Too Hot, Hot Damn

On the Pulse

"Okay, so what can we get with these wonderful vouchers of yours?"

Sehun and Jongin arrived at Big Al's, both thankful that it wasn't too crowded as usual since it was much later than the normal dinner rush. It was not the most sophisticated eating joint, but it was charming with its retro american diner feel and 70's classics playing on the jukebox. They sat at a booth, Sehun popping down and stretching his sore arms while Jongin remained standing and took out the vouchers from his wallet.

"It says here any classic meal with one side and one drink."

"Awesome! I'll have the pepperoni classic with wedges and a chocolate milkshake."

Jongin quirked a brow as Sehun continued rolling his shoulders, oblivious to how he just came across.

"I'm sorry, do I look like a waiter to you?"

Jongin's tone was not necessarily rude or aggravated, but there was certainly a hint of annoyance there, which made Sehun scoff.

"Well someone has to take care of the bags."

"What're you planning to do, put something else in my bag to frame me again?"

Sehun's grin disappeared and he rolled his eyes. Jongin was still expecting an apology at least from the pompous jerk but the more time he spent with him, the more he realised just how improbable that was going to be. 

"I'm not going to do anything, relax kid."


What a patrionising . 

"I'll get my meal and come back and then you can get yours." 

"That's just a waste of time."

"Then you get them."

"I'm already sitting, you're still standing."

Sehun smirked as he stretched his arms across the back of the sofa, making Jongin clench his jaw. He knew the git was just trying to rile him up and get a reaction out of him. 

Two can play the game Oh Sehun.


Jongin turned and while he sounded nonchalant and faked a smile, his expression darkened once his back was to Sehun and he made his way to the counter. From behind him, he could hear Sehun call out to him.

"Don't forget, classic pepperoni!" 

Oh don't worry Sehun, I won't. 


I hate you. I can't believe because of you I'm currently sitting in Big Al's about to have dinner with ing Kim Jongin. You seriously owe me big time.

Sehun furiously typed out his message and clicked send to his oversized excuse of a friend, huffing as he watched the back of Jongin who was currently in the queue. Sehun folded his arms and shook his head, wondering why he ever agreed to this in the first place.

Stupid hunger. 

Glancing at Jongin's bag across the table, Sehun had half a mind to empty the salt bottle into it just to spite him. Of course, he was way more mature and sensible than that.

The salt was precious.

It shouldn't be wasted on someone as unimportant as Jongin. 

Sehun sighed and drummed his fingers on the table, wondering why he had such strong animosity towards Jongin in the first place. 

Was it really just jealousy? 

He had no idea why his jealousy was so overwhelming, to the point of just looking at Jongin's face made his skin crawl. There was just something about him that put him off, which was strange to say the least given how drop-dead gorgeous he thought Jongin was when he first laid eyes on him.

He still is, no denying that. He's one of the finest creatures to ever walk this earth and-


There you go again thinking about how hot Jongin is.

Sehun let out a whine of frustration, ruffling his hair and sinking his face into his hands. 

What was wrong with him?!

On one hand he couldn't stand Jongin's guts, and on the other hand he wanted to kiss every part of Jongin's toned, bronze, stupidly-y body and ravish those succulent lips. 


Sehun shouted as he felt two large hands grab his shoulders from behind. 

"Ahhhh off!" He whined, placing his hand over his chest to calm his racing heart once he turned and realised just who had decided to give him the most irritating scare. 

Chanyeol laughed in that annoyingly obnoxious way that he always did and plopped down next to Sehun.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I got your message just as I finished up practice, so I came straight here. Two minute walk anyway. Plus I'm starving."

"Yeah well the voucher is only for two so pay for your own meal dickhead."

"Only for two eh?"

Sehun rolled his eyes as Chanyeol nudged him teasingly.

"Surprise surprise surprise. Oh Sehun's on a little date with his mortal enemy, Kim Jongin."

"Shut up man!" Sehun growled through clenched teeth, looking around to make sure no one had caught that. 

"It's not a date peabrain. I was hungry, he had a voucher, I was desperate because YOUR stupid abandoned me."

"Well I'm here now." Chanyeol smiled cheesily at Sehun, widening his eyes to appear cute and resting his head on Sehun's shoulder, putting on the ultimate "haha you love me" face. 

"Just what I needed, another headache." Sehun monotonously replied and shrugged Chanyeol off of him.


Jongin had just returned to the booth with two trays, looking at Chanyeol with very obvious confusion. 

Sehun looked between Chanyeol and Jongin, getting a sinking feeling in his gut at the prospect of both of them meeting. 

"Hello, I'm Chanyeol. Sehun's roommate and best friend who's obviously more handsome than him."

Chanyeol stuck out his hand with a huge stupid toothy grin plastered on his face, while Sehun dropped his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, wondering why God always picked him alone to torment.

Jongin awkwardly set the trays down and shook Chanyeol's hand, offering a small but hesitant smile as he sat as well.

"I'm Jongin. We've met before, but not properly and under much less...nice circumstances to say the least."

It was then that Chanyeol and Sehun recalled that Jongin had in fact technically met the whole gang before, the day he confronted Sehun about knowing about the framing.

Jongin had a small smirk noticing how uncomfortable and sheepish both Sehun and Chanyeol looked, remembering just how idiotic they were and how mortifying the whole incident was. 

After a few seconds of tense silence while Jongin stuck the straw into his drink, Chanyeol suddenly burst out with a laugh that was painfully obvious to be intended to break the tension, startling both Sehun and Jongin.

"HAHA, well, now we have proper introductions. Anyway, I'm famished. Aren't you famished Sehun? I'm just starving, oh boy, pepperoni pizza!"

Chanyeol grabbed a slice of Sehun's pizze and took a huge bite, stuffing almost the entire thing into his mouth. Sehun groaned, Chanyeol was always stealing his food and no matter how many times Sehun told him he didn't like that, Chanyeol gave 0 s. 

Jongin, on the other hand, stared wide-eyed at Chanyeol as if he had just seen the ghost of Jack the Ripper himself. 

"He always does that." Sehun brushed off, thinking that Jongin was just taken aback by how Chanyeol stole Sehun's food. But then Sehun noticed Jongin grimace and gulp, almost as if in fear or anticipation of something bad about to happen. 

Just at that moment, Chanyeol let out a horrified scream, fanning his mouth desperately while he was still chewing. 

No way...

Sehun took a small piece of pepperoni off a slice and popped it into his mouth, and just as he suspected, it immediately stung his tongue with its spiciness, though just a bit since it was a tiny piece.

Chanyeol had eaten an entire slice. 

As the large, grown man stomped his feet with tears streaming down his cheek and continuous chants of "Mummy help" leaving his now burning mouth, Jongin looked as panicked as ever, and Sehun was able to put 2 and 2 together.

"You know, I asked fot Pepperoni CLASSIC, not Pepperoni HEAT. Guess your plan didn't work out so well huh?" Sehun looked intently at Jongin, his elbows on the table and palms folded as he relished in Jongin's absolutely distressed state. 


Chanyeol was repeatedly smacking Sehun, hard as a matter of fact, which made Sehun shift his attention from tormenting Jongin to saving his poor, floundering friend. 

"Okay okay, here, have some of my milkshake. You didn't spike it right?" Sehun accusingly said to Jongin as he offered Chanyeol his milkshake and patted him on the back. Jongin immediately shook his head, guilt filled in his eyes as he looked back at Chanyeol who was pulling the ugliest faces trying to fan his tongue.

After taking several gulps of the milkshake (and downing some of the ice cubes from Jongin's Iced Tea as well) Chanyeol finally calmed down. He was breathing heavily, face as red as a pepper and cheeks stained with sweat and tears. 

Jongin was grimacing, looking like a school-child who had just been caught misbehaving and was awaiting the unavoidable scolding. Sehun was still watching Chanyeol catch his breath, struggling not to laugh at how he was crying like the biggest baby not 3 minutes earlier. 

"I'm...I'm really sorry." 

Chanyeol, mouth still ajar and tongue still partially sticking out, glanced at Jongin's sheepish face and did something both Sehun and Jongin least expected. 


Both Sehun and Jongin looked at Chanyeol as if he had just grown another head. He was just laughing, albeit with spurts of coughs in between thanks to his sore tongue and throat, but still nonetheless there was solid laughter. 

"I...I can't believe...he tried to spice-poison you! Oh , that's a good one."

Sehun pursed his lips and glanced at Jongin, who was slowly breaking out into a smile as Chanyeol continued to laugh. 

"Sehun ah, you're so lucky you have me. I just saved your skinny from utter pain and tribulation."

"My isn't skinny!" 

"You're a ing noodle don't pretend otherwise."

Sehun couldn't hold it in by that point, and burst out into laughter as well at the absurdity of what Chanyeol had just said in the most serious tone. 

"Say what you want, but you have the ugliest crying face ever! Oh, you should've seen how you looked. Damn, I wish I recorded it."

"Oh don't talk big, let's see you eat this and survive. It's not called the spiciest pizza in town for no reason. Come on, eat it! You ordered pizza, here's pizza!"

If Chanyeol wasn't too busy trying to stuff a slice of pizza down Sehun's throat, and Sehun wasn't too busdy trying to keep the toxic pepperoni away from his mouth, they would have noticed a quiet freshman sitting opposite them, smiling fondly at the 2 friends and thinking back to himself:

It must be nice, having friends like that. 

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Chapter 20: This is amazing. I went on it one go and wow i love it so much. I’m rooting for them. Thank you!
Chapter 13: the way you write this story is so fun and light! I honestly enjoyed it so much.
zaraaki #3
Chapter 21: read this in one go!!!!.
i loveeee this so much!!!!!
the pace and progression and characters...are just yes yes yes yes!!!!
and that last two chap caught me off guard and sehun giving up was kinda unexepected...i was literally nervous to read more...
then they want to start all over again...tahts great (but if jongin wasnt signed then sehun would just let it go so easily...wellllll....thank god it doesnt go that way )....

thank you for sharing! loved it!
Chapter 21: omg, thats what we called fate :***
sekai is love and everything, sorry i just found this story T.T
the plot is amazing, they have a really good pure love, altho its hard at first, and the break part, but they are too good to be broke, so just be it XD
thank u for sharing this great stroy authornim :)
PutriLoveHae #5
typhic #6
Chapter 20: omg i n love it xDD
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 20: I am glad they had a happy end : )
Chapter 20: IM ING CRYING
Chapter 20: Waaaaaaa!!!!! Thank you for this awesome fic. I may alone in this valentines day but it's ok I have your fic to a company me and warm my heart