Too Late?

Tik Tok

Before you start reading this, I would like to thank everyone for suscribing even though I didn't update!!! I already got 10 suscribers (: Thanks everyone...hope you enjoy this one-shot ^_^


Your POV:

*Ring Ring Ring*

That's my alarm clock. I got up groggily and tried to shut the damn thing off but it wouldn't go off. Aish... I then threw it into the fishtank. It started vibrating in there. Oh well atleast I can't hear it. It was Saturday and it was time to go back to my "Welcome to Easyway Bubble Tea!" part-time job. Trust me, that job is so painful when you serve customers these awesome blends of milkshakes and you don't have any yourself. I got up from bed and did my usual morning duties and put on a white shirt, denim shorts and white grey cardigan. I tied my hair in a ponytail and put my fringe up onto the side to reveal my acne-free face. Yes...I am such a lucky child I have nothing on my face blah blah. My mum always used to nag me to take care of my face. That's why I live by myself in an apartment. To escape the rantings of my parents who keep on getting arranged marriages for me. For once, I want to experience love in my life. I used to hate it but as time passed by, I began to spaz about it a little. But I was actually influenced a lot by my best friend Minhee. She is so into the love thing.

It was already 7:30 and I had to be at work by 8. time for breakfast. As usual. I got my shoulder bag and put on some sneakers. Then I locked the door and jogged for 15 minutes to reach the small cafe. It was quite chilly today and I could really use some coffee. I entered the modern cafe and I was greeted by Minhee with a foam cup of coffee in her hands that was held in front of my face.

"Have I mentioned that I love you very much best friend?" I said taking the coffee from her.

"Yes I know, I'm so awesome!" she said happily and we sipped our coffees.

"Hmm I see both of you are early today?" our manager said as she walked in.

"Yes manager" we said.

"Well no more sitting around, we have 5 more minutes left, get everything ready!" she barked and went inside her office. The usual dialogue in the morning. I got my badge and inserted it onto my shirt. Minhee opened up the blinds and cleaned the tables a bit while I went to the door and flipped the closed sign to open. We both went to the cash register and stood there in complete boredom.

"When's the first customer gonna come?~" Minhee whined.

"Your wish has been granted" I said and an old ahjusshi came inside.

"Welcome to Easyway Bubble Tea! What can I get for you?" Minhee chirped. Customers always went to her because she looked more approachable then me. But less stress for me. Also because she was hot. It's pretty funny how she always gets atleast one piece of paper with a phone number on it everyday.

"I would like a Green Apple iced green tea, please" the ahjusshi said in a croaky voice.

"That would be 10000 won ($10) please" Minhee said.

When he handed her 10000 won ($10) I saw a little note peeking out from underneath. AHAHA an old ahjusshi is trying to hit on her. I was trying to hold back from laughing while Minhee gave me a death glare and continued to make the ahjusshi's order. When she finished she gave me another look and handed the ahjusshi his tea.

"Here you go ahjusshi" she said and before the ahjusshi went, he mouthed call me and winked before walking off. Minhee just smiled and I bursted out laughing so hard. Oh god this is what makes me happy. Soon after, more customers came and it was nearing break time. I only had a few customers as usual while Minhee had tons. Most customers that I will have would be buisness woman who probably think I look more serious and down to earth in my job compared to bubbly Minhee.

There was 5 more minutes till break time and I was cursing time to go faster. I want lunch! Minhee still had 5 more customers to go and I was standing at reception, bored as ever. A tall boy entered who probably looked around my age, maybe a year older approached me at the counter. I looked at him awkwardly thinking he was supposed to stand on the other side but he just gave me a warm smile back. He looked so familiar...Whatever. Back to business.

"Welcome to Easyway Bubble Tea! What can I get for you?" I said in a warm voice.

"Can I please have a chocolate chiller?" he asked in a deep voice. That's my favourite!

"That would be 8000 won ($8) please?" I said and he handed me the money. I noticed that there was a white piece of paper with it too. Ok...I stuffed it into the pocket of my shorts. I continued to make the order in utter confusion. Why would anyone give ME a note? After I finished making it, I handed it to him and he smiled another warm smile of his and walked off.

"Girls, we're closing up early today, I have to go somewhere. Hurry up and get your things!" she barked and went off into her office again. People can easily mistake her for a dog, I swear. I went inside the staffroom and got my handbag. I said goodbye to Minhee and I remembered I still had that note in my pocket. I took it out and read it...

~I'm sure you won't remember me but my name's Choi Minho...I hope you can meet me evening around 7 at the park near the Easyway cafe...I hope you can make it...remember...time's running out~  

This note is so confusing. We know each other? Choi Minho? I walked into my apartment and flopped onto the couch. Should I trust this guy? He did seem familiar though...and what did he mean by 'time's running out'? One part of my head said DON'T GO and another part said GO. I don't know what to phone started to vibrate inside my handbag. I picked up and it was my parents. Oh no...

"Yes Mum?" I said annoyed.

"Darling we have found the perfect boy for you!" my mum spuealed through the other line. As expected. I've heard this same line atleast a hundred times already.

"Mum I have a date today so I'll talk to you later" I said. Wait? Did I say date? I'll just go with it...

"REALLY? Omo! Finally my little daughter is going on a date....can you ask your date to marry you?" she said so excited through the phone.

"MUM! I'm only 20 years old for god sake!" I yelled through the phone. Far out...

"OK fine fine...have fun!" my mum said happily.

"Yes ok bye" I groaned and cut the phone. Urgh my life. I still wasn't sure if I should go or was around 5 and I was just lazing around watching T.V trying not to think about it too much. But the note will be staring at me like a grim reaper ready to take my death. To go or not to go, that is the question. AISH maybe Minhee can help. I called Minhee and told her about my situation...and she squealed through the phone, and she said she was so happy for me, and that this was my first date, and she will right at my door in a sec. Bad Idea calling her.

"________!" she screamed through the door. Woah that was quick. I opened the door and she came bursting in, marching straight to my wardrobe. I followed her to see her throwing clothes all over my room. She is so cleaning this up.

"Hmm let's see...." she wondered as she looked through my clothes.

"Got it!" she said and pulled out a green floral dress and cream flats. I'm going on a date, not a party. I just shook my head but then she gave a death glare and I gave in. I don't have any memory buying this...maybe my mum bought it for me. Yeah she did. Last Friday, bursting through my door trying to force me to wear this for a date with another geeky dude. I came out and Minhee was squealing like she just saw Justin Bieber or something.

"Now for you hair!" she screamed and started to do something to my hair. I was getting nervous each second as the time was already 6:30. She put my hair into a loose ponytail on the side and braided my fringe to the other side. She then put some light eyeliner on and nodded her head in approval of her amazing work. I thought I looked like someone who belonged in a poster for clothes. Minhee and her talents.

" look so beautiful ______!" Minhee said smiling like a 1000 watts light bulb.

"Thanks...what's the time?" I asked admiring myself.

"It's 6:50...what time do you have to be there by?"

"Umm 7" I said stressed out. What happens if I don't make it?! And he said 'Time's running out'!

"WHAT?!" Minhee screamed and then she pulled me out of the apartment and told me to run for my life. I asked her if she can just give me a lift but she said that I have to run so I can look like I was very sincere to come. Urgh...

I ran for the first time in my life, for a purpose, not to go to work, or to catch a transport, but to find love. My heart was exploding, memories were coming back to me. Choi Minho was my crush in high school. I was about to ask him out but a girl called Yuri beat me to it. I gave up on him after that. I only heard of the actual story a year later, but after we graduated. Yuri forced him into a relationship because he looked hot. Soon after I forgot about him, but I think in my heart, I still love him. That's why I always denied the arranged marriages my parents set up all the time. I couldn't be late this time.

I kept on running faster and I checked my watch. It was 7:10. I was nearly there. I ran, crying that I wouldn't be able to see him. I arrived there and frantically looked around.

"Minho!" I cried. But no one answered. There was no one in the park either. I was too late. The leaves rustling were the only sounds coming in the silent atmosphere.

"Minho..." I cried silently dropping to the ground. I had one more chance to be with him but I lost it. I could never see him again. It's over.

"______?" I heard the deep voice I always loved say behind me.

"Minho!" I cried and got up and hugged him.

"It's ok _______, I'm here for you" Minho said softly and hugged me tightly. After I calmed down a bit, we walked around the park a bit in a comfortable silence before I spoke up.

"So why did you want to see me?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to say something I haven't said to you in a long time" he said looking at the sky.

"What is it?" I asked curious. He stopped and faced me. It was night time and the chilly autumn breeze was getting to me but his prescence kept me warm. He gazed into my eyes for some time, making me get butterflies.

"I love you _____" he said. He then cupped my face with both hands and kissed me passionately and I kissed him back.

"I love you too Minho" I said and we hugged each other for the rest of the night.


Hope you guys liked it!! I hope it's not boring....I would love to hear your comments! Love you all <3

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Joyvin #1
Sweet :)
SingATune #2
This is probably a bit late, but I don't care. I loved it! Seriously, keep writing! You're great at it! ^^
KPOP_lover_girl76 #3
that's so cute and sweet!!
Neverland1900 #4
its so romantic <3
chas_ssmentrok #5
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :">
bubbletea_ #6
omo...this one-shot is so romantic~ c; maybe you should do a sequel!
man...this story is AWSOME!^0^
OMG!!! I normally hate oneshots but this is EPIC!!! nice justin bieber =)
whoa!!!! wat a cool story and an awesome poster :D but awesome one-shot!!!! <3