







One sunny morning...



No reply.

She takes the hidden house key to Taeyong's house under the door mat.


Still no reply.

She frowned by the lack of reply she was if she was getting one.

Hmm maybe he's still asleep? but its already 10 am. By this time he should be awake and would already be cooking breakfast for us.

She checks the whole 1st floor of tge house before going to the only room in the house where she was sure where her man was hiding.

Ok hands on the handle. 

Taeyong ah, ready or not, here i come.

Before twisting the door knob, she heard some shuffling inside the room.

Aha! so this is where you were hiding huh? got you know mister!

She suddenly barged inside the room and first thing she saw was her boyfriend's messy room.

i repeat. MESSY. ROOM.

Ok this is VERY weird. He NEVER leaves his room messy.

Looking around the room, she still couldn't find Taeyong. She shrugged and decided to clean his room abit and tidy up his bed until she saw a light that was coming from under his blanket.

Maybe he just did his duty...

But being the curious girl she is...

Placing the laptop on her lap, she saw an article with her boyfriend's name on it.

They're getting attention nowadays. Good for them. She smiled

But reading through the whole article, it wasn't what she expected to read.

No no no...

She stood up and searched through his while room, under the bed, inside the closet, and behind the bookshelf. 

Taeyong where are you?!


Screaming his name over and over, the boy just didn't bother to reply.

No answer

Calling him through phone.

No answer

"Lee Taeyong answer me!"

Still no response.

God please tell me he's fine.

But the waters that wet the doormat of his bathroom just answered her prayers.

She slammed her fists at the door and keeps on turning the knob, but it just won't budge.

I know he keeps a spare key in here somewhere...

She steps back and notice a silver key dangling on a nail on top of the door.


Reaching for the key, she opened the door and gasp in shock.

Taeyong, the love of her life, shivering and sobbing beside the overflowing bathtub.

Runs over to the tub and turns the lever facing upwards and the water turns off.

Pulling the tub stopper and letting the water go down the drain.

After, she went infront of her freezing cold boyfriend. Taking a nearby towel and draping it around his shoulders.

"Hey..." she whispered.


"Talk to me." no reply.

Reaching out for his face and cupping his cheeks while rubbing her thumbs back and fort. Drawing her face closer to him.

"It's going to be okay."

No its not.

"It'll all go away."

No it won't.

"I know you can fight this."

No i can't.

He still didn't budge but tears keeps on falling.

Pulling him into an embrace and his wet hair while rubbing his back, they sat in silence.

After all of the water was down in the drain, everything in her exploded:

"Okay you know what? all of those things i said earlier were rubbish. I know it's not  gonna be okay, i know it won't go away, but one think i know is that you can fight this.

What you did in the past was very immature, yes, but what grade were you in? 2nd grade? Everyone went to that phase when we all of those immature actions and we didn't care what the while world will say to us because we were still kids and we still are. We're suppose to enjoy life whatever we want to happen. You did all of those because you were just a kid. A kid who didn't knew that he was going to be a trainee and a top idol in one of the biggest entertainment companies in South Korea. are more people who've done more harm than you did. Wait...uh...that was wrong...uhm...c'mon you know that i'm bad at giving advices...but what i'm good at is that i'll always be by your side. Because no matter what happens to you, good or bad, i want you to know that i'm always here for you baby. Not only me, but your family and your members. We all are here for you." she explained


She felt him shaking and hugged him tighter.

She continued, "You always pretend to tough and manly looking in t.v that i don't know where my softy of a boyfriend go. It's nice to let down your shield once to clean it and let me be the one to clean, ey? My heart hurts if you keep on bottling it all inside. Its unhealthy so talk to me or atleast to Yuta or Doyoung if i'm not around, okay?"

She pulled out of the embrace but kept his face on her hands. "Open your eyes."

She stiffled a laugh and he smiled a little.

Alas, he opened them. She looks deeply in his eyes and finished.

"Thank God i came here right on time. If i didn't...i don't even wanna know what would happen if i did...sigh...whenever you feel sad just always call me and i'll be there okay? Always remember that you're beautiful inside and out. Everyone who loves you will help you go through this. Me, your members, family, friends, and even the fans! We all care for you alright? Now come on, i'm getting hungry and now you need to pay for my hungry stomach."

She stood up and pulled him along with her. 
"You take a shower first, then i'll call your manager to cancel your schedule for today. How's that sound?"

He nodded.

She noticed the lack of response and pulled him into a tight embrace again.

"Talk to me." whispering, she said.

He hid himself in the crook of her neck and finally said something.

"Thank you...for being there for me through everything. You and the others were always there for me and don't know how to repay all of you. From now on i promise to call you everytime i go through something like this again. Thank you for being the best and most supportive girlfriend i've ever had." he said.

Stupid, i AM the only girlfriend you've ever had. she said in her mind.

"I'm disappointed that you didn't even call me earlier. Thankfully i came because i was so hungry and missed your cooking." she softly giggled.

She patted his and ran away.

"Hahaha! hurry and shower before i go beastmode because i still haven't eaten ny breakfast. Plus we still got a long day to just cuddle and watch movies." She winked.



My feelings just exploded and here what we have, a short(?) scenario lol.

So i decided to make this because of what i saw on aBOUT NCT 127 Ep. 0 

He already apologized. He already confessed on what he did was wrong. He CRIED. He has the burden of being a leader so he has to appear strong for s. 

What else do people want from this young boy? Yeah he scammed people, fat-shaming girls, being racist to Japanese people, and cursed. I don't know the real reason on why did he did all of those, but that doesn't state on why i should not like him.

As he said on the reality show, "It won't be easy for you to like me, but thank you for liking me."

What pisses me off the most is that he APOLOGIZED for crying. He KNEW people were gonna mock him for being weak. LIKE WTF LET THE POOR BOY LIVE. I never want to hear another apology from this young man ever again. 

Everyone had a bad past which we never want to bring up when we grow old. He just gotta make his weakness as his strength to inspire him to do his best in the future and show all of those haters who is Lee Taeyong.

I might not know him personally, but as a fan of SMRookies since December 2013, i've been following them until they 've grown up to such fine young men they are today.

I love these boys and a stupid scandal won't let me doubt the love i have for them. I will love them and support their music as a fan.

NCT FIGHTING! #TaeyongProtectionSquad.


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14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: ㅠ.ㅠ
But what really caught my attention was the MESSY ROOM OF LEE TAEYONG. It's just too impossible to happen. Hahaha
Chapter 1: Let's be a supportive fan and keep spreading love for our taeyongie!! <3
Its so good bru keep on writing