sneakily put an envelope in his backpack, hiding it in the inner compartment and making sure it was at the bottom and covered by his other things.


"This is a very serious offence, and I am very disappointed by whoever did it. Not only did you take advantage of your position in the club, you betrayed all of us and our hard work. Those thousands of dollars were raised as our funds through blood, sweat and tears. This person will be severely dealt with, but because we are such a unified club, I want to give whoever it is one more chance. You have until this saturday to confess to me yourself. If no one comes up to me, I'll raise the matter to the school board who will investigate and most definitely inflict an even harsher punishment. So please, do the right thing and come to me so that you don't have to make things worse for yourself. That's all, thank you all for coming down once again."

Sehun was finding it hard to breathe as everyone was still bustling and getting up to leave. His eyes were still glued to the back of Jongin's head as he tried to figure out where he screwed up in the plan. 

Taemin appraoched Jongin and started to talk to him, making Sehun finally peel his eyes away and get up.

Heading to the back to get his bag, his thoughts were going at a million miles per hour, wondering if Yixing somehow knew it was actually him or if everything was just a coincidence and Jongin happened to drop the envelope and then later find it.


As Sehun slung his bag on his shoulder, the deep and unmistakable voice made his heart jolt. Slowly, he turned around to find Jongin smirking at him with his hands in his pockets. Everyone was already streaming out of the studio, leaving only the two of them.


Sehun's throat was very dry, and all he wanted to do in that moment was rip that smug smirk off of Jongin's face as it made him unbelievably uncomfortable. 

Jongin walked one step, then another, and another.

All along, his eyes bore deep into Sehun's, making Sehun unable to look away as well as he got into those intense orbs.

Finally, Jongin was right in front of Sehun, so close that Sehun could practically see the small specks of light brown in Jongin's chocolate irises. Sehun was breathing heavily, willing himself to not let his gaze falter as Jongin's smirk widened the moment he noticed how tense Sehun was. 

Suddenly, Jongin leaned in closer, until his lips were barely touching Sehun's ear and his breath was fanning his lobe. Sehun's heart was practically doing acrobatics by this point, and it was truly a wonder how he hadn't suffered a cardiac arrest yet. Sehun was frozen solid as Jongin's hair tickled his jaw slightly, making him involunatrily gulp.

, did he have to smell so good?

"Next time you try to frame me for theft, make sure I don't see it."

Before Sehun could even organise his thoughts enough to fathom a response, Jongin was walking away from him. 

As he watched his junior's back heading out the door, his thoughts more or less settled and summarised into one main word.



A/N: Hi everyone, we're finally at the 5th chapter mark! Just wanted to thank you guys for supporting this story even though it's so new and for all your lovely feedback. I really appreciate it all and hope you continue supporting it <3 hope you guys liked this chap and don't forget to review! 

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Chapter 20: This is amazing. I went on it one go and wow i love it so much. I’m rooting for them. Thank you!
Chapter 13: the way you write this story is so fun and light! I honestly enjoyed it so much.
zaraaki #3
Chapter 21: read this in one go!!!!.
i loveeee this so much!!!!!
the pace and progression and characters...are just yes yes yes yes!!!!
and that last two chap caught me off guard and sehun giving up was kinda unexepected...i was literally nervous to read more...
then they want to start all over again...tahts great (but if jongin wasnt signed then sehun would just let it go so easily...wellllll....thank god it doesnt go that way )....

thank you for sharing! loved it!
Chapter 21: omg, thats what we called fate :***
sekai is love and everything, sorry i just found this story T.T
the plot is amazing, they have a really good pure love, altho its hard at first, and the break part, but they are too good to be broke, so just be it XD
thank u for sharing this great stroy authornim :)
PutriLoveHae #5
typhic #6
Chapter 20: omg i n love it xDD
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 20: I am glad they had a happy end : )
Chapter 20: IM ING CRYING
Chapter 20: Waaaaaaa!!!!! Thank you for this awesome fic. I may alone in this valentines day but it's ok I have your fic to a company me and warm my heart