
Windy Day

Windy Day

You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as the bitter winter wind gusts through the square. You were huddled in a ball, body crouched and arms wrapped around your torso. While winter days were usually tolerable, today wasn’t. You absolutely detested those cold and unforgiving windy days.

The question remains as to why you were outside, while any sane person would’ve been inside judging from the vacant streets. However, there was something that called out to you today, an instinctual feeling that asked, no demanded, for you to come here. It didn’t matter that it was completely unnecessary and uncomfortable, something in you refused to allow you to go home.

Curling your hands into little balls inside your mittens, you continued to wait on the wooden bench that you were perched lightly on. As a particular fearsome burst of wind threatened to knock the woolen tuque off of your head, you decided you were at your limit. There was no point in waiting around any longer for something to happen and it was a waste of time and energy. Stretching your stiff arms and immediately regretting the action as an ice cold breeze snuck into your jacket, you prepared to walk home.

Just as you were about to leave, footsteps thundered down the sidewalk behind you accompanied by hearty and breathless laughter. Turning around, you were greeted with quite the spectacle.

It was a young man sprinting while indignant voices shouted from behind him. However, it was clear he thought very little of it and continued to guffaw while running as fast as his legs would take him. As he drew closer, you could begin make out his features and you had to stifle a gasp.

It couldn’t be.

The man’s dark brown curls were tucked in an identical tuque, however the excessive actions resulted in the hat becoming lopsided and in danger of falling off. His jawline had become stronger and more prominent, as did his cheekbones. However, his eyes remained the same, their youthful sparkle combined with a hint mischievousness. His breath was coming out in quick puffs and his lips were pulled into a wide grin.

Yet it seemed as if he didn’t notice you standing there, his eyes were focused solely on the distance. You didn’t mind though, knowing it was just a part of who he was. Either ways, simply being aware that he was back was enough for you, you could always find him at another date. Even knowing that didn’t stop you from continuing to gaze at his quickly approaching figure, taking in his presence that you had been deprived of for so long.

When he flew by another gust of wind buffeted you, however this particular gust was unlike the earlier ones. It was gentler for one, and so much warmer. It sent your heart racing and a familiar tingle down your spine. You closed your eyes, reveling in this long-forgotten feeling, nostalgia filling your mind. Without even being conscious of it, your cheeks had turned a bright apple red and not because of the cold.

Jongdae, you never change.

In a blink of an eye, winter had melted away and spring had arrived. It was your favourite season for a few reasons, one of them having to do with the bright eyed and cheeky boy who was like the wind. As the wind causes trees to tremble and pinwheels to spin, he did the same to you, causing your body to tremble and mind to spin. You didn’t mind it though, he brought with him happiness that he shared to everyone.

Why were you still thinking of him? Even reminiscing about Jongdae caused your heart to start beating harder and a flush to lightly dust your cheeks. You hadn’t seen him since that cold day in the middle of winter, in fact that particular chance meeting seemed to be only a figment of your imagination. Not only did none of your friends mention his arrival nor did he himself contact you, someone he was incredibly close with. Slowly that encounter faded away, replaced by work and studies, things that took up much of your concentration.

Perhaps it was just this particular day, the air was pleasantly cool against your skin and was subtly sweet with the scent of lilacs and grass. Occasionally a warm and gentle breeze would brush past you, giving you more energy and encouraging you along.

You had been restless the entire day, usually such lovely weather would allow you to be free of troubles. This had been the same feeling the last day you had seen him, the same gentle voice calling you.

Enjoying the walk to the square, you spread out your arms, relishing in the sensation of the breeze running through your hair. You quickened your steps, anticipation curling in your stomach. Emotions that had been repressed have exploded from the corner of your heart, leaving it and your mind in complete disarray.

As you approached the exact same bench that you had been waiting on months ago, you see a familiar silhouette leaning casually, waiting as well.

This is what Jongdae was made for; the spring.    

Your eyes alight upon his face, focusing upon his features. His dark chocolate hair was being ruffled slightly by the spring wind that seemed to wrap itself around him. His eyes waited expectantly for you, glittering with excitement and happiness. He leaned forwards, as if wanting to sprint to your side before restraining himself. Warm sunlight trickles from the sky, warming you, although it was weak in comparison to the warmth that was in Jongdae’s smile.

You were about a meter away from him when he held out his arms expectantly, waiting impatiently for you to fill the space. You stepped into his embrace without a word. It didn’t matter if your thoughts were completely jumbled and short-circuited, his presence gave you the most delightful feeling.

Sometimes the most important things could be conveyed simply through an action.

“Welcome back.” You whispered softly against Jongdae’s shoulder, cuddling closer into his arms.

He loosened his hold on you to lean back, and tilting your chin up, he smiled softly before completely destroying all of your composure with what he said next.

“I love you.”

Could he tell what these little words did to you? Judging from the charming grin he sent you, he had an idea. Blood rushed to your cheeks and your eyes widened in shock. While you seemed only surprised, you had melted like sweet sugar to his words. The warm spring wind that had cocooned itself around the two of you felt as if it was going to carry your feather-like feeling body away.

Taking a deep breath, you said the words that you’ve imagined saying to him many years ago. “I love you too.”

An evidently happy Jongdae smiled before leaning down and giving you a chaste kiss.


He was sprawled lazily on your couch while you brought two cups of water to the living room.

“So what were you doing that day in winter?” You asked, curious.

Jongdae scratched the back of his neck. “Well, I actually came back to uh, tie up some loose ends. You weren’t supposed to see me.”

“Why didn’t you come to visit?” You huffed, a little miffed.

“Uh,” Jongdae blushed, “I wanted to keep our promise.”

A similar flush appeared on your cheeks, feeling flattered. “Who knew you took a childhood promise between two innocent little children so seriously?”

“I take everything to do with you seriously.”

They say really valuable things cannot be seen, but you could see Jongdae and that was what mattered.


I know there are alot of loose ends and unanswered questions, but what I wanted to focus on was the 'Windy Day' aspect of this particular oneshot.

Thanks for reading! 

I may be persuaded towards writing an explaination of events~




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Chapter 1: Cuteee
Chapter 1: This story is awesome!!
Chapter 1: ashaslksfjlkf This was so cute!! Romantic Jongdae is the best Jongdae! (´o`ʃƪ) ˖◛⁺⑅♡
The epilogue was adorable! Speaking of which ...
٩(๑`н´๑)۶ Writer HappyPistachio back to bless AFF with oneshots! ♡